Laid-off? GTAM Members looking-out.....???

He emailed them and ask if 46 supports the Welder 456A for an apprenticeship like they do for plumbing and steamfitters.. THey never gave him an answer..
His best bet is to go to the hall with his resume and say he wants to write the aptitude test.
Any ideas for someone who wants to get out of teaching? I've been in banking/finance and trucking/logistics in previous lives....looking for something low stress, where I can leave work and leave everything behind...
Any ideas for someone who wants to get out of teaching? I've been in banking/finance and trucking/logistics in previous lives....looking for something low stress, where I can leave work and leave everything behind...
Canada Post. After almost 15 years of high stress under the gun environment, this is the best job I've ever had.
@Evoex what do you do there? I can't see myself being a carrier as I hate the cold weather, however, I could work in the retail end of part timers get benefits?

I was looking at going part time teaching, however, I'd still be dealing with the same set of behaviour issues, still have to do report cards, still have to attend meetings, still have to deal with parents etc. at half pay and then have to pay for half my reduced income and increased expenses with only minimal stress relief...
@Evoex what do you do there? I can't see myself being a carrier as I hate the cold weather, however, I could work in the retail end of part timers get benefits?

I was looking at going part time teaching, however, I'd still be dealing with the same set of behaviour issues, still have to do report cards, still have to attend meetings, still have to deal with parents etc. at half pay and then have to pay for half my reduced income and increased expenses with only minimal stress relief...
You could be a sub teacher and still work at Canada Post. They have other roles not being a carrier, like working in a depot. Doing sorting and other similar duties. I knew a guy who did both of these. He was registered with a few school boards and from what he said was called in quite often.
@Evoex what do you do there? I can't see myself being a carrier as I hate the cold weather, however, I could work in the retail end of part timers get benefits?

I was looking at going part time teaching, however, I'd still be dealing with the same set of behaviour issues, still have to do report cards, still have to attend meetings, still have to deal with parents etc. at half pay and then have to pay for half my reduced income and increased expenses with only minimal stress relief...
I'm a letter carrier, I already worked a shift on that super cold Friday a few weeks ago. You're on the move so much you don't really feel the cold (imo). I can't believe how fast the day goes by. On that particular day Canada Post provided hot chocolate and coffee to all employees at the depot and the Supervisors were telling everyone to take breaks and stay warm. Probably the most non toxic environment I've been in that i can recall.

Yes part time employees get benefits and pension.
Posties all have trucks now. The walking is different. More driving, and more parcels/packages.
Posties all have trucks now. The walking is different. More driving, and more parcels/packages.
Not exactly true. There are walking only routes, you'll take your initial mail from the depot and cab it to your route. Someone with a truck will bring the rest of your mail and drop it in one of your boxes for you to pickup a long the way.

But majority (especially outside the core) involve a mix of driving/walking.
@sburns only problem is to be a sub, I have to either resign or retire and my pension gets cut in half....oh, I need to win the lottery LOL
So I work with and know a few teachers here is what I learned from them.
Try to switch to a Grade 4 class. This apparently is the sweet spot for kids, and not demanding teaching wise.
Special ed class. Very small class sizes, TA to help out, also not demanding teaching wise but yeah other issues.
Go on stress leave. Seriously I know someone who has been doing that off and on for years. Heard this from other schools with teachers on leave.
So I work with and know a few teachers here is what I learned from them.
Try to switch to a Grade 4 class. This apparently is the sweet spot for kids, and not demanding teaching wise.
Special ed class. Very small class sizes, TA to help out, also not demanding teaching wise but yeah other issues.
Go on stress leave. Seriously I know someone who has been doing that off and on for years. Heard this from other schools with teachers on leave.
The stress leave on the public dime stresses me out. If the job is too stressful, leave, stop collecting money and get another job like fiddles is contemplating. Far far too many milking the system to the brink of collapse.
@GreyGhost I agree...I have a co-worker who every couple of years, is off for half of it...goes on trip down south, up north to the cottage, shopping cross border etc...drives me bonkers...I took 3 months off back in 2016 after my motorcycle crash (which happened 2 weeks before school started, and even my principal told me to take after I went in to try to set up my classroom - he told me I looked like *&^%) and my mom's passing 3 days later and I felt horrible taking that time off...

Meh...I have next week off for March break, so I'll take a look around indeed...maybe go to Home Depot and check things out there :D
The stress leave on the public dime stresses me out. If the job is too stressful, leave, stop collecting money and get another job like fiddles is contemplating. Far far too many milking the system to the brink of collapse.
Agree totally.... friend mentioned this to me only 6 months later... I was like seriously
Some of the postie routes you find out why there is no permanent person doing it. One route was all stairs, no cutting across lawns, just for ever up and down stairs. Takes a lot out of a person. Be careful what you say here, there are probably a few people who work there.
Some of the postie routes you find out why there is no permanent person doing it. One route was all stairs, no cutting across lawns, just for ever up and down stairs. Takes a lot out of a person. Be careful what you say here, there are probably a few people who work there.
Yup some of the routes near the bluffs can be fun, hills, and long driveways. No way to shorten things. Also there are what they call walk through apartments. This means all 20 floors you walk and put mail in every door slot because they don't have mail rooms at the entrance. Hey at least you are inside.
LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of work in the construction field right now in the GTA.

Multiple large scale projects running simultaneously so the hall at LIUNA183 will be a busy place.

Get in, do your best to get into the tunnels / underground / stations work...and you'll be making bank for years to come.

Lots of hiring on the white collar end also as projects are all staffing up.
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