Justin Time

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They used to have the east though. Back in the Harper days they had it. But he made alot of changes to EI, that ****** alot of people off. EI is a huge issue out there. Mackay lost my leadership vote with that bit of history. An east coaster with the PM's ear(he was deputy at the time), couldn't even convey his own constituents concerns to the boss. Now they're still in an "anything but conservative" mindset, which defaults to liberal. Here we have a so-called insurance policy that we have to pay for, that is designed to not make you whole. It's harder to get(and keep) the benefits than welfare. They axed retraining, ,messed with hours, weeks and minimum requirements. Huge wait times(I have waited up to 2 months for EI on previous layoffs). It's a mess.

I don't understand the east still going liberal though, given they have never bothered to fix what ****** them off in the first place though. That's why I think a conservative with that on their platform could swing it back.
I think Harper lost because he was tired - tired of the job, he didn't show much enthusiasm in the last election -- skipping debates, limiting press briefings etc.

Another challenge is all PC gov't hurt with the drag of time. Their platforms and policies are usually smaller gov't and more accountability on spending. After a while the public starts to yearn for handouts and presents -- Liberals always know when voters are willing to turn a blind eye to spending -- so they toss expensive gifts designed to end a conservative reign.

Finally, his disdain for the liberal media excited their fighting spirit. Trudeau's camp seized on this, bought a lot of ads and goodwill with influential media. That worked.
He had an easy win with all the JT scandals but the entire homophobic howdy doody thing sunk him (and it was not just his homophobia BTW), nothing has changed there. MacKay summed it up with his stinking albatross comments. It won't win in major eastern cities and you can;t win without them. Each passing year it is further from reality.

What the conservatives need to understand is that this is not the 1950s and voters are more progressive than a good part of their base, cattering to that part of their base sinks them. Does not matter what the politician says, because we know they ALL lie--it matters what the believe in as this will direct their policies in the end.

They need to clean house of the regressives and stop using politically correct terms for bigotry like "social conservative" and "big tent party" (inclusiveness of biggots on that one)...big tent is the funniest one because that tent gets real small real fast on many issues, just not on bigotry.

Is JT good, likely not, is he competent, not so much. What he was and still is...the least worst choice.

I generally agree with what you're saying. I think the Libs are fairly ******: their environment policy is half assed, they seem to be fairly corrupt, they are anti-gun for bad reasons (increasing gun control in certain ways makes sense, but none that they will propose), their first nations/indigenous policies are basically just write blank checks and hope for the best, and some of their handling of international relations makes me facepalm. That said, I find it hard to back the Cons with their complete lack of any environmental policy and socially conservative policies (LGBTQ, abortion, social safety net, etc.). It's choosing between your leg and your arm.
Is JT good, likely not, is he competent, not so much. What he was and still is...the least worst choice.
I'm not sure anybody else would burn this country to appease the UN. Unfortunately we never got to find that out though.
I'm not sure anybody else would burn this country to appease the UN. Unfortunately we never got to find that out though.

As opposed to burn the country to bow down to Trump? Lets not forget Harper's "leaked" civilian memo pushing to just give in to Trump on NAFTA, we dodged a huge bullet there, if he was in power when Trump hit we would have been screwed (more). Or just look at what the Conservative gave away in IP rights etc. on TPP. Burn the country for foreign interest???? Foreign trade, give everything away...

If you think the UN is our biggest problem, there is no point in debating anymore. What is it refugees? The ones stepping up in LTC in QC? Those ones? Or is it foreign aide? You know Harper was handing that stuff out and as a percentage of GDP well not much changed.

The conservatives want a legit kick at the can, purge the bigotry. Dancing around other "issues" just reinforces how far out of touch they still are. Top down.

At the end of the day they are ALL PIGS AT A TROUGH, red, blue, orange....
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I'm not sure anybody else would burn this country to appease the UN. Unfortunately we never got to find that out though.
Remember Diefenbaker, he was a piece of work, he burned Canada to appease the US.
Remember Diefenbaker, he was a piece of work, he burned Canada to appease the US.
Ah the Arrow. I've done some reading about it. Lots of controversy. Imho, Canada just ran out of money.
But at least we still have the Deifenbunker!
Another challenge is all PC gov't hurt with the drag of time. Their platforms and policies are usually smaller gov't and more accountability on spending. After a while the public starts to yearn for handouts and presents -- Liberals always know when voters are willing to turn a blind eye to spending -- so they toss expensive gifts designed to end a conservative reign.

This pretty much sums it up...
The libs have figured out that most people are selfish and don't mind being bribed with their own money... They also throw money at the least deserving groups, as long as those groups are large and will vote red.
Of course if you're a veteran who had your legs blown off in Afghanistan.... You're on your own.

How people have forgotten JT's "They're asking for more than we can give" comment at that town all.... I can't believe.

What a tool.
This pretty much sums it up...
The libs have figured out that most people are selfish and don't mind being bribed with their own money... They also throw money at the least deserving groups, as long as those groups are large and will vote red.
Of course if you're a veteran who had your legs blown off in Afghanistan.... You're on your own.

How people have forgotten JT's "They're asking for more than we can give" comment at that town all.... I can't believe.

What a tool.

What about Harper cutting the budget from Veterans Affairs in the first place, then closing the offices and pulling back $1B (yes a B) out of the funds that HE did not spend on veterans to create a fake balanced budget. JT increased veterans spending in his first years, near 9 figure increase! As for his comments, maybe look up what Fantino said and did when managing the portfolio under Harper.

Are we doing enough, IMO no. but any conservative supporter that thinks the conservatives did a better job on this is a massive MASSIVE hypocrite.

Pigs at a trough, all of them.
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The Arrow was an interceptor coming on line when ICBMs were replacing bombers. And the US wouldn't buy a foreign piece of equipment.

But then we ended up buying lower performance interceptors from the US, last I looked at a higher cost! CF101 Voodoo, 132 of them.

As for the Arrow, great aircraft but it came out at the same time (era) as the F4, the SR71, and many other great aircraft-it was not as superior as we would like to believe. The impact was what happened to our aviation industry, much bigger than one plane.

This is what a small minded PM gets you.
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What about Harper cutting the budget from Veterans Affairs in the first place, then closing the offices and pulling back $1B (yes a B) out of the funds that HE did not spend on veterans to create a fake balanced budget. JT increased veterans spending in his first years, near 9 figure increase! As for his comments, maybe look up what Fantino said and did when managing the portfolio under Harper.

Are we doing enough, IMO no. but any conservative supporter that thinks the conservatives did a better job on this is a massive MASSIVE hypocrite.

Pigs at a trough, all of them.

Just goes to show they're all the same... At least Harper was a little sneakier about it.
Don't get me going about that douchnozzel Fantino... Probably the worst, most hypocritical cop gone politico ever.... On par with that booze hound Billy Blair.
What about Harper cutting the budget from Veterans Affairs in the first place, then closing the offices and pulling back $1B (yes a B) out of the funds that HE did not spend on veterans to create a fake balanced budget. JT increased veterans spending in his first years, near 9 figure increase! As for his comments, maybe look up what Fantino said and did when managing the portfolio under Harper.

Are we doing enough, IMO no. but any conservative supporter that thinks the conservatives did a better job on this is a massive MASSIVE hypocrite.

Pigs at a trough, all of them.
I don't think it's that simple. Veterans Affairs does not know how many vets they will needs to serve in any given period -- their accounting gets better as the WWII base ages out (they don't have records of who is a WWII Vet). Today there are about 130000 vets funded through their programs, that drops every year and is forecast to do so for at least 15 more years.

The funds returned to the public coffers were for programs that had substantially fewer vets enrolled than foretasted. I'd say if you provisioned funding for 150,000 and you only had 130,000 show up, returning the surplus to the public purse is prudent. Socialists might not agree.
Just goes to show they're all the same... At least Harper was a little sneakier about it.
Don't get me going about that douchnozzel Fantino... Probably the worst, most hypocritical cop gone politico ever.... On par with that booze hound Billy Blair.
Used to put people away for weed and once claimed legalizing it was like legalizing murder. Then all of a sudden hes opening a weed business. Sleazebag.
Of course if you're a veteran who had your legs blown off in Afghanistan.... You're on your own.

How people have forgotten JT's "They're asking for more than we can give" comment at that town all.... I can't believe.

What a tool.
Yep. Imagine having the nerve to tell our vets that while he spends billions buying his seat at the UN, putting refugees and asylum seekers up in hotels and inviting anyone to Canada.
-- their accounting gets better as the WWII base ages out (they don't have records of who is a WWII Vet). Today there are about 130000 vets funded through their programs, that drops every year and is forecast to do so for at least 15 more years.

They dont have records of who was a ww2 vet?? they all recieved discharge papers, which inbcluded a clause they could be recalled at any time at thier current rank. It's all on file someplace, I have copies from the paperwork we filled out for both sets of parents which includes ww2 service records.

If you entered the war in the last yr at 17, your now 92. The number dropping over 15yrs? they are almost gone now.

veterans affairs for WW2 vets was outstanding assistance, sadly they didnt follow through as well with other conflicts.
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