Kids these days... [Rant]

[h=1]A New Jersey Cheerleader Is Suing Her Parents To Pay For Her College Tuition[/h]

there are mnay , mnay things i think you guys are missing in this whole thing..

1- most of you think that the parent is helping the kid deliver papers.. not the case.. Most adults do it as a job.
I have known a few adults who delivered papers /flyers.... its not kids being lazy...

2- as for kids getting a ride.. its part of the times.. with all the kid snatching pedo's and other dangers..
it wasnt as common back in the days when you went to school, but times are different now..

Crime has been going down for decades, media coverage and hysteria on the other hand has multiplied.
my community newspaper is delivered by a young girl who does a fantastic job,her pay is by the homeowner and is not mandatory,she does a fantastic job and i compensate her accordingly.
Do you people have Kids ? , and do you have kids that are 4-9 years old right now ? I dont know anyone that lets a grade 1 kid walk to school alone.

there are many other factors involved.. kids gettign sidetracked, strangers, dangers...

i would imagine that if you DID let your kids walk by themselves at that age, you'd be getting a call from CAS.

Do you have kids?

I don't recall anyone suggesting letting a grade 1 kid walk to school, but here's a crazy thought - Mom or Dad could probably use the exercise and could walk to school with them instead of the madness I see at elementary school parking lots.
No time to walk. Busy lives. Not Mayberry RFD.
Do you people have Kids ? , and do you have kids that are 4-9 years old right now ? I dont know anyone that lets a grade 1 kid walk to school alone.

there are many other factors involved.. kids gettign sidetracked, strangers, dangers...

No one said they were going to let a kid in grade 1 walk to school alone... As soon as your kid learns the importance of looking both ways when crossing the street and understands why, they're pretty much able to walk to school on their own. This would obviously require some supervision which is the parent's role (or older kid). After you feel that they can cross the street safely and wont get lost, you can then decide whether your kid can walk to school on their own.

Age does play a small part, but it also depends on how much time you spend teaching the kid. If you don't feel like your kid should walk to school and drive them all the time, a kid would not bother/want to walk to school even if they're 13 years old. I know someone that was raised this way and was not even allowed taking the bus alone until she was in grade 10 (and only when she was with someone else). Why? Parents paranoid about her getting smashed in the head with a hammer on the Greyhound bus a few years back (which is pretty much the same reason why you wouldn't let your kid walk on their own - the media). Stupid but true.
there are mnay , mnay things i think you guys are missing in this whole thing..

1- most of you think that the parent is helping the kid deliver papers.. not the case.. Most adults do it as a job.
I have known a few adults who delivered papers /flyers.... its not kids being lazy...

2- as for kids getting a ride.. its part of the times.. with all the kid snatching pedo's and other dangers..
it wasnt as common back in the days when you went to school, but times are different now..

I wouldn't call your 2 points to be "mnay, mnay things".

I don't know about now, but back when my friends delivered the newspapers as kids, they were all paid under minimum wage. (Don't really understand how that worked, but yeah,.....)

I know many adults that deliver the MAIL, not the newspaper. If the pay is the same as what it was (or similar), I doubt many adults would take that job. Half your money goes into the gas, and the other half wouldn't allow you to make payments on the car (and they only got paid for 1-2 hours). Thus making it pretty much pointless. Of all the paperboys(and girls), I know, 4 of them were kids and 1 was and elderly adult (none of them used a car). I have never seen a middleaged person delivering the newspaper.

As for your 2nd point, its been covered. You're just paranoid or live in a bad neighborhood.
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Travis Pastrana was driving the family bulldozer at 2yrs. old.
ever tried calling the company that does it and saying '' Hello, just to let you know that this conversation is being taped for my records. Anyway, i'm calling regarding the blah blah blah" then in the end tell them that if they do it again and litter in your property you'll do xxx.

I'll do what exactly?

a hardcore porno.

So I made the hardcore porno, am I supposed to send it to them so they'd get the message to stop giving me newspapers? lol
Do you people have Kids ? , and do you have kids that are 4-9 years old right now ? I dont know anyone that lets a grade 1 kid walk to school alone.

there are many other factors involved.. kids gettign sidetracked, strangers, dangers...

i would imagine that if you DID let your kids walk by themselves at that age, you'd be getting a call from CAS.

I have a daughter who turns 16 in may, so I know all about worry. She walks to high school 2 km away, and get this shocker: she doesn't even have a cell phone! (Just an iPod)
He has also almost died many times and does double backflips. Not the best example for an average child.

LOL, goes to show people don't need to live at the fringes. Back flips to bogeyman.
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