Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

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Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

now what was that about not being able to build the infrastructure in some buttfunk no where town?

and what exactly are WE the taxpayers getting out of these meetings? we get tear gas and barricades to foot the $1 billion bill?

We also get traffic delays and unimaginable disruptions to business as usual in one of the busiest downtown cores in the country. There's a joke in here somewhere...the fact that we are paying for this clusterf*ck but are unable to stop it...i just can't find it right now.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I fail to understand why they didn't hold it on the Ex grounds....easy to seal off and police, large numbers of centres and meeting facilities, housing delegates could be accommodated etc.

Trust me, the logistics of working in emergency services in the core on that weekend are brutal...I'm on 24's both Friday and Sunday :puke:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

We also get traffic delays and unimaginable disruptions to business as usual in one of the busiest downtown cores in the country. There's a joke in here somewhere...the fact that we are paying for this clusterf*ck but are unable to stop it...i just can't find it right now.

Yeppers. Toronto will lose a massive amount of money in lost productivity, all for a lame photo-op. "Look at us! We're Canada and we can pretend to be important too!"

Or maybe I'm just ****** cuz I have to work that weekend...right in the middle of all of this.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Yeppers. Toronto will lose a massive amount of money in lost productivity, all for a lame photo-op. "Look at us! We're Canada and we can pretend to be important too!"

Or maybe I'm just ****** cuz I have to work that weekend...right in the middle of all of this.

All those people coming into the city have to eat and sleep somewhere. Certain companies may be losing from their employees and other business will be flourishing.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

All those people coming into the city have to eat and sleep somewhere. Certain companies may be losing from their employees and other business will be flourishing.
Are they gonna bring in enough money to cover the $1,000,000,000 in addition to the disruption costs?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

All those people coming into the city have to eat and sleep somewhere. Certain companies may be losing from their employees and other business will be flourishing.

Police employees who are working overtime and getting 10x pay :(
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

wrong thread
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

179 Million for a 2 day event. Wow. You know there's something wrong when you have a small army following around these global government assemblies. I hope I don't have to work that weekend, it's going to be a friggin' zoo, or a war zone.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

By Dana Gabriel

179 Million...? Try more like 1.1 BILLION

By CBC News,, Updated: May 26, 2010 7:40 PM
Summit costs hit $1.1B


The cost of hosting the G8 and G20 summits next month in Ontario now stands at $1.1 billion and further outlays are likely, federal documents show.
The price tag includes $160 million for hospitality, infrastructure, food safety and extra staffing. That amount is in addition to the $933-million security bill the Tories revealed earlier this week.
"This might be the most expensive 72 hours in Canadian history," Liberal MP Mark Holland said.
But Public Safety Minister Vic Toews defended the costs for security, saying Canada has an obligation to make sure world leaders are safe while visiting Toronto and Huntsville, Ont.
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff blamed the Conservative government's "poor management" for the ballooning cost estimates.
Ignatieff said Wednesday that Canadians can't understand how the government's initial earmarking of $179 million for security has multiplied in the space of a couple months.
"These numbers are off the scale with other G8s and G20s," Ignatieff told reporters outside his party's weekly caucus meeting in Ottawa.
"We're three weeks away from the event where Canada will be on the world stage, and I want to be proud of Canada. For now, I'm embarrassed."
Not a cost overrun: Toews
In an interview with CBC News earlier in the day, Toews defended the security estimate as the "most efficient and effective" use of public money for Canada's "unprecedented" hosting of back-to-back international summits. He also insisted the estimate was not a cost overrun.
"This has been budgeted for, and the money is released as it is required," Toews said.
The estimated cost for security over the course of seven days in June dwarfs the amount spent at previous international summits and is expected to surpass the $898 million spent during the Vancouver Olympics — which spanned 14 days.
The official price tag for security at last year's G20 summit in Pittsburgh was listed at $18 million US, according to municipal and U.S. federal officials.
But Toews said comparing the costs for security at this year's summits with the amount spent at the Olympics is like comparing "apples and oranges" because the G8 and G20 meetings, with so many heads of countries visiting at once, require a very "different type" of security.
"Granted there were some heads of nations at the Olympics, but nowhere in the configuration or the numbers that are going to be here," Toews said. "I don't think you can say, 'Well, because it's seven days instead of 14 days, it should be half the price.' It simply doesn't work that way."
The face-to-face meetings, Toews said, allow leaders to deal with issues that simply can't be handled over the phone or by video-conference.
When asked by the Liberals during Wednesday's question period to explain the costs, Toews said the government believes the experts when they say such a level of security is necessary.
"I understand that the Liberals don't believe in securing Canadians or the visitors here," Toews told the House. "We're different."
NDP Leader Jack Layton said the Conservatives have "quadrupled" funding for security, and some of that money could have gone to the government's G8 maternal health initiative. Layton then chastised the Conservatives for refusing to include abortion in its maternal health plan.
"You can do a lot of things with a billion dollars," Layton told the House.
In response, Prime Minister Stephen Harper repeated the government's position that Canadians do not want a debate on this matter.
Single venue would have saved money: Liberals
G8 leaders will gather in Huntsville, Ont., late next month, then join other world leaders for the G20 summit in the heart of downtown Toronto. The security money will be used for planning, accommodation, information technology and working with security partners to protect leaders and their delegations.
The additional $160 million in costs includes about $100 million for office and meeting spaces and pre-summit meetings. Another $1.2 million is to ensure the food served to dignitaries is safe and healthy, while $10 million has been spent on infrastructure and about $50 million has been paid to spruce up the Huntsville area.
Ignatieff ridiculed the Conservatives for switching the G20 meeting venue from Huntsville to Toronto months into the planning stage.
"At first they said Huntsville, then they said, 'Oops, Huntsville is too small and too many flies. Let's high-tail it down to Toronto,'" he said. "This is the confusion we're talking about."
Holland said the government could have reduced security by hosting both summits at a single location, instead of the "logistical nightmare" of two separate venues hundreds of kilometres apart. But Toews said the dates of the summits were actually moved closer together to save money.
Holland said security for the summits is critical, but the government shouldn't be handed a blank cheque.
"We're not talking about cutting corners; we're talking about proper planning," Holland told CBC News on Wednesday. "They tried to force a round peg into a square hole."
Security plans for the G20 meeting in Toronto feature two fenced areas — an outside fence that will close off a large section of the downtown and disrupt access to homes and workplaces, and an inner fence that will control access to hotels and the convention centre.
Later Wednesday, Chris McCluskey, a spokesman for Toews, accused Ignatieff of failing to understand the cost of the summits.
"His comments indicate he has no understanding of the parliamentary budget process, no understanding of the reality of providing security to world leaders, and no understanding of what it takes to have Canada take its rightful place on the world stage," he said in an email.
"The only embarrassment here is Mr. Ignatieff’s ill-informed commentary on an event he should be supporting."[\quote]
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Police employees who are working overtime and getting 10x pay :(

I guess Turbodish won't be around then.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Everybody gets to play war man in a nice clean environment with no real risk... win win right.... 1.1billion....

Big price for a game of cops and robbers...

A big display of "us v.s. them" brought to us by them. Even thought they work for us... :confused:

Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Today's paper cites total tally close to 1 BILLION bucks (G8 and G20 combined)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... for 48 hrs of political circus. 48 hrs = 1B I still cannot believe that it can be true.

Shame on you Canada to visit such an for years resultless events at times where people wait too long for basic surgeries, public transport is non-existent outside of Toronto, roads are crappy and some kids still go to bed hungry.

Totally outrageous. Somebody needs to be accountable for political crap like this, can't believe that political parties can just spend frivolously like this. I thought that in 10 years living here I started to understand the country. I found out today that I am not even close. Elections in such environment are truly useless tool to express yourself ...
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

1 billion bucks for 2 days of meetings ... maybe they should just teleconference and save us all the money and headaches ... they'll accomplish the same either way .... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Boy I'm glad we didn't get the Olympics in Toronto...otherwise we wouldn't have the $1 Billion dollars to spend on a bunch of meetings. YEY!
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Boy I'm glad we didn't get the Olympics in Toronto...otherwise we wouldn't have the $1 Billion dollars to spend on a bunch of meetings. YEY!

Its not as if the city or province are taking a hit for the $1 billion. Its mostly federal funding, whereas the olympics were scattered between the provincial and federal governments, and funding from the IOC.

Regardless, $1B is a big pill to swallow. I suppose its the cost of global politics and having a global economy.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Its not as if the city or province are taking a hit for the $1 billion. Its mostly federal funding, whereas the olympics were scattered between the provincial and federal governments, and funding from the IOC.

Good point. But at least the olympics would've been 14 days of drunk anthem singing. Not sure what we're getting out of this. A hand-job from an out-of-towner would be a good place to start :snorting:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Spending 1 billion on a 3 day meeting for a global economic policy in one of worst recessions since the great depression. LOL oh the irony.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Seems every 6 hours the cost goes up by about $100 million. Coulda sworn yesterday morning it was ~900 million, midday it was ~1 billion, and by evening closer to 1.1 billion.

My coworker had the great idea that we should either partake in the exploitation or protest its costs. Why do we have to pay this; is this taxpayer funded; and what are the benefits?

For that much money, we could have built some subways or expressways. Or at least, the initial outlay of such before the mysterious ballooning costs take effect.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Everybody gets to play war man in a nice clean environment with no real risk... win win right.... 1.1billion....

Big price for a game of cops and robbers...

A big display of "us v.s. them" brought to us by them. Even thought they work for us... :confused:


See... the boys and their new toys. "Communication Tool"... LMFAO.

Here to stay folks.

Drummond acknowledges LRADs can cause permanent hearing damage if used improperly but says Toronto police are developing guidelines for deployment. She said officers will also only use the device’s “alert” function if crowds become riotous and will use the manufacturer’s recommendation of firing short bursts, two to three seconds long.


He criticized irresponsible users of the LRAD, including Pittsburgh’s use of the device last year when officers ran a continuous aural assault as opposed to the short bursts, which Current Corp. recommends.

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