Late night thread

Very sobering, touching, sad...

Road crash: An otherwise ordinary day

Every day, several people are killed on the UK's roads. From each casualty there is a tale of lives shattered. In the first of four articles looking at the anatomy of a fatal road crash, Adrian Brown pieces together the events that led an ordinary day to end in tragedy for one family.

Scooter rider - 4 page story
sweet.. another late night up. I don't even consider this late, to be honest. It's only... almost midnight. Either way, the Colts won another one... woo hoo! :D
Blaaah I can't sleep!!

Then my boss starts complaining when I'm late every day... haha
What the hell is going on in this thread?

I ate 12 powdered donuts and now i can't sleep. :snorting:

Note to self> If R6 invites you over for a pasta dinner, just say no thank you. :p
What the hell is going on in this thread?

I ate 12 powdered donuts and now i can't sleep. :snorting:

Note to self> If R6 invites you over for a pasta dinner, just say no thank you. :p

I've been into the bottle, a bag of doritos and a crappy B zombie movie....
I can't sleep either!
Up studying for a Project Management Exam on monday, oh my head hurts !!!
At work. No end in sight.
Got home work an hour ago and had a shower. Now I'm on GTAM what has my life become;)
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