Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving's an interesting one

seems this young Toronto man is charged with assaulting the Police's fists with his face


I think the most telling thing is that 2 people in close proximity called the police. Its pretty obvious they didn't do a good job of announcing that they were police officers or forgot they were plain clothes.

Could you imagine if the guy was a gun owner and his wife shot the officers rather than call police thinking they were being attacked?

Although I guess more officers would be careful about identifying themselves properly before attacking someone.
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Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Maybe 'Ross' repeatedly kept falling and the officers were trying to assist him to his feet.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Someone needs to go around to his house and check the incline of his porch+sidewalk. That's a known area for sharp inclines, and it's probable that the perpetrator slid back into the officer's fists. Perhaps Brian is free this evening?
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving's an interesting one

seems this young Toronto man is charged with assaulting the Police's fists with his face

I see Indiana is passing law that would allow citizens to shoot police officers if they feel they are entering their property illegaly. As much as I don't agree with that type of stand your ground laws it will make for some cautious law enforcement.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Maybe LEO's are putting a little too much faith in Facebook as the prefered choice for sloppy work...

Brutal. Again no recourse for the victim of terrible police work. There needs to be a way to get legal fees covered by police for lazy police work that costs citizens thousands.

In my business if my poor work costs another person I could be sued for damages. Why shouldn't it be the same for police? Take it out of the union accounts that are spent to defend crooked cops.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Brutal. Again no recourse for the victim of terrible police work. There needs to be a way to get legal fees covered by police for lazy police work that costs citizens thousands.

In my business if my poor work costs another person I could be sued for damages. Why shouldn't it be the same for police? Take it out of the union accounts that are spent to defend crooked cops.

Do you also believe that the guilty should cough up the cost of their conviction/imprisonment/investigation/legal fees?
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

I see Indiana is passing law that would allow citizens to shoot police officers if they feel they are entering their property illegaly. As much as I don't agree with that type of stand your ground laws it will make for some cautious law enforcement.

There has been at least one case in Canada where a home owner shot at, and killed, police that were raiding his home. He was found innocent of the murder because of improper procedures...
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Do you also believe that the guilty should cough up the cost of their conviction/imprisonment/investigation/legal fees?

Those costs are borne by society as a whole not an individual citizen. If you would like to split this girls legal fees between the rest of Toronto, Ontario, Canada sure.

The point is poor police work ended up costing this women thousands of dollars. That shouldn't happen just because someone points to a bad profile picture and says 'They did it'. That isn't proper police work and as such there should be recourse for the costs she was FORCED to endure.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Those costs are borne by society as a whole not an individual citizen. If you would like to split this girls legal fees between the rest of Toronto, Ontario, Canada sure.

The point is poor police work ended up costing this women thousands of dollars. That shouldn't happen just because someone points to a bad profile picture and says 'They did it'. That isn't proper police work and as such there should be recourse for the costs she was FORCED to endure.

I would also lay it at the feet of The Crown involved who didn't verify, to use a common turn of phrase we've heard, if there was a reasonable prospect of conviction. It was the case in the Michael Bryant case where, despite my dislike of the man and his politics, I agree with the result. There was even less in this case, and yet they went forward.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Those costs are borne by society as a whole not an individual citizen. If you would like to split this girls legal fees between the rest of Toronto, Ontario, Canada sure.

The point is poor police work ended up costing this women thousands of dollars. That shouldn't happen just because someone points to a bad profile picture and says 'They did it'. That isn't proper police work and as such there should be recourse for the costs she was FORCED to endure.

then no, I don't agree with your one sided view of costs. talk about having your cake and eating it too. As a taxpayer, there is no way I am going to agree to pay for both guilty and the innocent.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

then no, I don't agree with your one sided view of costs. talk about having your cake and eating it too. As a taxpayer, there is no way I am going to agree to pay for both guilty and the innocent.

You believe if you don't do your job properly there should be no legal recourse to recoup the costs imposed?

I know in my job if though my poor work I cause damage I can be sued by the parties I have wronged. Most jobs operate that way which is why most professionals have insurance. Why shouldn't police be held to the same standards?

What that officer did was nothing close to proper police work and as thus she should be responsible for the impact of her choices.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

was I not clear the first time? No i don't believe in recouping costs from the crown for being innocent of criminal charges, the same way I don't believe the guilty should pay costs.

it is not comparable to commerical transactions. don't even bother.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Wow those undercover bitches really did damage to that mans face.

If cops EVER did that to me, they would be fired and sent to Alaska with a sweater and pack of matches.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

was I not clear the first time? No i don't believe in recouping costs from the crown for being innocent of criminal charges, the same way I don't believe the guilty should pay costs.

it is not comparable to commerical transactions. don't even bother.

No recoup from the crown. Re-coup from the individual or via the police union as I stated earlier.

Its ok for police to cost individuals thousands of dollars because of poor police work but heaven forbid a citizen costs an officer money to pay for their mistakes. Its an established practice in most industries to recoup costs if an individuals actions caused the loss of money. I don't see why Police should be the only ones protected.

If a lawyer does sloppy work on a contract or legal paperwork that costs his/her client money you better believe there would be a lawsuit and a justified one at that. Ineptness shouldn't go without punishment because you wear a badge.
Re: Ottawa police officer charged with stunt driving

Wow those undercover bitches really did damage to that mans face.

If cops EVER did that to me, they would be fired and sent to Alaska with a sweater and pack of matches.

Its his word against two cops. The cops will always claim they identified themselves as Police officers, it was a very violent struggle and he was resisting. They will claim that any punches that were thrown were done so to subdue the attack on themselves or to protect themselves from him reaching for an unknown weapon. This guy will need more than just his wife as a witness to prove any wrong doing by police. To bring these cops to justice he will need video recording of him getting beat up, while holding up today's newspaper, 2 pieces of each cops I.D visible to the camera, 4 to 5 independent witnesses with no criminal history, plus a seamen sample.
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