Kitchener/Waterloo area, c u next trackday riders thread!

Well, looks like I'll be making my final decision about going to the track late Sunday or early Monday morning.
Weather Network shows a high of 19c with 70% POP (5-10mm).

If it stays that way, I'm likely out and will be staying home.
Booked in for Tuesday.

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The forecast did a nice about-face and it's looking good!
I bought a lap timer over the winter so I want to get that attached. Recommendations for where to put the sensor?
Also, for those going, looks like it's going to be a low turnout day and they *might be running 2 groups....
Day overall was good.
First 2 sessions had a wet track, third session was pretty much a solid pace.
Temperature took a sudden drop of 3c around noon, and the wind picked up. Made it hard to keep tires hot during the session.

Ended up with modified (blech) layout 'cause some jackasses left their RV's in the run-off area of the S bend.

No crashes all day from what I saw. A few yellow flags and that's it.
Fun with friends

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The GBM day turned out great.

Last night had a hard rain, so there was some concern about a green track. Most of the track wasn't bad but the back straight was definitely a case of dodge the puddles and try to find a dry line for the first session out. Within an hour it was totally dry.

The skies looked threatening all day but were little more than that. Not much sun, but it was warm enough in the morning to get some heat in the track. At noon a cold front rolled through and it dropped a few degrees, so just had to ride a little faster to keep the tires warm!

Grip levels were great all day for the temperature which was surprising. Looks like the new tires are helping keep Tim out of the field. On the way out there we did see a lot of farmers planting still, so it took some convincing Tim to curb the jealousy and refrain from offering them some v-twin assistance. We did however hear the John Deere factory team scouts were out there with their lap times and saw Tim was only 2 seconds off pace. Unfortunately this wasn't good enough for them to present a contract. There's always next year.

We met up with Bradsma and did had some fun out there with him and Katatonic. 2 groups and 0 crashes or sketchy passing out there. One of the cleanest track days I've seen. CBR was running well and most likely had its last laps under my wrist. I asked for a 21 gun salute, but the request was denied due to some concerns surrounding the recent seagull population decline. On the plus side, 0 "white spots" on the track which is nice to see!
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Fun with friends

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And Tim.....

Great summery of the day. I was very happy to finally get out on this bike and see what it could do...or rather what I could do with it. Was very grateful for the low turnout until only having 15 minutes off between sessions started to hit me. O ended up sitting a couple of sessions out and called it an early day.
Still had a blast though! Can't wait for the next one!
Great day yesterday! I too was happy to finally get out on my new machine and see what it can do under my power.

I had a blast and it was great to finally meet some of you and have some track side help/laughs.

Smergy thanks for towing and following me around, hopefully next time out I'll work on your tips and shave a little time.

Great day with some new friends and can't wait for the next one.
Had my first track day at TPM on Sunday, and apart from the washrooms, the track was great! Many sessions out and it was a nice hot day.

I checked my rear tire after and I noticed a bit of wear in the front of the grooves. The bike performed great, but online suggested that I harden my rebound to get the tread wear more evenly. I'll probably get a suspension guy at the track next-time to have a look at it!

But other than that, bike performed beautifully and by the end of the day, I was slowly getting more confident! I do need to get my *** back, head down and chest to the tank though with my BP.

Some pics:
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Here's Bippy...
Who would have thought somebody would ride in the proper street "blocking" position on the track?
Here's Bippy...
Who would have thought somebody would ride in the proper street "blocking" position on the track?
I've still got a lot of work to do but it's an improvement on what I was seeing in pictures from last year.
But the most important part is that I was pulling away from you and you gave up chasing me!
Ah bippy...
If only you could see the tags on the YouTube video....

Fat (like me)
In a Suit
No Knee Down

All good bud. Like I said at GB, I like your line through 1.
As for Grand Bend...
I'm not so sure I like the new pit exit lane as shown in my earlier video (at the end). They were suggesting signalling before corner entry of the carousel as an appropriate place to let people know you were exiting.

Tried it at the end of the straight, and my arm felt like it was being yanked back when I stuck it out at 200+ km/h. Not comforting at all.
As a compromise I would slow down throughout the carousel and stick an arm out at a comfortable location. You really need to stick left after the dog leg to make the new exit location.

Just my thoughts.
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