Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph Photo Tag

Not a field at all it is a lake
Here is another picture from the same spot looking the other way

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Ok Steve.We'll let you off this time since you gave it away.I couldn't even find Murrayville with Google,Googlemaps,Mapquest,Garmin or even the phone book.Found it on the way up SR#10.

And your tag.Conestoga Lake at the west end on SR#10.

AND....the new tag............................ok,just kidding.:laughing8::laughing8:

Here's the real tag.

Hint:a ride 3.5 km in the direction the Duc is pointed will put you on the teebox of a par 5.
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Very nice ride, that little road alongside the golf course is awesome!

Last photo:

New Photo:

Nice and easy, kept it local too :D
well its local for me (waterloo) and when i went to snag the photo there was a ton of families & kids around

I'll go grab another angle, it should help a lot if you can see the structure
No need for hints... I will get it this afternoon. Just haven't been in KW in a week.
I knew the location right away... good tag.
Waterloo park.It's not the same angle.But it's the one.

Next tag.Hang your lid in the tree as i did.Watch for the dog poo and the burrs in the scrub around the tree.The tag is the big tree in the middle of the field.

The tree with my lid and some other "ornaments".:p
Hint:the "Shoe Tree" made the news recently.Gotta keep this thread moving guys.This isn't a tough one.
haha, what a strange thing, the tree is Covered in shoes!!


I had to get a closer look, its just so odd


And for my next tag, a lovely little pub that I used to frequent :D


Really easy, pretty much just a race
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