Success. The 3 fingered claw of death solved the problem in no time flat. Nice to meet you, we'll meet up again for a ride when it warms up!
Success. The 3 fingered claw of death solved the problem in no time flat. Nice to meet you, we'll meet up again for a ride when it warms up!
This is what I used when I had my 08 zx6r which is the same bike as yours.Its probably not too tight you just dont have the right tool
Get a cap filter wrench problem solved
Because of the tight location of the 07-2013 Zx6R filter with the plastic shroud around it, I see people do all kinds of stupid **** to try and get them off, when all you need is the proper $5 -10 tool to remove them using the end of the filter as its designed to be removed
If your tool is slipping its either crap, or the wrong size..Do not buy the plastic type, metal only...And always make sure it is on 100% and dead square before trying to turn it
... The 3 fingered claw of death .....
ok what is that?
-Jamie M.
Its probably not too tight you just dont have the right tool
Get a cap filter wrench problem solved
Because of the tight location of the 07-2013 Zx6R filter with the plastic shroud around it, I see people do all kinds of stupid **** to try and get them off, when all you need is the proper $5 -10 tool to remove them using the end of the filter as its designed to be removed
If your tool is slipping its either crap, or the wrong size..Do not buy the plastic type, metal only...And always make sure it is on 100% and dead square before trying to turn it
Ummm heat gun? When the oil filter is right next to the wiring harness and the rad hose? What would you accomplish?
Dude please, you are telling people to remove an oil filter with a heat gun.. terrible advice.You'd accomplish a lot, and with some basic common sense and care won't damage a thing. Most of the damage caused to bearing surfaces, threads etc... can be avoided by simple application of moderate heat. It's why you'll find a heat gun in almost any shop.
You'd accomplish a lot, and with some basic common sense and care won't damage a thing. Most of the damage caused to bearing surfaces, threads etc... can be avoided by simple application of moderate heat. It's why you'll find a heat gun in almost any shop.
I have one of these, hasn't fail me yet
Besides, I've never seen a heat gun at Rosey Toes, so I'm sure they are not necessary for the skilled mechanic.
Messy as in you might get some oil on your hands? waaaah.
Seriously this is the way to do it. I've put my own oil filters on way too tight on a few occasions out of paranoia, and thats how i've gotten them off. Hammer the screwdriver right through, turn it as far as you can, remove and drive it through again. Do it 2-3 times and it will be loose enough to come off by hand.
When you put the new one on actually put it on hand tight. (plus a quarter turn with an oil filter wrench, because i'm paranoid and like removing oil filters with screwdrivers)
I barely have enough room for my metal cap style wrench.. plastic caps are too thick and I haven't seen one in a small enough size.. got mine from Nappa for $8 I think