He's not done.
Nahh I hate to say this, and I appreicate all the logical, witty, and clearly spoken responses PP has, but for charisma and looks JT has him beat. It's sad, his appearance took him further then anything else he has to offer. I have friends and family overseas, and well sometimes these FB posts appear just mentioning JT's looks and hair, which they are all gagga for, seriously it's annoying.I think PP would have crushed Trudeau in an election -- I hope all this is his setup for a run as the next PC leader. He's young, charismatic, witty, and smart. He also has a salad that competes with Trudeau (so maybe a few lady votes will come his way).
While I like O'toole, he looks and comes off a bit like a character from Corner Gas -- he hasn't jumped into the spotlight the way a leader should.
The problem is we all know exactly how he got there and even worse know he would be reelected again. The problem with bribing us with our grandchildren's money is on average, people are dumb and either dont see or dont care about the long game. Hell, I wouldnt be surprised if he got a majority. The fanatics will vote for him no matter what, almost everyone getting a monthly deposit will vote for him, many of the undecided will look at his hair and smile and vote for him.
This is one of the challenges that democracies face - popular always wins. Over time socialism creeps forward, eventually it's gifts turn into entitlements and those are very difficult to claw back. At some point the cost of honoring past promises eclipses the revenues a gov't takes in so budgets are balanced with borrowing.The problem is se all know exactly how he got there and even worse know he would be reelected again. The problem with bribing us with our grandchildren's money is on average, people are dumb and either dont see or dont care about the long game. Hell, I wouldnt ve surprised if he got a majority. The fanatics will vote for him not matter what, almost everyone getting a monthly deposit will vote for him, many of the undecided will look at his hair amd smile and vote for him.
Maybe canadian citizens should be forced to pass the tests that immigrants must take prior to being able to vote. At least that woul provide a baseline that people making decisions for the country had some ability to learn and think.
This is one of the challenges that democracies face - popular always wins. Over time socialism creeps forward, eventually it's gifts turn into entitlements and those are very difficult to claw back. At some point the cost of honoring past promises eclipses the revenues a gov't takes in so budgets are balanced with borrowing.
Over time the cost of borrowing further chips away at what can be used for programs which tends to accelerate deficit spending. At some point the public becomes concerned about deficit spending and increasing debt. That's when gov'ts start to obfuscating their spending -- that's happening now under JT, that happened in the last 2 years under Wynne. Next the promises become increasingly hard to keep, so late in the game the promises are usually just vote getting lies (last year of Wynne, starting now with JT).
At some point the ruling party can no longer deliver their promises as they cannot fund them. Couple that with increasing concern over debt and deficits and PCs come to power. Sadly, the cleanup isn't easy as clawing back entitlements is messy (see Harris).
We're probably getting close to the tipping point for the Federal liberals. They have prostrated to the NDP to keep power, obfucated spending, and are doing whatever they can to coverup anything that would expose scandals or erode credibility -- pretty sure they are hunkered down hoping time will be their friend.
Libs might win a snap election, but I doubt it. PCs would need to stumble badly for a majority Liberal win today (sadly PCs have proven more than once they are capable of ******* up an easy win election).
Might be a good time to start recruiting rich Americans - they are close, just open a lane at the border for those coming with $5m to invest.1.5 million new immigrants by 2023 under the Trudeau watch
The 14 day quarantine is a test. Fail the test and we keep the money and send you back. We have enough entitled a*holes up here already.Might be a good time to start recruiting rich Americans - they are close, just open a lane at the border for those coming with $5m to invest.
Yeah bring a large number of wealthy Americans in to join the large number of rich HK/mainlanders who have already been coming here. Great way to ensure the GTA and Vancouver become even more unaffordable and that regular working Canadians can never buy a home.Might be a good time to start recruiting rich Americans - they are close, just open a lane at the border for those coming with $5m to invest.
Those rich immigrants buy stuff that regular Canadians have to build, sell and/or service - they pour monetary fuel into the economy.Yeah bring a large number of wealthy Americans in to join the large number of rich HK/mainlanders who have already been coming here. Great way to ensure the GTA and Vancouver become even more unaffordable and that regular working Canadians can never buy a home.
Ah, so no different than what this regular working Canadian had to do when he bought his first house 35 years ago. Or what his regular working Canadian kids did in the last few years.a regular working Canadian can afford a home
In Dundalk or Keswick or Trenton
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A lot of working canadians not being able to buy a home is we get to be lazy, have a great safe life and get most of what we desire. When put up against actual resistance, most canadians would collapse. My brother is paying $2000 a month in rent and refused to find cheaper accommodation or buy a townhouse because "I dont want my family to live like that". They wont buy a house that isnt renovated because there is no way they would spend that much unless it is perfect. Largely because of that attitude he is in his mid 30's with a net worth of ~0. He either wants the dream now or nothing and isnt willing to take steps to get to the dream in the future.Yeah bring a large number of wealthy Americans in to join the large number of rich HK/mainlanders who have already been coming here. Great way to ensure the GTA and Vancouver become even more unaffordable and that regular working Canadians can never buy a home.
They have fewer obstacles - small land mass, small homogeneous population.Lot of the usual right wing tripe served up here.....hardly know where to start.
Wonder how Norway and Finland get by.
Like the United States, Finland has a capitalist economy. Why are Finns so much happier than us?
Finland has universal healthcare, affordable childcare, free college, and copious paid vacations — and yes, it's in fact a capitalist country.www.businessinsider.com
Meanwhile, in Finland......Violence against women is the highest in the EU, as is drug and alcohol abuse.
The immigrants driving up the housing prices are not the refugees coming here with nothing and starting from scratch. I have no issues with such cases.A lot of working canadians not being able to buy a home is we get to be lazy, have a great safe life and get most of what we desire. When put up against actual resistance, most canadians would collapse. My brother is paying $2000 a month in rent and refused to find cheaper accommodation or buy a townhouse because "I dont want my family to live like that". They wont buy a house that isnt renovated because there is no way they would spend that much unless it is perfect. Largely because of that attitude he is in his mid 30's with a net worth of ~0. He either wants the dream now or nothing and isnt willing to take steps to get to the dream in the future.
Those bitching about immigrants obviously havent worked with them. In general, super hard working and willing to do what it takes. I know several that showed up as refugees with nothing. One engineer took a job at a flower shop for two years while he looked for work in his field (and was separated from his family for this time as he was unable to support them in canada). How many canadian born and educated engineers would be willing to do the same thing? Another family moved here under similar circumstances 30 years ago and has built a residential property portfolio of tens of millions. I know lots of canadians that started from a much better position (not esl, education in canada, some access to money, etc) and most are very far behind on net worth while having fancier houses and cars because "they deserve it" or "they have earned it". Barf. Sadly, I think exposure to real loss or real struggle is a necessary component to conquering life instead of struggling/cruising through. The vast majority of people born in canada do not get that experience and therefore lack the drive and fire to do what it takes.