Green Meenie
Well-known member
Only 5 years after killing a person in the Path? Bet the victim's family is ****** big time! Guess she's "normal" now, as long as she's on her meds, which will be until she doesn't feel like taking them anymore.
And you can do one and done. "We banned the evil black weapons" is much more politically satisfying than "We invested $250M in mental health. We have created 100 positions at 400K each to monitor our progress and one at 2M to oversee the monitors. It will be years before we see if we are making any progress".Sad but true. National policies can't be based on one event. The Montreal shooting way back when was another knee jerk reaction. Did they target enforcement? Did they fund mental health? Nope, low hanging fruit because guns are easier to understand than brains.
There's a test?Budgeting some more for for our health care system would be a start but failing that there always is euthanization.
If you are worried about failing the test dont worry we will all vouch for you. JS.
The hospital for mental illness here in KW is called Freeport. My wife spent 7 weeks there recently for assessment related to her brain injury. Just from that short time that i was there with her, i can tell that the system is very poorly underfunded and broken. The regionally run WHLIN is even worse. Top heavy system that is frequently abused by lazy People that want a free ride on the taxpayers dollar. The treatment of mental illness is pathetic. Another good example is CAMH.
I don't think anyone really needs to own an assault rifle, however I don't think it will solve the problem.
Twenty five or so years ago I was taking some infrared readings in downtown Hamilton, near Jackson Square. Along with the pistol type I.R. camera / reader there was a long distance version that some gung ho individual had fitted with a rifle butt and scope. Being a bit of a twit I was pointing it at city hall windows across the street. A couple of minutes later after I had put it away a pair of armed Brinks guards came around the corner carry bags of money. I've always wondered who would have needed clean underwear...or???
A starter pistol can save me a lot of time and hassle for some jobs at work. I havent done it as having to deal with police when someone reports gunshots will cost me a lot of time and hassle.Twenty five or so years ago I was taking some infrared readings in downtown Hamilton, near Jackson Square. Along with the pistol type I.R. camera / reader there was a long distance version that some gung ho individual had fitted with a rifle butt and scope. Being a bit of a twit I was pointing it at city hall windows across the street. A couple of minutes later after I had put it away a pair of armed Brinks guards came around the corner carry bags of money. I've always wondered who would have needed clean underwear...or???
How do we solve mass shootings, though? Let's brainstorm. Well what are the things that eventually cause the end of these mass shootings?
So, we can note that legislation isn't on the list. Since murder is the oldest, and most serious law on any books. First commandment and all. Ok, Vegas shooter was the first one. Many have done the first one, the rest are the second one. these are really the only two ways that mass shootings have ever ended. What if we could reduce the time on that second option. Noted, even ccw and stand your ground could not have stopped nova scotia from happening, the guy was posing as a police officer, with an illegal car, an illegal uniform, and an ALREADY ILLEGAL GUN!!! But, I digress.
- Out of ammo, last bullet used on self
- opposing gun shows up
In most other cases, though. What if there was somebody carrying nearby after the first shot rang out? How many planned mass shootings have possibly already been reduced to a single or maybe double homicide because they were in a ccw stand your ground state? Well, we wouldn't ever hear about those, would we. In the case of Christchurch, NZ. I've seen the video, I actually saw it very early, before I had even heard of the event. I thought it was just an amateur short film or something at the time. Had no idea that I was watching an actual psycho murder real people in their place of worship. There were alot of people in that mosque, and only one armed guy, and no police anywhere for a very, very long time. it was pandemonium. People running around, it was very evident to them what was happening. I can't help but imagine, though. What if somebody in an adjacent room had been carrying, when the first shots rang out?
I'm not sure anything could have saved a single victim in Nova Scotia, due to the circumstances. What I do know about NS though, is that the multitude of laws broken before and after the first death, did not make a lick of difference to anyone involved.
There was at least one church attack in the USA (Where else) where an attacker was shot by members of the congregation. The pro gun groups make hay with those events.
Firearms instructor attending service took out gunman at Texas church
WHITE SETTLEMENT, Texas (AP) — Alarms went off in Jack Wilson's head the moment a man wearing a fake beard, a wig, a hat and a long coat walked into a Texas church for Sunday services. By the time the man approached a communion server and pulled out a shotgun, Wilson and another
How do we solve mass shootings, though? Let's brainstorm. Well what are the things that eventually cause the end of these mass shootings?
- Out of ammo, last bullet used on self
- opposing gun shows up
By.....Prevent the start of it.
Extinction would work.By.....
How much is attitude and how much is access? It's probably a combination.Compare the number of mass shootings in the USA (normalise for population if you wish) to that of ANY other country in the developed world, and ask yourself why. The less we make ourselves like the USA in this regard, the better.
73 days. US needs a top-down ass-kicking where law enforcement has serious consequences for turning a blind eye to this crap until they get called out in the media."Good guys with guns" argument not so good for black joggers... It really is a culture we do not need here. Laying in wait and then claiming stand your ground... how many months before they arrested these guys?
Two men involved in fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery face murder charges, GBI says | CNN
Two men involved in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery near Brunswick, Georgia, have been arrested and face murder and aggravated assault charges, according to the Georgia Bureau of
Won't even touch that can of worms yet. Fact is you arent allowed to defend yourself in Canada. We're just supposed to hide or run until the police arrive. I know if had use my firearm to defend my family, I'd probably be seeing some jail time and prolonged court case.
Which is ridiculous when you look at how the police handled the NS shooting.
Husband sent his wife out in the morning because they had assumed it was over because of the lack of updates or alerts. She never came back.
But hey, lets spend at least a billion to stiff legal gun owners and small businesses in an economic crisis.