Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Look at the evolution in the basic day to day patrol uniform of the average Canadian police officer...
It has gone from French Blue/Navy shirt/pants, Sam Brown/, widow maker holstered .38 with perhaps two speed loaders to Black/Navy cargo everything including LBVs, exterior Body armor, Automatic pistols, min 54 rounds of (pistol) ammunition and many also carry on their person at least one 30 round magazine for their "patrol rifle"... Not to mention the shotgun in the trunk.
Add LTL ordnance such as pepper spray, Taser and baton.... You can't say things haven't got more militarized.
Look at the evolution in the basic day to day patrol uniform of the average Canadian police officer...
It has gone from French Blue/Navy shirt/pants, Sam Brown/, widow maker holstered .38 with perhaps two speed loaders to Black/Navy cargo everything including LBVs, exterior Body armor, Automatic pistols, min 54 rounds of (pistol) ammunition and many also carry on their person at least one 30 round magazine for their "patrol rifle"... Not to mention the shotgun in the trunk.
Add LTL ordnance such as pepper spray, Taser and baton.... You can't say things haven't got more militarized.
That's when we became civilians instead of citizens
I was speaking more about the United States, but not exclusively. FullMotoJacket gave a prime example.

In the United States the Federal Government, for years, was subsidizing the purchase of military grade vehicles and equipment for local, and State police forces.

Seriously ? When a video starts with a picture of a criminal . You know it has an agenda .

What are millitary grade vehicles and equiptment ? I will not waste 11:36 of my life watching BS.
Seriously ? When a video starts with a picture of a criminal . You know it has an agenda .

What are millitary grade vehicles and equiptment ? I will not waste 11:36 of my life watching BS.
Who cares the source?
Who cares the source . The listen to the speech and about peaceful march . Guess not . You will never see whole that speech on youtube or main media .
Look at the evolution in the basic day to day patrol uniform of the average Canadian police officer...
It has gone from French Blue/Navy shirt/pants, Sam Brown/, widow maker holstered .38 with perhaps two speed loaders to Black/Navy cargo everything including LBVs, exterior Body armor, Automatic pistols, min 54 rounds of (pistol) ammunition and many also carry on their person at least one 30 round magazine for their "patrol rifle"... Not to mention the shotgun in the trunk.
Add LTL ordnance such as pepper spray, Taser and baton.... You can't say things haven't got more militarized.
The change for uniform was for safety . They found if the cop wears a dark uniform he/she stands out less at night . Makes then less of a target .

The 38 was replaced because police were getting out gunned on the street . If I recall correctly police went to semi atuo after a few cops were killed in Florida . In Canda an OPP cop was killed because he was out gunned .

Can you tell me what police departments have 54 round minimun for their pistols ?

If you the situation gets to the patrol rifle . Yes the hideous AR15 . You may need more then the 30 rounds on the gun . So a reload mag is not that crazy.

The shotgun and the patrol rifle have diffrent purposes . If in a use of force situation it is good to have a choice . You can only use one at a time . So even if they have many guns. They can only use one at a time before transitioning to another .

OC spray has it's place as do expandable battons . But hey have great limitaions . I have seen OC spray have zero effects on people . I have seen people hit multiple times with a expandable batton . With barely no effect if hit in allowable zones . Drugs and rage are wonderfull on covering pain .

The reason police carry so many weapons is to have use of force options . Each situation calls a diffent use of force . The more options you have .The better you can protect the public .

The reason police carry so many weapons is to have use of force options . Each situation calls a diffent use of force . The more options you have .The better you can protect the public .

Agree in concept but if you bring out a gun to address a mentally unwell person in their apartment are you protecting the public or eliminating the problem call?
Who cares the source?
Yes if the reporting is slanted I give it no value . One example is CNN and CBC . Plus many other main media in Canada .

Great video for you watch the whole thing .

I'm shoked it is still on youtube .
The change for uniform was for safety . They found if the cop wears a dark uniform he/she stands out less at night . Makes then less of a target .

Bull ****

When Fantino was the head of the OPP he changed the cars back to B&W and the uniforms to black. When asked if the uniforms won't intimidate the public, his answer was "I want the public to be intimidated by them." That's a quote. Don't ask me to cite it. You refuse to cite any of the crap you spew on here. Look it up yourself.
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Do you get the irony of your 'who cares the source' when you'd posted an OAN link?
Ok to late in the night to review all my posts . Give me my quote or link .
Ok to late in the night to review all my posts . Give me my quote or link .
Seriously ? When a video starts with a picture of a criminal . You know it has an agenda .

What are millitary grade vehicles and equiptment ? I will not waste 11:36 of my life watching BS.
Choose to retain your world view, then, when there are actual facts you could be taking in. The video describes, in detail, the history of the various laws that have led to the militarization of police, in the United States. It details how police were able to acquire surplus military equipment at no cost ("Just pay shipping!").
Clearly, the source is of no import when the person will not even view said source.
Viewing propaganda is suppossed to make it legit ? When the video starts with George you know it will be biased .
Choose to retain your world view, then, when there are actual facts you could be taking in. The video describes, in detail, the history of the various laws that have led to the militarization of police, in the United States. It details how police were able to acquire surplus military equipment at no cost ("Just pay shipping!").
Ok so if the police pay for the equiptment it would be ok, But if they get it for me free from surplus it is not .
Why but a new rifle when the used one from the millitary will do the same job .

Many police forces in the US have very small budgets . If they can get used equiptment for free why not .

As society becomes more violent the police require more resources . I stated in a post above . The more they have the better choices they can make .
I stated in a post above . The more they have the better choices they can make .
The problem with your argument is the police are tend to show up at every situation with n+1. The police equipment is used to escalate not de-escalate the situation. North american policing has very little real attention paid to de-escalation (lots of talking about it though).
Viewing propaganda is suppossed to make it legit ? When the video starts with George you know it will be biased .
You're making an assumption that something is propaganda, based on a single image. Watch the video or read the text. Open your mind. This information covers everything from the Kennedy Assassination, to today. It gives context. It specifies the laws involved and how they came to pass. It puts the blame for the situation, today, at the feet of both political parties in the US.
Ok so if the police pay for the equiptment it would be ok, But if they get it for me free from surplus it is not .
Why but a new rifle when the used one from the millitary will do the same job .

Many police forces in the US have very small budgets . If they can get used equiptment for free why not .

As society becomes more violent the police require more resources . I stated in a post above . The more they have the better choices they can make .
Please try to focus. It's not about whether something is free, or costs a small (or large) fortune. It's about what policing has become and how all levels of government are pushing it.

Why do police need tanks? Why does the average cop on the street need semi- or fully-automatic weapons? Why are police using mass crowd control chemical weapons, that have actually been banned in use during war, to the faces of protestors? The budgets are immaterial. It's the type of equipment that's being supplied, and the manner in which it's being used, that is the issue. If the goal is "To Protect and Serve", not "To Subjugate and Oppress", why do the police need weapons on the scale of The National Guard?

Watch the video. I frequently use reasonable sources from outside of my sphere of experience as a "sanity check" on my own views. My world view has changed as a result. Try it some time.
As society becomes more violent the police require more resources .

Can you elaborate? Statistically, violent crime is way down from the 70-80's
Can you elaborate? Statistically, violent crime is way down from the 70-80's
Can you show me your statistics and your source ?

How many more do you want ?
You're making an assumption that something is propaganda, based on a single image. Watch the video or read the text. Open your mind. This information covers everything from the Kennedy Assassination, to today. It gives context. It specifies the laws involved and how they came to pass. It puts the blame for the situation, today, at the feet of both political parties in the US.

Please try to focus. It's not about whether something is free, or costs a small (or large) fortune. It's about what policing has become and how all levels of government are pushing it.

Why do police need tanks? Why does the average cop on the street need semi- or fully-automatic weapons? Why are police using mass crowd control chemical weapons, that have actually been banned in use during war, to the faces of protestors? The budgets are immaterial. It's the type of equipment that's being supplied, and the manner in which it's being used, that is the issue. If the goal is "To Protect and Serve", not "To Subjugate and Oppress", why do the police need weapons on the scale of The National Guard?

Watch the video. I frequently use reasonable sources from outside of my sphere of experience as a "sanity check" on my own views. My world view has changed as a result. Try it some time.
It is always about the money . How much of your disposable income are you willing to give up ( taxes ) ? To have a police service that is trained as phycoclogist to deal with the mentally ill ? It can be done just we have to pay for it .

Why do police need tanks . Well if a person is baracaded in a house they need it to get close to the house . They may need it to rescue a person trapped between a gunman and the police .

Rather then tear gas or OC . Would you rather police use bullets to stop riots ? They are less then lethal option . Used around the world for riots .

You will not been opressed or subjugated if you follow the laws . Police go to places when they are called . Politicians make the laws not the police .
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