Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph Photo Tag

Where is that little Pub located?.. Might be a nice place to end up someday.
King St. Uptown Waterloo.Nice place,but too crowded for me.I like pubs like Kennedys or The Huether.The tags are getting too local.Maybe BK1962 and I should take this out of town for a tag.;)
Here's a street view of the King St pub.,-80.523174&spn=0,0.001717&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=43.467982,-80.523146&panoid=R_CDK69YnTgJRoJn8sm2oQ&cbp=12,279.61,,0,0.27
Green and red thingy at Weber and Louisa St.I only got it because i saw the RR sign in the background.

New tag.A little tougher.:p

I have a couple of other pics to use as clues.Just ask.
A hint has been requested. This pic was taken a few minutes from the tag.

The pic is from the back of the train.If i showed ya the other side,too easy.
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It's a nice ride north thru Floradale ya know.
Not even a request for another hint? Ok,10 minutes past Floradale.
Hint this building is in east Waterloo and is the former home of a news worthy tree.
Let me know if you need more hints
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Found her
911 university, Fire station


new tag

yes that's mighty mouse

Mighty Mouse is a couple minutes south of St Clements.

New tag.
aaaand i just got home and it appears that i took a picture of the wrong water tower. who knew there was more than one tower??? so i wasted a trip to my next tag. god i'm dumb.
Fergus water tower.

New tag.Hint:do ya remember tag #933?
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