Latest SCAM (Sump and Back Flow Inspection)

A few years ago I taught telemarketing sales tactics to new hires in Canada's largest high pressure contact centres. It's ironic that the Canadian reps were trained to sell their assets off, while the offshore center in India was only trained to deliver customer service.

When I got offshore calls during a lecture, I'd bust it out live to the class then play with the scammers. Then we'd do a call review on the session.
Ugly fact: telemarketers are coached to hang up immediately if the heary a racial slur. Their handlers don't want them getting worked up, and know those calls are a waste of time.
I have heard it two ways.... Phonetically (sorry the best I can do...)
ben ch•aw•d
ben ch•oh•d

I usually try the above until they start yelling at me calling me a "mother................" Then I know they got the point....

I reserve this one for offshore scammers, obviously not legit outbound call centres or anyone that seems to be local or knows my name etc.
Had Ken's duct cleaning call me a while back. He was very aggressive when i asked to be taken off his calling list. I called him a useless sack of monkey poo. He called me back 3 times screaming at me. Lol
I got one today from some "home energy auditor".... I asked was why their call display was corrupt, the response back was click.
A bit of a blurb from somewhere, NYC?, but a guy got lured from a bar and roofied. When he woke up he found they'd used his facial recognition to open his phone and loot a couple of grand from his accounts.

Sounds too fishy. Is there more to it?
A bit of a blurb from somewhere, NYC?, but a guy got lured from a bar and roofied. When he woke up he found they'd used his facial recognition to open his phone and loot a couple of grand from his accounts.

Sounds too fishy. Is there more to it?

Lucky he didn't wake up in a bathtub full of ice and missing some organs. How are people not paying attention to their drinks in 2023.
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