Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

depends if the new bike shows up on time....
BigEvilDoer, you up for pulling the tractor out of the drive shed for this?

Dunno as of yet.... have a few things on the go right now, so I won't be able to get a better idea until close to the day.
Anyone have experience with QS's?
I just installed one on the R6 and it's a little jerky at higher RPM's. I took a look at the map and am thinking the kill time is too long at the higher rpm's. It's a normally open style switch hooked directly between gnd and pin 21 in the ECU
No mosport in May this year by the looks of it, I'll be at the August date though.
Thanks for posting that, cool to see myself in action. Was a fun session you showed me where I was going to slow, picked up a bunch of speed after that session.
You were towing me around a couple of sections too. I'm so slow around the last corner before the back straight! Maybe if I get a half decent drive around there you won't have such an easy time whipping around me!
Here's another video, my last session of the day. It seems I was off on a Sunday ride until Chris passed me on his GSX-R1000, then I picked it up a bit and tried staying with him...
Too early to say, but wheels should arrive in the next couple days, then we'll be back in action. If its nice, chances are yes :)
Too early to say, but wheels should arrive in the next couple days, then we'll be back in action. If its nice, chances are yes :)

That's awesome! Can't wait to see it and better yet hear it.

I'm doing a few Thursdays shortly - June 14 and July 12

Next planned Tuesday is July 24 if all goes well.
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