Keeping things moving

I started this thread to try and find some humor in my situation.I knew GTAM would come thru.
But i just spent the last couple hours shampooing carpet and another load of bedding etc.
I think there is a bit of dementia mixed in with her physical problems. It's my fault apparently because i haven't taken care of her properly. Sigh.
Time to look for a nursing home. I'll sell the house and find out how reliable the Tenere is.
I started this thread to try and find some humor in my situation.I knew GTAM would come thru.
But i just spent the last couple hours shampooing carpet and another load of bedding etc.
I think there is a bit of dementia mixed in with her physical problems. It's my fault apparently because i haven't taken care of her properly. Sigh.
Time to look for a nursing home. I'll sell the house and find out how reliable the Tenere is.
Mental decline of a loved one is terrible. Transition to LTC is often a very painful process for all involved. Just remember you are doing the best you can for her and don't take it personally when she lashes out.

For a funny anecdote to cheer you up a bit, I went to visit my grandmother in hospital one time when I was in high school. I turned a corner and there she was, walking down the hall pushing an IV stand, completely naked (picture sophia from the golden girls). Fack. Grabbed a sheet off a cart, wrapped her up and aimed her back towards her room.
Rectal blowouts.
Gee just what we need another politics thread about JT..... :ROFLMAO:

Get the bowels moving, keep up on water intake, hydration. Punes are ok, so are pineapple, and avocados, taste much better.

Now if you need a full cleanse this is what you want.
I started this thread to try and find some humor in my situation.I knew GTAM would come thru.
But i just spent the last couple hours shampooing carpet and another load of bedding etc.
I think there is a bit of dementia mixed in with her physical problems. It's my fault apparently because i haven't taken care of her properly. Sigh.
Time to look for a nursing home. I'll sell the house and find out how reliable the Tenere is.

She is lucky to have someone like you looking after her. This is just a passing phase. The Tenere will always be there.
I always find a ride on a twin engine motorcycle to nicely stimulate the bowels.
It's sad that a normal body function that we typically do many times a week can become a source of discomfort and embarrassment to deal with and talk about. If the stool doesn't go through fast enough you get blockage that can grow to become life threatening. If it moves too fast you get varying forms of diarrhea. If the person has other issues of anxiety or mobility it can be emotionally crushing.

Hopefully the trigger can be found and the cause corrected. My last episode was a Mexican dinner causing me to not travel more than a short distance from the throne.

When my daughter was little she passed something that created fumes that would blister paint. To clean her up without vommiting I put on an organic cartridge mask and it blocked the fumes. She probably had nightmares about having her diaper changed by an alien.

With covid we talk about getting back to normal. I'd be happy if normal was only a half days drive away. Some are further away than that.
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