Lane splitters take note...

油井緋色;2092863 said:
Doesn't look like that was caused due to lane splitting. Too fast, target fixation, locked rear tire.

I don't think newbies should be splitting live traffic lanes though, start with stalled traffic (aka read lights) before you start slitting through a giant traffic jam. And for the record, I'd argue splitting being legal is the majority (a lot of Asian, Europe and Australia..?? not sure on the kingdom of kangaroos).

@Roomie I used to split a lot and still scare cars, passing them by dropping 2 and pinning it for a split second. The worst reaction I've gotten is them swerving AWAY then honking. I can't imagine somebody stupid enough to swerve toward the loud angry noise that is passing them, that's against our instincts developed by evolution.

Simply one of the more idiotic posts I've read here. This sums up why the general public have such a fond view of squids. No brain, no self-respect, and no consideration for anyone. I would never wish you or anyone any ill-will, but would never waste a shred of sympathy when you inevitably find it.
Simply one of the more idiotic posts I've read here. This sums up why the general public have such a fond view of squids. No brain, no self-respect, and no consideration for anyone. I would never wish you or anyone any ill-will, but would never waste a shred of sympathy when you inevitably find it.

What's wrong with that?

I've had riders do it to me before when I'm driving speed limit in the cage, I check my mirrors every few seconds so I know when it's coming and just smile. If somebody is taken by surprise, they need to be more aware of their surroundings and not on the ****ing phone, yelling at their kids, or getting a blow job from their girl friend.

You haven't been reading the posts. We are the worst drivers in the world according to some of the people here.
Not only that, but the major cause is too much speed enforcement, the illegality of lane splitting, and low speed limits. Once those items get solved according to those who think this way, we will become WORLD CLASS.

Make cars illegal for a month or two. Force everyone to use public transit or a motorcycle. I'll be using public transit for those 2 months while the death rates sky rocket. Then, by "natural selection", we'll have decent drivers because the bad ones are dead.

<____________< (not serious)
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Lane splitting should at least be an option in your mind when you ride. What I mean is during a special situation you should not eliminate lane splitting as an option for escape. For example, yesterday right after the on ramp to the DVP north from York Mills some idiot in a CRV decided to stop in the live lane after the on ramp to move to the left (404 north). Traffic was moving well in all the lanes. 4 cars were stuck behind the CRV guy and I was right at the end of the fairly tight on ramp corner. It was a bad place to stop, so I gun it past the stuck cars + the CRV on the right "shoulder". It was just the safer option.
So you honestly think of it was legal here we'd suddenly have the best riders in the world and things like this video or worse wouldn't happen? Have you seen the entitled twats on the road lately? Please.....

Not to mention the entitled cagers that would rage and cause **** to happen.
I don't understand what you said, never the less, still the crash on the video has nothing to do with lane splitting
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I don't understand what you said, never the less, still the crash on the video has nothing to do with lane splitting

I give up.
Same here. I forgot this is gta dick measuring forums and everyone is an expert on everything.

Sent from my piss poor iPhone while sitting on my squidly gixxxxxxxxer sippin on kool aid
You haven't been reading the posts. We are the worst drivers in the world according to some of the people here.
Not only that, but the major cause is too much speed enforcement, the illegality of lane splitting, and low speed limits. Once those items get solved according to those who think this way, we will become WORLD CLASS.

My personal opinion, based on about 30000km of European riding, 15000km of US riding, and 25000km of Canadian riding in the past two years alone, is that Ontario drivers have some of the worst attitudes. Lane discipline is nil, there seems to be a feeling of entitlement, and they lose their **** when someone "gets ahead" in traffic. Hell, just turn your head to check if you can merge, and too many Ontario drivers will goose the gas to prevent you from getting in. I don't see that crap happening anywhere else with the same consistency.

I've done copious amounts of lane sharing throughout these rides.

I strongly believe that lane splitting/filtering/sharing/whathaveyou can and is done with relative safely in lots of places around the world, and I dearly want to see Ontario (and Canada in general) come to some level of acceptance.

In many parts of the world, lane sharing is not strictly legal, but is tolerated and expected; in Ontario, drivers seem to feel they need to "teach you a lesson" by deeking out to pretend to hit you, some going so far as to outright hit you (personal experience here).

Perhaps California's adoption is one of the more legally sound ones; lane sharing is allowed at no more than half the speed limit and no more than 15 mph (or something) over the flow of traffic. Many exceed those, but at least then the blame is clear if something goes awry.

The video that started this thread is not a video of lane splitting gone wrong; it is a video if an idiot that rode beyond his abilities and lost control of his motorcycle. Many mistakes were made in that video, including lane splitting a lane splitter.
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I give up.
I understand what you are saying but the fact is that this video has nothing to do with lane splitting

The video that started this thread is not a video of lane splitting gone wrong; it is a video if an idiot that rode beyond his abilities and lost control of his motorcycle. Many mistakes were made in that video, including lane splitting a lane splitter.
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This isn't really difficult to understand. Look at the pictures.


led to this


It's not brain surgery, physics or the theory of relativity. It's simply called lane splitting and in the case of the video the op posted, the moron doing it wiped out. If it wasn't legal where ever the video was, and said rider wasn't there in the first place the accident wouldn't have happened. He'd be sitting in traffic like all the rest of the normal people. Anything else? :dontknow:
Oh yea you hit it out of the park with that explanation. Never mind that the action that caused him to crash was him going too fast BEHIND the car and then locking his brakes, the fact that he previously was lane splitting had no consequence on the crash.

He probably took a **** that morning, so I guess please, use that video as a warning, do not take a **** in the morning because it will eventually cause you to crash.


I give up.

This isn't really difficult to understand. Look at the pictures.


led to this


It's not brain surgery, physics or the theory of relativity. It's simply called lane splitting and in the case of the video the op posted, the moron doing it wiped out. If it wasn't legal where ever the video was, and said rider wasn't there in the first place the accident wouldn't have happened. He'd be sitting in traffic like all the rest of the normal people. Anything else? :dontknow:
For a guy who appears to be pretty intelligent usually you're really struggling with this eh? Same concept as the street car kid. He put himself there. Maybe the cop was wrong, maybe he wasn't but that kid made a decision to be on a street car with a knife. This clown decided to lane split when he clearly shouldn't have or doesn't have the skills to. In the end of it all it didn't turn out and it doesn't matter why. This video demonstrates lane splitting even though you say it doesn't. We would have people doing what this guy did all over the place which is why they won't make it legal here. Do you get it now or should I type slower? :dontknow:
For a guy who appears to be pretty intelligent usually you're really struggling with this eh? Same concept as the street car kid. He put himself there. Maybe the cop was wrong, maybe he wasn't but that kid made a decision to be on a street car with a knife. This clown decided to lane split when he clearly shouldn't have or doesn't have the skills to. In the end of it all it didn't turn out and it doesn't matter why. This video demonstrates lane splitting even though you say it doesn't. We would have people doing what this guy did all over the place which is why they won't make it legal here. Do you get it now or should I type slower? :dontknow:

Nope, Lane splitting does not equal crashing like that guy, once again, slice it the way you want but the crash was caused by this



at no point did lane splitting caused him to crash against the car, he only end up under the truck because while trying to evade cashing against the BACK of the car and while applying way to much rear brake, his bike end up turning right

..and I am only engaging in this explanation because I am bored watching Jimmy Fallon and some crappy band is playing :)
Nope, Lane splitting does not equal crashing like that guy, once again, slice it the way you want but the crash was caused by this



at no point did lane splitting caused him to crash against the car, he only end up under the truck because while trying to evade cashing against the BACK of the car and while applying way to much rear brake, his bike end up turning right

..and I am only engaging in this explanation because I am bored watching Jimmy Fallon and some crappy band is playing :)

I believe the argument is, if lane splitting wasn't allowed, he wouldn't be riding like that. He would've left more room for himself and therefore didnt need to panic brake? and spin out.

So i guess you could say it didnt cause it but it triggered it.
I believe the argument is, if lane splitting wasn't allowed, he wouldn't be riding like that. He would've left more room for himself and therefore didnt need to panic brake? and spin out.
I understand the argument, but understanding it does not make it valid, it is the wrong argument.

He would still be riding like an idiot and crash regardless of lane splitting.

Now, back to my PVR'd episode of "The blacklist"
Nope, Lane splitting does not equal crashing like that guy, once again, slice it the way you want but the crash was caused by this



at no point did lane splitting caused him to crash against the car, he only end up under the truck because while trying to evade cashing against the BACK of the car and while applying way to much rear brake, his bike end up turning right

I think we've all been in this position (or at least I am about 20 times a year); you want to get around the car, hoping to sneak in front of the truck. But you chicken out at the last second because the gap was smaller than you expected and/or you can't be sure that the truck didn't drift to the left with the curve in the road, eating the diagonal gap. With or without lane splitting, that's a tough angle of attack. He was carrying too much speed, and blundered trying to slow down.

When I lane split, I'm always covering the brake, ready for surprises. And it would be _really_ unlikely I'd reach that kind of speed, especially with that curve in the road. I've managed thousands of kms of lane splitting so far, with only one bruised leg (from one particular Ontario driver that decided that I deserved to be hit for my impetuosity.)

The argument here seems to be that lane splitting is never safe. Dude, motorcycling is never safe; cars, animals, and wet leaves are all out to kill you. With a decent respect for your own life, the risks of lane splitting can be minimized. If you don't believe that you could lane split in a responsible manner that safeguards your own life, understand that maybe you have a problem and not everyone has such a lack of control of their bike or themselves.

I also suggest that "sitting in traffic like all the rest of the normal people" is not a safe place to be either. I've been rear-ended while sitting in stopped traffic in Toronto and came within maybe an inch from being pulped. The driver behind me was distracted and his foot fell off the brake and hit the gas. He wrote off my motorcycle (through an incredible chain of lucky breaks, I careened a little to the left and cleared the line of attack), then clobbered the BMW car in front of me, blowing its rear tires and destroying its boot (bumper on the ground, boot lid bent up, etc). I shouldn't have been there, I should have been filtering up through the stopped traffic where I'm in control and the only hazards are ahead.
Lane splitting is for the impatient and selfish. Darwin's favourite targets.

After having spent several years living in europe, with nothing but motorcycles as transportation, I can authoritatively state that your reply (and Roomie's statements) are borne of total ignorance. It has nothing to do with selfishness or impatience. That attitude comes from drivers in Ontario, which can be summarized as **** You Me First or Wait Your ****ing Turn.
It is *YOUR* selfishness that keeps this going. You just can't stand to see someone get ahead of you.

Here's what the rest of the world gets that you pair of idjits don't: Motorcycles are not cars.

Here's what' lanesplitting does for motorcycles, when tolerance and common sense are applied:
- It's safer, because now you can't get rear-ended
- your bike has less chance of overheating
- you have less chance of overheating
- you can continue at a reduced speed through stopped or slow traffic.
- better gas mileage.

Here's what lanesplitting does for cars:
- one less vehicle in front of you, slowing you down, taking your spot at the light, etc.
- far less chance of rear-ending a bike you didn't see because you were fixated on the car in front of the bike

You know what the attitude is towards bikes in western europe is? "Man, I wish I was on a bike, I could glide through this ******** traffic."
Cars see bikes lanesplitting, and guess what? They pull aside a bit and leave some space. It works very well.

Know what the rules of thumb is for lanesplitting that prevails?
- don't split above ~50kph
- don't make sudden moves
- shortshift and keep your bike as quiet as possible.

Follow those rules and you'll have a very very small chance of missing that move the car ahead is going to make, because you're not going so fast you don't notice the wheel move first (as an example).

I do not advocate lanesplitting at highway speed. I think it's dangerous. I note for the record that this is the norm in Italy, but bikes there drive without regard for the rules anyway.. and oddly enough the cars seem to be okay with it.
"Why are you in front of me?? Shouldn't you be going 180kph? GTFO!"
"Why are you taking up space in the lane in this stopped traffic instead of riding on the shoulder like everybody else?! GTFO!!"

All that said, the video that started this thread has only a little bit to do with lanesplitting, and more to do with the rider panic braking. They were also not keeping to the rules I stated above, which can lead to the problems you see.

Keep riding your bike on sunny weekends, and leave traffic to the motorcyclists.
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Hey Sadrik, this may be the gay that hit you lol
Lane splitting is for the impatient and selfish. Darwin's favourite targets.
How is it selfish? How is someone lane splitting in any way affecting you? Do you realize that lane splitting actually helps to alleviate traffic?

You probably don't and most likely are going to say its not true without even researching the facts
Hey Sadrik, this may be the gay that hit you lol
How is it selfish? How is someone lane splitting in any way affecting you? Do you realize that lane splitting actually helps to alleviate traffic?

You probably don't and most likely are going to say its not true without even researching the facts

Nothing worse then getting hit by a gay lol
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