Last night I T-Boned a transit bus...

As a bus driver, I can tell u the accident is automatically reported and insurance notified. If that bus driver did not notify a supervisor immediately after u hit the bus he's in bigger **** than u. Cuz if anyone was on bus and they file a lawsuit for an accident on a bus that wasnt reported? Thats grounds for dismissal. Im sorry dude, I wanna say fight, but it seems u would be bringing more grief to yourself and the officer who was cool enough to not arrest u on the spot for not being properly licensed to operate your motor vehicle. Im pretty sure he couldve at least impounded ur bike to add to your headache. I cant say TTC's insurance wont contact yours immediately, but I wouldnt bet money.

Edit, sorry, didnt noticed u said no one was on bus, they may cut u some slack on the TTC side of it just because of that fact. For TTC to fix the bus (BTW, that fibre in your tire is from the wall of the bus, so there is slight damage to the bus)doesnt really cost them anything, so u may just skate and have to eat your own repair bill and the ticket.
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you should fight it in court and tell them what really happened. The bus ran the stop sign, not you. they have to prove it, or disprove it either way. depending what time it was you have 30 mins past sunset with your M1.

Chances are the bus driver will not report it if it wasn't really noticable damage- He would have to fill out a ton of paper work and stay past his shift.

I would honestly just fight the stop sign thing, to get reduced points and not mention anything else.

I'm just wondering how big that tree was, as I can understand not seeing the stop sign... but a city bus?

Obviously you didn't learn to check ahead, especially at intersections at your training class.

On the otherhand, the cop could have fined you up the *** for everything, invalid liscence, stop sign running, careless driving, plus he could have confiscated your bike for driving after dark and suspeneded your G license as well.

As any gambler knows, quit while you are ahead
first off - I wouldn't post this stuff online on a public forum...

secondly.. you got off on the M1 infraction.. i would pay up and hope this goes away.

as for your insurance you can always "play dumb" and not mention it. if they dont pull your driver abstract regularly they may never see the points on your license

Why do people say this? Insurance doesn't care how many points you have, only the MTO cares about the points.
Bus had no stop sign. Bus did nothing wrong. Check the link OP posted showing the intersection...

Also read JonnyWyshbone's response regarding reporting an accident as a bus driver.

In short, don't take a word of advice from Green Machine.

you should fight it in court and tell them what really happened. The bus ran the stop sign, not you. they have to prove it, or disprove it either way. depending what time it was you have 30 mins past sunset with your M1.

Chances are the bus driver will not report it if it wasn't really noticable damage- He would have to fill out a ton of paper work and stay past his shift.

I would honestly just fight the stop sign thing, to get reduced points and not mention anything else.

I'm just wondering how big that tree was, as I can understand not seeing the stop sign... but a city bus?

Obviously you didn't learn to check ahead, especially at intersections at your training class.

On the otherhand, the cop could have fined you up the *** for everything, invalid liscence, stop sign running, careless driving, plus he could have confiscated your bike for driving after dark and suspeneded your G license as well.

As any gambler knows, quit while you are ahead
Just because an officer showed up doesn't mean you don't have to go to the accident reporting center. And you are supposed to do so within' 24 hours
Bus had no stop sign. Bus did nothing wrong. Check the link OP posted showing the intersection...

Also read JonnyWyshbone's response regarding reporting an accident as a bus driver.

In short, don't take a word of advice from Green Machine.

I wouldn't take legal advice from me either, i'm no lawyer, I'm a chef! Still, the guy got lucky and shouldn't push it any further. But really, how do you not see a bus at 40KM/h?
I wouldn't take legal advice from me either, i'm no lawyer, I'm a chef! Still, the guy got lucky and shouldn't push it any further. But really, how do you not see a bus at 40KM/h?

I saw the bus but expected it was an intersection where he would stop. Opposite to my situation.

As a bus driver, I can tell u the accident is automatically reported and insurance notified. If that bus driver did not notify a supervisor immediately after u hit the bus he's in bigger **** than u. Cuz if anyone was on bus and they file a lawsuit for an accident on a bus that wasnt reported? Thats grounds for dismissal. Im sorry dude, I wanna say fight, but it seems u would be bringing more grief to yourself and the officer who was cool enough to not arrest u on the spot for not being properly licensed to operate your motor vehicle. Im pretty sure he couldve at least impounded ur bike to add to your headache. I cant say TTC's insurance wont contact yours immediately, but I wouldnt bet money.

Edit, sorry, didnt noticed u said no one was on bus, they may cut u some slack on the TTC side of it just because of that fact. For TTC to fix the bus (BTW, that fibre in your tire is from the wall of the bus, so there is slight damage to the bus)doesnt really cost them anything, so u may just skate and have to eat your own repair bill and the ticket.

He hit the priority 1 button or something which notified his supervisor. She was on scene very quickly.

Obviously I made a bonehead error that may or may not end my riding career before it even took off. I am so very disheartened by this fact. I faced the consequences and now I am just thinking of what else I can do to perform damage control.

The officer was plenty kind and I dont wish to trouble him more. I may find his contact information and ask him if it would be okay that he not show up for court. He was really sympathetic. I hope I can continue to ride in the near future with more experience.

I've always tried to be safe... just this one exception to bend the rules slightly seeing as I will have my m2 in 10 days.... was an error i regret fully.

The officer was plenty kind and I dont wish to trouble him more. I may find his contact information and ask him if it would be okay that he not show up for court. He was really sympathetic. I hope I can continue to ride in the near future with more experience.

I would definitely advise against contacting him to ask for a favor like this. He already did you a favor....don't bug him for another one.
Hahahaha. Call him and ask him not to show up. Classic.

Still laughing....
This is neither here nor there since this has already happened but... If you were only going 40 km/h then why didn't you just stop when you saw the bus? Any reasonable bike should be able to easily stop from 40 km/h in a rather short distance. If the bus was going slow (it would have been slow if the OP said he was expecting it to stop) ample reaction time would have been present. If the bus wasn't going that slow to begin with, then it would stand to reason that even if the OP thought it had a stop sign, it might not stop in time. Something just doesn't add up in this story.
I saw the bus but expected it was an intersection where he would stop. Opposite to my situation.

He hit the priority 1 button or something which notified his supervisor. She was on scene very quickly.

Obviously I made a bonehead error that may or may not end my riding career before it even took off. I am so very disheartened by this fact. I faced the consequences and now I am just thinking of what else I can do to perform damage control.

The officer was plenty kind and I dont wish to trouble him more. I may find his contact information and ask him if it would be okay that he not show up for court. He was really sympathetic. I hope I can continue to ride in the near future with more experience.

I've always tried to be safe... just this one exception to bend the rules slightly seeing as I will have my m2 in 10 days.... was an error i regret fully.

your career isn't over... it's just going to be more expensive.
You could ask for a pretrial meeting with the crown attorney and plead your case( I did it once at court, but it's been so long I can't remember how I did it)they may decide not to proceed with it before you even step foot in the courtroom.
I wouldn't take legal advice from me either, i'm no lawyer, I'm a chef! Still, the guy got lucky and shouldn't push it any further. But really, how do you not see a bus at 40KM/h?

He did see the bus, which is a bit more concerning. If the OP managed to literally "hit the broadside of a bus" then his troubles just beginning. Plus he knowingly violated the terms of his license. Combined that equals some VERY poor judgement.

Go to court, see if you can get a break and see the system in action. Sure it might sting financially for a bit, but that the point. You messed up and could have killed yourself. As always, its amusing to see GTAMers claim foul when someone knocks over their bike (or steals it), but sing a different tune when the roles are reversed.
If the OP managed to literally "hit the broadside of a bus" then his troubles just beginning..

Oh man... that sounds really bad. I never thought I would actually see this saying come to life..

I hope you sort out your problem OP.
OP, come on man, you must have been going faster than 40km to not see a bus!! Or Not stop in time??! Didn't you look through the intersection as you approached?

You should have learnt this at your training course??

Good luck in getting this mess sorted.
As much as I am still on the side of just manning up and paying the fine, the OP mentioned he is 10 days shy of the legal requirement to get his M2, which means he has been ridding for 50 days. He's a new rider in every sense of the word.. likely has very poor control of the bike and lets be honest, is still scared of it.. I tend to buy the story that he couldn't stop even at 40km/h.

I wish him well, and I'm glad he wasn't hurt. But he still needs to pay his fine and face the consequences.
As far as insurance not covering you because you you shouldn't have been out after dark, its possible that if the cop didnt ticket you for that, it might not be in the report? Maybe they wont really ever even get the heads up. Im not sure what all would go into that report, but people upgrade their licenses during an insurance coverage period all the time.
OP What you are describing is that you were travelling Westbound Action "Avenue" to Southbound Wilson Heights "Blvd" and went though the stop sign due to lack of sight as it was covered up with a shrub.

If this is actually the case you are describing, I highly doubt you have any change to fight this ticket in court seeing as how any other experienced driver would treat this intersection like any other "T" intersection OR Blind Intersection where regardless of a posted stop sign, a FULL stop is required according to HTA. Also, I think you are lucky that:

a) you were not seriously injured in the accident and
b) there was no northbound traffic as you would have crossed without stopping the northbound lanes of a busy roadway to hit the southbound bus.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best. If it helps any, I know that statefarm will still insure you with 2 HTAO on your record, when you hit 3 they cancel the policy. For what its worth you should contact your insurance company as they WILL find out because your hit a Ministry Vehicle and they are required by law to report any accident or damage for saftey reasons. Better you call them before they call you.

I drive this street fairly often as my shop is near there and I know that the northbound vehicles speed all the time.
you're lucky you didn't get a "Breach of Novice Conditions" would have been hard to fight that and it comes with an automatic 30 day license suspension upon conviction.
I couldnt get a convenient autoshare but my friend who lives in the area (his house is where I came from) will go and take a picture of the obstruction

Here is where it happened,288.6,,0,-1.59&source=gplus-ogsb

I can't see the tree (behind the shrub) you mentioned that obstructed your view of the stop sign and I can see the stop sign clearly. Was it too dark? Well I'll just have to wait for the picture of the obstructed stop sign than.

But hey look on the bright side you lived to ride another day. Just take it as a hard lesson learned to slow down if you can't see anything on your right or left coming to an intersection. Always have the mentality that some idiot will blow a stop sign or red light whether there is one or not.

Whether to fight the ticket or not I'd fight it only because the Toronto's court system is so bogged up you might get off on a 11b or the officer doesn't show up. Paying it now or fighting it and losing the case either way your insurance will go up. At least fighting it you've delayed your insurance going up a year and have a chance of getting the charges removed.
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