Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Durham evidence storage fire.


Only one list, an .xls on a stand alone PC/laptop or, worse yet, on paper in a binder on the desk. After all, its a police building, what could possibly happen.

Someone told someone who told someone about how it works. Someone decided to get rid of evidence.
If they had the list stored on a single computer, everyone associated with that facility should be fired with cause.
Police charge a 70+ yo man with arson and murder after they find his wife stabbed to death in a house fire. A few days later, whoops, all charges withdrawn and they charge someone else. Excellent work. Guy is having the worst day of his life and you pile charges on him and release his name so you can show the public how awesome you are at your job. Dont let reality get in the way of pr.

Another stinker involving an impaired officer in windsor. Crash and continue driving and police again failed to lay hit and run charges. Maybe SIU needs to be called in every time an impaired officer is pulled over. Police sure seem to undercharge compared to a normal citizen and conveniently mess up the paperwork to dodge convictions. PSA needs to change asap. This is ridiculous (again, for the 50th time this year where a DUI cop will get three years of paid leave).

An off-duty Windsor police officer has been charged with impaired driving after allegedly colliding with a parked vehicle Monday night.

A news release from police says officers responded to a call from a citizen reporting a possible impaired driver who was involved in a minor collision near the intersection of Ouellette Avenue and Pitt Street West.

Police investigated the report and stopped the suspected vehicle travelled eastbound on Riverside Drive East.

Const. Warren Anglin has been charged with operation while impaired by alcohol and impaired operation with blood alcohol exceeding 80 mg.
Another stinker involving an impaired officer in windsor. Crash and continue driving and police again failed to lay hit and run charges. Maybe SIU needs to be called in every time an impaired officer is pulled over. Police sure seem to undercharge compared to a normal citizen and conveniently mess up the paperwork to dodge convictions. PSA needs to change asap. This is ridiculous (again, for the 50th time this year where a DUI cop will get three years of paid leave).

An off-duty Windsor police officer has been charged with impaired driving after allegedly colliding with a parked vehicle Monday night.

A news release from police says officers responded to a call from a citizen reporting a possible impaired driver who was involved in a minor collision near the intersection of Ouellette Avenue and Pitt Street West.

Police investigated the report and stopped the suspected vehicle travelled eastbound on Riverside Drive East.

Const. Warren Anglin has been charged with operation while impaired by alcohol and impaired operation with blood alcohol exceeding 80 mg.
That he was even charged with charged with impaired operation and over 80 is a big step forward. There was a time when cops would keep their business card or a union card in their wallet, next to their license, so that they might get "courtesy."
Another stinker involving an impaired officer in windsor. Crash and continue driving and police again failed to lay hit and run charges. Maybe SIU needs to be called in every time an impaired officer is pulled over. Police sure seem to undercharge compared to a normal citizen and conveniently mess up the paperwork to dodge convictions. PSA needs to change asap. This is ridiculous (again, for the 50th time this year where a DUI cop will get three years of paid leave).

An off-duty Windsor police officer has been charged with impaired driving after allegedly colliding with a parked vehicle Monday night.

A news release from police says officers responded to a call from a citizen reporting a possible impaired driver who was involved in a minor collision near the intersection of Ouellette Avenue and Pitt Street West.

Police investigated the report and stopped the suspected vehicle travelled eastbound on Riverside Drive East.

Const. Warren Anglin has been charged with operation while impaired by alcohol and impaired operation with blood alcohol exceeding 80 mg.
Did he get charged with leaving the scene too?
Nope. Quite shocking. Need to start issuing psa charges to cops that fail to charge appropriately.
Hold the phone on that one. It's quite common for additional charges to be laid after the arrest, and after full investigation of the incident. We don't know the outcome yet.
Hold the phone on that one. It's quite common for additional charges to be laid after the arrest, and after full investigation of the incident. We don't know the outcome yet.
I wouldn't bet a cent on that. PSA is just a license for wrongdoing that comes with the bonus of a 3yr paid vacation at $100k +/yr. I'm genuinely surprised that more pigs don't pull Training Day type **** because they least that we know of.
I wouldn't bet a cent on that. PSA is just a license for wrongdoing that comes with the bonus of a 3yr paid vacation at $100k +/yr. I'm genuinely surprised that more pigs don't pull Training Day type **** because they least that we know of.
He's a Windsor Police officer, charged by Windsor Police, with his name publicized. It would seem that, in this instance at least, he has no friends looking out for him.
^^ Who knows what happened on that one, he was behaving bad enough that the paramedics had to call for police backup so surely he wasn't acting normal enough for them to help him out on the initial call. Convenient that video is at the end of the altercation. Doesn't show the minutes before that he was probably out of control. He says himself he blacks out for 6 or 7 hours sometimes and doesn't know what he did. If you do what police tell you to do you don't get tackled to the ground and tasered...
Time for me to read up on Epilepsy, because that doesn't sound like any seizure I've heard of before. If it is, then I want to educate myself.
^^ Who knows what happened on that one, he was behaving bad enough that the paramedics had to call for police backup so surely he wasn't acting normal enough for them to help him out on the initial call. Convenient that video is at the end of the altercation. Doesn't show the minutes before that he was probably out of control. He says himself he blacks out for 6 or 7 hours sometimes and doesn't know what he did. If you do what police tell you to do you don't get tackled to the ground and tasered...

The whole incident was caught on video... just not the video we are seeing.
This incident will be scrutinized by enough people, including CT's lawyers, that if there was some sort of wrongdoing.. it will come out and be handled.

I can understand the force used... but I would think it would be hard to convict him of the charges if he was in 'medical episode' at the time!?
Thoughtful de-escalation just weak?
Interesting. Multiple ways that could have actually gone down. Each side has done a good job promoting an agenda that aligns with their desires. Who knows where the truth lies. As for the crap about the thin blue line patch, that was obviously allowed even though policy says it isn't. Whoever is in charge of the officer should get written up for that too (or they need to change the policy). Is there any law/regulation the police follow without public shaming?
^^ Who knows what happened on that one, he was behaving bad enough that the paramedics had to call for police backup so surely he wasn't acting normal enough for them to help him out on the initial call. Convenient that video is at the end of the altercation. Doesn't show the minutes before that he was probably out of control. He says himself he blacks out for 6 or 7 hours sometimes and doesn't know what he did. If you do what police tell you to do you don't get tackled to the ground and tasered...
at least not always.....
Two officers shot in Innisfil tonight. Wishing them the best. They closed the 400 for a high speed ambulance run.

One shot in head. One in arm. Both in hospital (Orng apparently got at least one). Suspect apparently deceased.
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Looks like one of the officers is fallen.

Condolences to their family.
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