It would be funny reading if it wasnt so depressing. (Link is to account not a specific tweet. For future reference, go to july 28, 2020)
It would be funny reading if it wasnt so depressing. (Link is to account not a specific tweet. For future reference, go to july 28, 2020)
Kielbergers reveal thousands of dollars of previously undisclosed expenses paid to the Trudeau family. They claim not to have totals but only averages. (Someone should tell them that it is not possible to calculate an average without a total).
It's getting bad for JT. Libs would win a race but it may not be JT as the face.sad part is if the cons can't put a face in the race then he'll be in again
I doubt the govt will responsibly investigate itself. The mainstream media needs to continue to keep it he issue alive, some will but the largely liberal media will likely support the govt’s efforts to dilute this to Non-Issue status.
Strangely the CBC seems to bethe most active and interested.
You can see the strategy playing out now, no investigative journalism from the big liberal press, and foot dragging by the PMO - both counting on time to either fatigue the public or until some other big issue dominates headlines.
Are you sure? MPs voted yesterday for trudeau to sit for 3 hours. KT for 2.In case anyone is in a good mood and would prefer to be angry, I suspect the link below will let you watch an hour of stalling, dithering and whining starting at 15:00. Chief of Staff has her turn to waste time starting at 16:15.
I'm just going off the times from the link. I am not sure of anything. Hell, I'm not sure JT will get through more than one answer whether he has one hour or three to answer it.Are you sure? MPs voted yesterday for trudeau to sit for 3 hours. KT for 2.
I'm just going off the times from the link. I am not sure of anything. Hell, I'm not sure JT will get through more than one answer whether he has one hour or three to answer it.