Kawi ZX6R Oil Filter screwed way too tight by a dealer

Johnny, you are correct. That's how his bike looks, and there is also a plastic "guard" fairly close so it would be pretty hard to get any plier type tool in there. Plus you can't get a straight shot at it because the fairing blocks access too. He had a two sized plastic cap wrench thingie, I guess he could of driven two sheet metal screws though it into the filter, but otherwise it didn't have the grip needed. The filter was really tight. Sure, a K&N will work for next time, or just take the new filter to NAPA or Partsource and get a metal cap that fits properly. At least he's on the road again, no doubt riding while we sit here arguing about it.
Your answer, Works everytime:



The KnN works good also, but there is nothing wrong with the OEM filters either....The end of the filter has a pattern molded into it that works just like the KnN, where the KnN uses a socket the OEM uses a cap wrench....Same principle
actually it was johnny who recommended the cap wrench when I first got this bike.. thanks a lot dude I had tried the caps from CT but none of them fit... smalest from CT was too big
The KnN works good also, but there is nothing wrong with the OEM filters either....The end of the filter has a pattern molded into it that works just like the KnN, where the KnN uses a socket the OEM uses a cap wrench....Same principle
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actually it was johnny who recommended I u the cap wrench when I first got this bike.. thanks a lot dude I had tried the caps from CT but none of them fit... smaledt from CT was too big

Yes you have to get a good quality one and one that fits good, the plastic ones strip out and the multi size fit ones suck also....I have a $10 one from Napa that works great
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