Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I'm not sure what's worse, world leaders planning who knows what behind incredible amounts of security forces or police who disguise themselves as provocateur protesters. There are many well documented cases of this.

Following the SPP protests in Canada two years ago, Quebec provincial authorities were forced to admit that three rock-wielding black mask-wearing “anarchists” were in fact police infiltrators used to gather information on protesters.

Video shows two of the provocateurs pick up rocks and try to incite violence before they are outed as cops by legitimate demonstrators. The two thugs then tried to slip behind police lines before their fellow officers were forced to stage their arrest. Again, the fact that they were cops in disguise was later admitted by authorities. Watch the video.!
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

By the way.. If 179,000,000 of our tax dollars are paying for this little luxury, we better have FULL access to video and transcripts of EVERYTHING that goes on down there. If that's not the case, I'd like to hear a reasonable explanation WHY.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Sure thing.

- Transporting thousands of delegates to the location?
- Housing them, where? In unused mine shafts, and the overflow in tents?
- Food and catering logistics?
- Telecommunications between delegates and their home nations?
- Access to computers?

Don't forget quick and easy access to hookers and blow...
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

By the way.. If 179,000,000 of our tax dollars are paying for this little luxury, we better have FULL access to video and transcripts of EVERYTHING that goes on down there. If that's not the case, I'd like to hear a reasonable explanation WHY.

Haven't you heard? they are just going to talk about the health of women and children around the world. nothing more, nothing less, i'm sure.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Haven't you heard? they are just going to talk about the health of women and children around the world. nothing more, nothing less, i'm sure.
My interest in the health of women and children around this lovely planet is so overwhelming that I can't wait to hear EVERYTHING that they have to say on that topic :cool:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

+1. My building is right smack dab in the centre of this clusterf**k. Thank god I don't work weekends haha.

and I hope you don't have to work Friday/Monday either
I wonder if there's going to be any spillover disruption on the friday, though.


My office is in the quarantine zone. The amount of planning that is going on for this in unbelievable, as we are a 24/7 operation, and for 3-4 days, we will not be able to get our regular employees or deliveries at that site.

That said, I have asked to work that weekend, just so I can watch the riot/protest festivities from my office window!

Bad idea imo - if things get bad outside you will be locked in. Get a cot, sleeping bag and some food - seriously. You might be staying for a while.

If you think the tab is expensive, think about the firms that are located in the zone. Lost business, low productivley due to restricted access, having to hire security etc.

I'm tangently involved at RBC with Business Continuity Mgmt - there are about 14,500 RBC staff in the affected core. Anybody that has plans to get into the restricted space will need RCMP clearance and to get that you better be doing that now or else you won't get in. From what I know I plan to be as far as possible and VPN to the office. Don't underestimate this - this will be a big deal and traffic will be a mess for a while in Toronto with the rolling closures for the security convoys to and from the airport, re-routed traffic etc.

The perimeter will be up Friday to Monday and maybe even earlier / later if there are "events". I'd just stay away if possible.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

By the way.. If 179,000,000 of our tax dollars are paying for this little luxury, we better have FULL access to video and transcripts of EVERYTHING that goes on down there. If that's not the case, I'd like to hear a reasonable explanation WHY.
Unfortunately u wont have access to anything...Its for your own good so dont worry. Plus the terrorizers, we gotta prevent the terrorizers from terrorizing haah :D
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

I guess it would be too simple to have the G20 meeting somewhere other than downtown in the biggest busiest city in Canada.

Their other ones are in Washington. Seoul. and the like. Hosting in major metropolitan centers seems to be a regular theme.

And why not? we are a member country. Everyone else will host at one point or another.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

So what exactly is all this security going to mean? I'm across the street from the convention centre... does that mean I can't leave/enter the building? :D
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

So what exactly is all this security going to mean? I'm across the street from the convention centre... does that mean I can't leave/enter the building? :D

Probably can't get in without RCMP issued ID so leaving is a moot point. We're spending a lot of time where I work to get ready for this (I work in RBC Plaza) so I'm surprised that folks that are in the restricted high security zone are not aware of how this will affect them.:rolleyes:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Probably can't get in without RCMP issued ID so leaving is a moot point. We're spending a lot of time where I work to get ready for this (I work in RBC Plaza) so I'm surprised that folks that are in the restricted high security zone are not aware of how this will affect them.:rolleyes:

did they define a specific zone or do you mean the general area?

i'm in a condo down here south of the railroad tracks, but nobody has said anything in terms of new procedures for entering/leaving the building
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

did they define a specific zone or do you mean the general area?

i'm in a condo down here south of the railroad tracks, but nobody has said anything in terms of new procedures for entering/leaving the building

You'll likely be ok for access - the perimeter, while not confirmed, will probably not be south of the Gardener / railway lands. Likely Bay on the east, Wellington on the north, railway lands to the south and Blue Jays Way or Spadina to the west. A 3m barbwire topped perimeter fence all around it. To be honest, it will be worse just outside the perimeter - that's where all the crap happens.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Its going to be a huge mess down there that weekend, I wouldnt want to be anywhere near that fiasco, as if things get crazy, you don;t want to be arrested and lumped in with the crazies.

Things will get crazy, protesters will get violent, people are going to be tear gassed, pepper sprayed etc... It happens at all of this events.

Toronto is within an 8-10 hour drive of most large metropolitian US centers, there will be a ton of people protesting at this event.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Bad idea imo - if things get bad outside you will be locked in. Get a cot, sleeping bag and some food - seriously. You might be staying for a while.

Yeah, that is the plan!

Did I mention that we use independent couriers who tend to be of middle eastern/southeast asian origin, driving unmarked beat up cars, carrying dozens of otherwise unmarked packages, containing sensitive information that can NOT be opened for anyone, even Jesus Christ?
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

My office is in the quarantine zone. The amount of planning that is going on for this in unbelievable, as we are a 24/7 operation, and for 3-4 days, we will not be able to get our regular employees or deliveries at that site.

That said, I have asked to work that weekend, just so I can watch the riot/protest festivities from my office window!

You asked to work on a weekend when all the cops are gonna be in downtown Toronto, and not out policing our roads? lol
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Yeah, that is the plan!

Did I mention that we use independent couriers who tend to be of middle eastern/southeast asian origin, driving unmarked beat up cars, carrying dozens of otherwise unmarked packages, containing sensitive information that can NOT be opened for anyone, even Jesus Christ?

Do you mean "South Asian"? Southeast Asians are Thai, Lao, Vietnamese, Cambodian and a few others.
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Did I say 179 million? oooops i meant 1 Billion LOL, silly me. :laughing8:
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Yeah, I was going to post something about the number. I mean, think about that. A BILLION... I think the total budget for the last conference I attended was $24,533. And that included a happy hour for 500 people!!
Re: Police State Canada 2010 and the G20 Summit

Yeah, I was going to post something about the number. I mean, think about that. A BILLION... I think the total budget for the last conference I attended was $24,533. And that included a happy hour for 500 people!!

now what was that about not being able to build the infrastructure in some buttfunk no where town?

and what exactly are WE the taxpayers getting out of these meetings? we get tear gas and barricades to foot the $1 billion bill?
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