Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph Photo Tag

Wow, that's way further out than I thought it would be! Anyone want to tag team it? (no pun intended :p)
You guys didn't think i was going to ride around KW (on a goldwing) for tags did you?
wow, I actually just google'd map Clifford, Ontario.......... and that sh1t is FAR!
Yeah, no kidding. Almost 2 hours away from my house according to google!
Hmmm? Kitchener to Clifford to Thornbury to Shelburne to Belfountain and back to Kitchener.220 km,5 hours 20 minutes plus breaks.Sounds like a nice saturday ride.:)
OK I dont want to be a party pooper, but I thought on the first posting, there is a map with a boundy, so any posting outside should not be considered. :confused:

or I would do something like get a tag first thing in the morning and go for a 10 hr ride like perhaps Kilarney for fish and chips? (and yes I have done it before)
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its in the bounderies but to the very extent, i would go for this but my bike is having some issues right now or else, i would be out there getting the tag!

damn that wellington county!
damn weather, i can't get it

Mazdubb did you get it today? if not i'm going tomorrow for sure
I'm gonna start trashin' you guys if somebody doesn't tag this thing.Do you guys melt in the rain?:tongue5:
Yeah I didn't go. I woke up late in the morning. I might consider a group ride in the AM though to get it.
Hey,i got an idea.You guys should make it a sleepover in Clifford.:p
Awesome, I didn't know this thread existed until just now. I know EXACTLY where the Redwood is . . . I eat there quite frequently! It's a hot spot for snowmobiles in the winter, and they have awesome coconut cream pie!

Funny story related to Clifford. Last September I picked up a 17-year-old hitch hiker in Wallenstein (about 10 minutes from Waterloo). It turns out that for Waterloo frosh week, the hazers blindfolded him, took all his money/id, drove him to Clifford, and left him (in flip flops) to find his way home in the hot sun without any water. The poor guy said I was the first person to pick him up . . . he WALKED in flip flops all the way from Clifford to Wallenstein! Holy crap! I picked him up around 11PM and he said he was dropped off at about 9AM that morning. This was his second day in Canada, since he had just arrived from Germany and spoke broken English. So, to all you guys whining that Clifford is too far, just think about what he went through :p

I will be within a 25-minute ride to the area this weekend, so I will see if I have time to go and tag it :) I'm really busy though, so no promises.
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