lane splitting and cagers honking

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Had this thought as I rode home today.

Imagine you arrive at timmies at 7:30 in the morning and there are 5 guys in front of you, all wearing hard hats from the construction site next door. They're not talking to each other much so you know they're all from different trades or areas of the site.

If you've ever been in this situation, you know each one is picking up coffee for 10 people. You're there to get a black coffee, with exact change in hand.

You have a much smaller order and you'd be faster than all of them. Would you just go to the front of the line and order? To me that's basically what filtering in traffic is like. if I did that, I'd expect a lotta honking from them telling me how they feel - perhaps even a punch in the back of the head.
Had this thought as I rode home today.

Imagine you arrive at timmies at 7:30 in the morning and there are 5 guys in front of you, all wearing hard hats from the construction site next door. They're not talking to each other much so you know they're all from different trades or areas of the site.

If you've ever been in this situation, you know each one is picking up coffee for 10 people. You're there to get a black coffee, with exact change in hand.

You have a much smaller order and you'd be faster than all of them. Would you just go to the front of the line and order? To me that's basically what filtering in traffic is like. if I did that, I'd expect a lotta honking from them telling me how they feel - perhaps even a punch in the back of the head.

In your example you'd be slowing down the others from getting coffee. A better example would be to go to the front of the line to pick up some napkins and get out.
In your example you'd be slowing down the others from getting coffee. A better example would be to go to the front of the line to pick up some napkins and get out.

that how you compare apples with apples, not with pears !
Da Eff? Where was that truck even going? There was barely enough space for half of the truck =S
Actually, considering that rigs don't accelerate from a dead stop very well, there would have been just enough space by the time he got there. Try taking the 400 westbound ramp to the 401 - you'll see people doing it there all the time to skip the backlog and cut in at the front.
Sure, just like running red lights can be done safely, right?

So if your bike failed to trigger the green you would never dare proceed on a stuck red eh? Just can't be done safely under any circumstances? Do you really believe in that level of absolutism?
Had this thought as I rode home today.

Imagine you arrive at timmies at 7:30 in the morning and there are 5 guys in front of you, all wearing hard hats from the construction site next door. They're not talking to each other much so you know they're all from different trades or areas of the site.

If you've ever been in this situation, you know each one is picking up coffee for 10 people. You're there to get a black coffee, with exact change in hand.

You have a much smaller order and you'd be faster than all of them. Would you just go to the front of the line and order? To me that's basically what filtering in traffic is like. if I did that, I'd expect a lotta honking from them telling me how they feel - perhaps even a punch in the back of the head.

Yeah your're right, it's the exact same thing. You should never ever pass a car in front of you either even if there is say, room or another lane. Universal application of an misapplied interpretation is the best policy. NEVER EVER PASS ANYONE BECAUSE THEY WERE THERE BEFORE YOU. END OF. IT'S LIKE GETTING COFFEE AT TIM'S.
Sounds good to me. Never had someone filter me that didn't hold me up somewhat. Worst was a guy who almost took off my right mirror. That must have hurt. Then he ran the red when I rolled down the window. So, I'm stuck pulling off the road to fix the mirror, so that I can safely proceed.

He probably still has his air of righteousness and entitlement since I didn't turn him in.

Anyway try to drive your bike as safe as you are capable. That's not asking for too much, is it?

If you're still wondering about the law after being stopped six times, you might want to give Forch a call.
In your example you'd be slowing down the others from getting coffee. A better example would be to go to the front of the line to pick up some napkins and get out.

Exactly. Filtering to the front doesn't slow anyone down. (If you're slowing someone down while filtering, you're not doing it right.)
So if your bike failed to trigger the green you would never dare proceed on a stuck red eh? Just can't be done safely under any circumstances? Do you really believe in that level of absolutism?

Don't change your tune, you said lane splitting isn't illegal without qualification, that is completely false. I want to know the university you went to so I can tell everyone I know not to send their kids there.
Lets get the laws changed. UK allows filtering why not here ? We are traffic negatives. Or maybe we should make a point by puttiing large covers over our bikes for a parade up / down University Ave. that take up the complete lane -- would be a great viral video

Exactly. Filtering to the front doesn't slow anyone down. (If you're slowing someone down while filtering, you're not doing it right.)

I've never seen anyone do it right then. I always have to wait for the lunk head to pull away to avoid injuring them. Either that or they've technically run the red, and they're forcing pedestrians to walk into live traffic.
Lets get the laws changed. UK allows filtering why not here ? We are traffic negatives. Or maybe we should make a point by puttiing large covers over our bikes for a parade up / down University Ave. that take up the complete lane -- would be a great viral video


im down to it just for the hype. lol

But to be honest, filtering is very dangerous for the rider. Car/Van/Truck drivers dont check blind spots or carelessly slam you especially when the rider is at speed. Without the filtering, things get less complicated, less arguments over lanes, less accidents.
So if your bike failed to trigger the green you would never dare proceed on a stuck red eh? Just can't be done safely under any circumstances? Do you really believe in that level of absolutism?

Except that it's not the same thing. Generally speaking I get off my bike, push the 'walk' button, then wait for the light to change in such cases. If there's no 'walk' button I wait for a reasonable amount of time and treat the light as malfunctioning, at which point it's effectively a 4-way stop. Reasonable provision for such exists, under the law. Should I have to argue it in court, which I might well have to, I have law and precedent to fall back on.

Yeah your're right, it's the exact same thing. You should never ever pass a car in front of you either even if there is say, room or another lane. Universal application of an misapplied interpretation is the best policy. NEVER EVER PASS ANYONE BECAUSE THEY WERE THERE BEFORE YOU. END OF. IT'S LIKE GETTING COFFEE AT TIM'S.

It's like getting coffee at Tim's by walking up to a free cashier who has just become free, instead of joining the line who are waiting for a cashier to be free. There are times when you can and do delay people, by lane splitting, because they must be more cautious in order to avoid hitting you.

Then there are the times when traffic begins to move, when the light changes, and you're still splitting between traffic. Do you take a spot between moving traffic in a lane, delaying the person in front of whom you're 'butting'? Do you continue along the line, which is patently unsafe?

And, finally, the 'line' is not another 'lane.'
You guys are funny. These kind of threads are why I read this site. Great entertainment value.

Lane splitting = Lane filtering... no difference. I always find it amusing when people rename something to make it more palatable...

Lane splitting is clearly illegal. Why argue this? It should not be illegal. If legal I believe it adds to the safety of riding. But, since it is illegal and unexpected it adds danger.

What I find most amusing is that anybody cares what an anonymous cager thinks about their riding. Seriously, who cares? I lane split when I think it works for me. I could give a flying crap about what others think about this.
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