Just got a voicemail from a police officer warning me about my driving

While complaints don't go on official pilice records. it looks like complaints can stay on your "file" within a police department.

When I lived in Mount Albert I had someone cut me off severly when I was driving my car. They had a red light and came off the end of hwy 404 and made a right turn in front of me onto Green Lane. If I hadn't have had my bike sense and moved the right way I would have hit him. When I went beside him I put my hands in the air with "what was that" look. He gave me the finger. I got home about 10 minutes later and shortly after that a York Regional was at my door saying they had a complaint about a possible drunk driver.

Several months later I had a "chat" with a York Regional and that event was in my "file" and the officer mentioned it to me. (Thankfully he was a fellow rider and after a good talk about riding he sent me on my way.)

My point is that these things seem to hang around and may efect how officers perceive you later.


That's not 'exactly' the same thing tho. If the police are called out to your house to investigate a possible DUI that's an actual call which is logged.
Calling in a driving complaint is different. It will only have the vehicle and time and can not indicate a driver, so there is no way to prove who was behind the wheel.

In your situation you actually had face to face interaction with an officer which needs to be documented.
That's not 'exactly' the same thing tho. If the police are called out to your house to investigate a possible DUI that's an actual call which is logged.
Calling in a driving complaint is different. It will only have the vehicle and time and can not indicate a driver, so there is no way to prove who was behind the wheel.

In your situation you actually had face to face interaction with an officer which needs to be documented.

That makes sense to me, thanks! And if I recall correctly, the officer may have mentioned possible drinking and driving. It still bothers me that there was something like this hanging around.


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