hmmm.. whats this, a new tag game ?
give a hint, ya bastards
give a hint, ya bastards
here is a fun one, just for the heck of it
Here's one from the other side.I'm not gonna let ya google the name.
It makes perfect sense to those who have been there or ridden past it.It doesn't make sense to you because you have prolly never been there. You don't know where it is,you can't make the tag.Suck it up buttercup.This makes Zero sense. Why bother ?
whats the point of giving another angle if you black out the only different information that the 2nd pic provides ?
do you think that maybe no-one would recognize the building from the first shot , but would instantly recognize it from a another picture shot 10 feet to the left ?
Ok,this has gone on too long.Here is the photo without the black thingie.Have a nice ride guys.