Another stinker involving an impaired officer in windsor. Crash and continue driving and police again failed to lay hit and run charges. Maybe SIU needs to be called in every time an impaired officer is pulled over. Police sure seem to undercharge compared to a normal citizen and conveniently mess up the paperwork to dodge convictions. PSA needs to change asap. This is ridiculous (again, for the 50th time this year where a DUI cop will get three years of paid leave).
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An off-duty Windsor police officer has been charged with impaired driving after allegedly colliding with a parked vehicle Monday night.
news release from police says officers responded to a call from a citizen reporting a possible impaired driver who was involved in a minor collision near the intersection of Ouellette Avenue and Pitt Street West.
Police investigated the report and stopped the suspected vehicle travelled eastbound on Riverside Drive East.
Const. Warren Anglin has been charged with operation while impaired by alcohol and impaired operation with blood alcohol exceeding 80 mg.