Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Yesterday I saw some cops up the road enforcing a sign I didn't think was being enforced due to construction so I pulled up to ask them about it. I left with an official warning for supposedly disobeying a sign behind me. I went back and re-read the sign and I did not disobey the sign as I would've had to go past the cops to do so, which I did not.

At least it's just an official warning on record instead of the $110 ticket they said they could've charged me with.

Fun times.

They made me late for surgery (which I told them) so I may have had to actually break laws to make it on time after that.
Been waiting to see this video from inside the vehicle, the audio alone tells the whole truth.
An ambush and an execution.
The little girl is a real champion for being so calm, lucky they weren't all killed.
Fools were shooting in all directions even across from each other.
Put yourself in the passengers situation, did you hear the cops giving any instructions or just the projectiles hitting the vehicle like a Hollywood movie shootout.
I should have posted the version for indoctrinated people.
A full review using legal standards and some common sense.

I've always been leery of forfeiture laws and many police departments in the US extensively pad their budgets with forfeited items and cash. Sure, you're supposed to be able to get your stuff back, but with the roadblocks that are in place it's effectively gone.

After conviction? Sure. Control assets so that they cannot be given away or sold before trial? Probably a good idea. Actual seizure prior to conviction? Nope.


Once again video saves the day from obnoxious OPP officer.
No, the audio does not.


Didn't watch it.
Does the video include the part where the FBI agents lied about taking shots, tried covering up their involvement, etc...?

Of coarse... in typical brave cop fashion... He was shot in the back.
Didn't watch it.
Does the video include the part where the FBI agents lied about taking shots, tried covering up their involvement, etc...?

Of coarse... in typical brave cop fashion... He was shot in the back.

You should have watched it. You would then understand that Finicum was facing a cop who was holding only a taser when Finicum appeared to reach for his handgun that the cops knew he carried in the pocket he was reaching for, and which was in fact found there after the shooting.

You would also have realized that the cops had several opportunities to shoot Finicum dead long before they actually did, giving Finicum every opportunity to stand down and surrender beforehand.

I realize that the two other cops shooting Finicum in the back may appear to be bad form, and that those two cops should have instructed Finicum to turn around so they could instead shoot him in the chest. However, given that Finicum had so far ignored every other directive given to him, and given that Finicum had that day threatened that blood would run rather than him give up, they had no reason to believe that Finicum would do so.

So yes, rather than risk Finicum shooting the taser-holding cop face-on, the other two cops shot Finicum in the back to end any further threat to the other cop. Should they have held to proper and polite form and waited until Finicum had turned around to face them, with that happening perhaps only after Finicum has shot the taser-holding cop dead? If you really think that I really have to wonder what world you are living in.

Does getting shot in the back suck? I'm sure if Finicum was able to answer today, that he would say yes, it sucks. However, by most accounts including Finicum's own words on video, Finicum on that day was quite ready and willing to go down in a Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid blaze of glory, and his own actions pretty much ensured that it would happen as it did.
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Except... He got out of the truck with his hands up.. and like you said, his gun was in his jacket. It was found in his jacket, never left... correct?
Yeah, sounds like someone ready to go down in a blaze.
4:23-Appears he's being hit by something while his hands are up... then his hands go down.

No comment on the FBI lies and attempt to cover up?
Except... He got out of the truck with his hands up.. and like you said, his gun was in his jacket. It was found in his jacket, never left... correct?
Yeah, sounds like someone ready to go down in a blaze.
4:23-Appears he's being hit by something while his hands are up... then his hands go down.

No comment on the FBI lies and attempt to cover up?

I don't know that I can fault someone for not waiting until the gun is out and pointed, before pulling the trigger. He reached for it several times, before ultimately being shot. It smacks of suicide by cop.
You would also have realized that the cops had several opportunities to shoot Finicum dead long before they actually did, giving Finicum every opportunity to stand down and surrender beforehand.

So yes, rather than risk Finicum shooting the taser-holding cop face-on, the other two cops shot Finicum in the back to end any further threat

If they had taken the opportunity to shoot him beforehand, according to the video I saw, it would have an execution. Also he's on record as saying he will never shoot first. And he never did. Additionally, with all the armed cops available, why would a taser cop break cover to a known armed man in flight? I don't understand why cops put themselves into harms way then use that as a lame excuse to kill. And, worse, Monday morning QB's defend it.
If they had taken the opportunity to shoot him beforehand, according to the video I saw, it would have an execution. Also he's on record as saying he will never shoot first. And he never did. Additionally, with all the armed cops available, why would a taser cop break cover to a known armed man in flight? I don't understand why cops put themselves into harms way then use that as a lame excuse to kill. And, worse, Monday morning QB's defend it.

For the same reason that Monday Morning Quarterbacks find fault? ;)
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