Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Hey look thats not what it says at all.

Except, it does. They're saying (although they're avoiding the question a bit) that they don't intend to put an officer on the spot to observe any evidence or take statements from anybody but the caller, and that they'll take whatever statements they do decide on taking whenever they damned well please, and only by phone.
So, you're a woman who calls the police. The police attack YOU with force, arrest you, nearly asphyxiate you, beat you again then strip you down naked in a cell to search your body. Then they leave you in the cell naked for six hours.
Except, it does. They're saying (although they're avoiding the question a bit) that they don't intend to put an officer on the spot to observe any evidence or take statements from anybody but the caller, and that they'll take whatever statements they do decide on taking whenever they damned well please, and only by phone.

No they said they have limited resources and will triage responses, thats the same as... just about every other institution on the planet.

its wonderful that you feel so strongly about something, but that doesn't mean you can just make things up.
No they said they have limited resources and will triage responses, thats the same as... just about every other institution on the planet.

Of course they have limited resources. What they're saying is that CRIME is no longer important enough for them to put their concerns into. There's more important things to do... like generate money from "the drug war" and from traffic fines. There's no ambiguity here, they are saying that the calls for criminal activity like theft just aren't important enough to spend any real time on. Evidence will be collected by phone.

Now, that last video I posted... the cops must have some pull or someone enlisted the TV station to get the video pulled, because it's gone now, just hours after it was posted. I'm on the 416 getting access through my S3 right now, so I can't really go look for it. If it interests you, go look it up... there is video of them stripping her naked with two male police officers holding her down, and doing a body cavity search. This is where totalitarian thinking leads. Imagine it was you, your mother, your wife or your daughter.

Now THIS is quite a story, too.

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Of course they have limited resources. What they're saying is that CRIME is no longer important enough for them to put their concerns into. There's more important things to do... like generate money from "the drug war" and from traffic fines. There's no ambiguity here, they are saying that the calls for criminal activity like theft just aren't important enough to spend any real time on. Evidence will be collected by phone.

Now, that last video I posted... the cops must have some pull or someone enlisted the TV station to get the video pulled, because it's gone now, just hours after it was posted. I'm on the 416 getting access through my S3 right now, so I can't really go look for it. If it interests you, go look it up... there is video of them stripping her naked with two male police officers holding her down, and doing a body cavity search. This is where totalitarian thinking leads. Imagine it was you, your mother, your wife or your daughter.

Now THIS is quite a story, too.


no they said that crime that doesn't have a threat of imminent bodily harm isn't a priority over crime that is. Reasonable in a world of limited resources. Don't change the subject.
Read deeper. They said that there are many things they won't respond to AT ALL except by phone and on their time schedule.
Read deeper. They said that there are many things they won't respond to AT ALL except by phone and on their time schedule.

Yes, because there are other priorities, they aren't saying that just for no reason. All the difference in the world.
I think you miss the point.

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I contend that you're OBVIOUSLY wrong or didn't read the article. So we'll just agree to disagree I suppose.

Regarding the 3 shot: police have shot three people whom they suspected could be the ex-cop. They warned LA people not to drive a vehicle that looks like the suspect's.

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stupid, cowardly.... and armed is a dangerous thing! Let's see what kind of excuse they make up for shooting Asian women, while hunting for a 270lb black guy!?
It's true, CNN, RT and others have had news segments on it today.

Edit: CNN video article ... he sent Anderson Cooper a package... :/

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Also found this new article here:

Sounds like the officers were on protective detail, saw the vehicle slowly coming up the street (they were tossing newpapers onto home owner's lawns), assumed it was Dorner's and just lit the vehicle up.
The article goes on to say that the police are understandably skittish. Tell that to the two asian women and the other male in a separate shooting. I see the spin has already been spun.
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