Justin Time

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At least he is consistent.

Sent from my couch using my thumbs
Chief dumb dumb has screwed up another policy. Canadian airlines are not allowed to fly south, but if you use a US airline and touch down in the US on the way, JT's restriction is bypassed. If you do that, you are obviously an entitled turd and JT should stick you in a hotel for 14 days upon your return at $9300 pp. I'm still not sure how the three day stay is $2000. Who is making bank there?

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Chief dumb dumb has screwed up another policy. Canadian airlines are not allowed to fly south, but if you use a US airline and touch down in the US on the way, JT's restriction is bypassed. If you do that, you are obviously an entitled turd and JT should stick you in a hotel for 14 days upon your return at $9300 pp. I'm still not sure how the three day stay is $2000. Who is making bank there?
Likely you’re getting the bill for the test as well but yeah, looks like some kind of penalty is being applied. /shrug

works for me
what are the health units? has any region received any of the health units,
Health Unit, you know, the place you drop off your well water for free testing.
If you want to be angry, read the article. The transport minister has learned well from chief dumb dumb. "We are the leaders in the world, other countries are following our lead", we are considering other measures, yadda yadda, yap yap yap, do nothing.

If you want to be angry, read the article. The transport minister has learned well from chief dumb dumb. "We are the leaders in the world, other countries are following our lead", we are considering other measures, yadda yadda, yap yap yap, do nothing.

Does all that jibberish pass as answering a question now?
It has for at least the last six years. His competition is not all that much better when on the defensive either.
It’s okay, at least we can watch Question Period for the real answers.
The pattern of doing the least possible continues. Leisure travel at land crossings does not land you in a hotel. They will think about maybe possibly doing that in the future.


Who wants to bet that almost every wanker will fly to the states and uber across now? A hell of a lot cheaper than $2000. God JT is dumb as a post.
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Was this JT's plan all along? His dream is to have the country operate like QC with money flowing from others to support a lifestyle you cannot afford on your own? COVAX is shipping vaccine to Canada now. Now the trick is it's AZ which is not yet approved in Canada.

I know, I'm being a little hard on JT here as I believe he is an entitled man baby. Half of the money canada contributed to Covax was supposed to come back as vaccines for Canadians.

The pattern of doing the least possible continues. Leisure travel at land crossings does not land you in a hotel. They will think about maybe possibly doing that in the future.


Who wants to bet that almost every wanker will fly to the states and uber across now? A hell of a lot cheaper than $2000. God JT is dumb as a post.
In shocking news, JT is having to wind back his wildly optimistic propaganda that he has been spouting. It should come as no surprise that he "misspoke" and was in no way outright lying to try to advance his agenda and stop his ship from sinking.

I haven't been following this thread so pardon me if I missed something.

FWIW there is a problem with the new border restrictions as they don't have enough staff and are hiring for three month contact positions.

How long will it take to hire, train and deploy the needed staff? Mid summer or so??? Thanks for yet another letdown Justin. Again, too little, too late.

He started out well as the strange new virus crashed into our lives but he has failed to tighten the screws as things got worse and the nature of the beast emerged. I see red the minute bearded baby face does his press conference bit.

He makes statements that are delusional with regards to progress. The cheque is in the mail BS.

He is making everything worse. By not hammering this situation he allows it to spread and mutate. Instead of a nailed down short lockdown it's a continual bleeding and getting worse. He has destroyed peoples financial lives and allowed people to die. He has failed to use our paid for resources. This is little different than the concept of a super-bug that becomes resistant to the medication because people won't take the whole dose.

His soft talk in front of the camera is making me sick. He's one step away from a fireside chat with a smoking jacket, pipe and glass of port. Instead of logs burning in the fireplace it's our economy and the souls of the dead.

Justin Wimptrump has to resign but I don't know who can replace him.

We need to skip the partisan attitudes. Slay the beast now and argue about the spoils later but, oh no, political egos are more important. Politicians will hold Canada hostage to pander to their constituents.

1) Nail them at the border with a 14 day quarantine like the intelligent countries.

2) Non essential travel to a foreign country by any means requires a $10,000 departure fee. No refunds.

2A) For civil servants, elected officials and medical professionals that should know better fines start at $100,000.

3) Judges that don't enforce the fines have to pay the fines themselves.

4) Use our military to enforce the rules. Nothing like a rifle butt in the face to get someone to wear a mask.

5) (In my dreams) The injured parties would be able to sue the MP's and Prime Minister personally for damages due to negligence. Suing the government is suing the taxpayer.

Justin Trudeau is an embarrassment to Canada.

I'm grouchy. I haven't had my coffee.
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