Kawi Wednesdays!!!

ok , i will come to L&L earlier while sun is up and stay there until 9 probably ... come earlier , you havent seen my new look yet :)...
ok , i will come to L&L earlier while sun is up and stay there until 9 probably ... come earlier , you havent seen my new look yet :)...
ill try.. for sure.. gotta wait on slow lorenzo to show by my place @8
Where did you guys end up riding to on the "Thursday Ride"?
I'm at L&YM now, but nobody's around! Will stick around a while, see if anyone else shows.
Well, I stuck around for an hour, if nobody shows in the next 5 min, I'm hittin' the road. Shame, it's a nice night!
Aw I wanted to come out but I came back from montreal at 11. I guess I should introduce myself first though, I wont drop my real name yet but pretty much I just got my first motorcycle a few weeks ago. Black ninja 250r '10. I go to univ in hamilton so I won't be around to ride very often on wednesdays, but whenever I do come to toronto I'll make sure to show up. I'm more available during weekends when I come visit my parents in North York. I'm not scared of coldish temperatures but the lowest I'll probably go is 5C (or close to zero if it's not icy). Hopefully I'll get to meet some cool people here and maybe I'll learn a bit from all of you too. I'll see you guys around.
Hey Xyphur, sorry we were there at 8 and took off at 8:30 and rode down to L & L .
I would have posted that we took off but my phone died.

L & L was jammed packed last night.

I'm at L&YM now, but nobody's around! Will stick around a while, see if anyone else shows.
Hey Xyphur, sorry we were there at 8 and took off at 8:30 and rode down to L & L .
I would have posted that we took off but my phone died.

L & L was jammed packed last night.

Damn, missed you guys by 5 min then. I literally pulled in and parked at 8:35. Oh well... Had a good day of riding regardless, and went on to enjoy a few hours more of awesome night riding as well.

If I wasn't out all day riding around the countryside I would've thought to check the thread for updates... It hadn't even dawned on me to be honest. I just figured everyone was meeting up at 8, didn't consider the possibility that everyone could've decided to take off elsewhere.

I ended up doing Forks > Hockley, turned around and did it all in reverse again before continuing back thru Terra Cotta and a bunch of other back roads, then back down the 410-403 to my buddy's in 'sauga, then left from there apparently a little later than I should've for L&YM. I made up some time on the 401, but not enough I guess. Maybe next season if I'm still in the area I'll swing by and say hi, but for now I'm putting her away. This weekend I'll be stripping her down in prep for a nice paint job over the winter. Despite the low mileage, she needs it. The tank especially... I also have some engine goodies to grab, as well as a new chain/sprockets.

In the meanwhile, ride safe so we can all meet next season. :)
Just got a Ninja 500 but my wednesdays belong to georgetown wings :(
sorry fellow kawi riders... I've been battling a brutal cold and still not a 100%... plus this weather isnt helping...

I will be back next Wednesday (weather permitting)
but to bare some slightly bad news....


dont think I'll be on a Kawi.... ;)
No problem, bring the Harley!!!!

sorry fellow kawi riders... I've been battling a brutal cold and still not a 100%... plus this weather isnt helping...

I will be back next Wednesday (weather permitting)
but to bare some slightly bad news....


dont think I'll be on a Kawi.... ;)
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