Just got a voicemail from a police officer warning me about my driving

Budd/OP, like you said....you probably did somethign that you thought was minor and someone else thought was a big deal. People seem to get ****** at bikers easily I noticed.

Then this person called and overexaggerated what happended to the police. It happens often and there's little we can do.

Though from personal experience I know a follow up by a Police officer like you experienced is rare, and they must have made you sound like a total reckloose.

Staying quiet might help, but if you feel you didn't do any of the things you were accused of, speaking to the officer might make you feel better and calm your mind.

It's really a lose-lose; stay quiet and look like you're admitting guilt, or call and 'he doth protest too much.' Personally, I'd make the call, at least to try and find out what someone said I did.
Won't be long before people start actively calling in the lane splitters/filterers...and with the go pros, won't be hard to charge them either.

If you get anymore calls from anonymous tips, maybe it's good advice:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Zx40udwQvZI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lol - curious about some large time gaps on his profile...

He was on a retreat getting some bro-love :lmao:

Poor girl probably has no idea of his past, and that most likely she'll get ****ed over in the near future.
pshh, its probably an old lady that saw the recent news and thought "Hey its one of those crazy bikers from NY that beat up that poor RR driver! He must be out to beat me with his helmet! I better get him before he does more harm to society"
pshh, its probably an old lady that saw the recent news and thought "Hey its one of those crazy bikers from NY that beat up that poor RR driver! He must be out to beat me with his helmet! I better get him before he does more harm to society"

That thought definitely crossed my mind.
Don't call him back! Don't say a word to him unless you have to...

"Anything you say can, and will, be usd against you in a court of law" (or something like that)...

Just admitting you were at the specific location, at the specific time, could lead to trouble.

Don't call him back... and don't worry about it... until you hear the complaint again while staring the cop in the face!
OP your too slow they got your plate

Bawahaha. Get creative. Use your own material.

OP. it's nothing to worry about. I've had a few letters, likely still have them somewhere, used to keep them on the fridge. Now the letters I used to get from the photo lab before digital photography, are pure awesome.......
It's really a lose-lose; stay quiet and look like you're admitting guilt, or call and 'he doth protest too much.' Personally, I'd make the call, at least to try and find out what someone said I did.

Agreed. I think I'd call as well.

Won't be long before people start actively calling in the lane splitters/filterers..

We already do get calls for that. It really seems to piss-off certain people.
Don't worry, a voicemail is way informal and more like a "time-out" in preschool.

Do one worse, and you'll get a letter from your local division--an official letter with badge numbers and name of officer. Last fall, there was an uber-****** that was riding the left lane of the 404 going maaaybe 100km/h on a downhill, and kept ignoring high-beams/courtesy honks. In fact, he/she felt so entitled to the lane that they started to brake check me all the way to 50km/h around 9pm on a Friday.

Rather than being an ****** and passing 2 lanes over to the right (yes, they drove in a line, with the next 2 lanes over all matching speeds), I made a quick pass via the Go-Bus lanes and called it a day--de-escalating the situation.

Month down the road, I receive the letter from my local PD stating time/location/offense in the mail. Obviously a mere warning, and basically a "******** driver said _____" please don't do it again. Limpdick driver clearly took offense and called it in... :lmao:
"It wasn't me." PERIOD

If they ask any other questions, "I would not like to answer any questions or make any statements".

You think you'll look guilty to them but it doesn't matter, they're already looking to **** you. If they could they would, if they haven't they don't got **** so don't go tightening your own noose.

If they can prove it was you, make them work for it and do it, don't go bending over giving yourself in. Don't go posting incriminating **** here either.


You're asking if hearsay can be used against you, yes it can. First they have to prove it was you. It could be anyone on your bike, you just keep quiet and say nothing. Unless the complainant can visually identify you they can't pin anything to your record. Again, admitting to things here doesn't help.

Back to hearsay, I can say you threatened me and uttered death threats and they'll come arrest you. I don't need ****, I just have to say you did it. It won't hold up in court but the cops will harass you, book you and ruin your day at the very least. Its even worse if a girl accuses you of something...
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After checking some of your other posts, you don't want to put yourself at that place at that time.

If you do call you might want to ask if this person complains frequently.

It was a pain-in-the-rear process to complain, I found. (Someone ran a red light and nearly took out six pedestrians, since we didn't have a description of the driver, they were going to phone).

if someone is taking the time to complain, you'll to take a close look at your driving style, and modify it.
I really have to laugh at some of the replies to this thread, like "don't say a thing they are looking to screw you over".. etc.. We didn't have the "road watch" program way back when but we had similar type of complaint processes. for those who aren't awrae here is aTYPICAL conversation in the divison between a Sgt and a Cst.

Sgt hands Cst a sheet of paper says "here is one of those road watch reports handle it"
Cst gets up goes to CPIC machine runs plate, runs driver history. pulls up reverse directory for phone number. Calls house says via voice mail. "We have a report of your bad driving, behave" Call me back.

Fast forward a few days.

Sgt says "did you handle that road watch thing?"
Cst "sure did sarge guy had a clean record I called his house left voice mail threatening him, asked for him to call in. Haven't heard back, but I am sure he is scared straight..hahaha"
Sgt "good job"

Or second scenario when doing CPIC check copper sees a terrible history. He knows what area you ride and approx time of day so for a few days he goes out in that area at that time looking for you and bike. IF you do something bone headed, he nails you. BUT your not his priority.

The officer knows he has nothing to lay a charge with and I can assure you isn't calling you to get you to "confess" so he can come over and charge you. Either way this isn't Perry Mason or Dragnet, the copper has spent all the time he is going to on this he has done what is "required" of him to do. He got complaint he advised you of complaint and he told you your riding was unacceptable.

Kudos to you initially it seemed like you were saying this was just foolish report you never did anything, (and it is true you probably didn't doo 98% of what was alleged), then you reflected and said I might have done somethings that could tick some cager off. You acknowledged some of your riding techniques could upset some people. that is a good to recognize. It could prevent a future road rage. We all do silly things on the roads it is up to us to try to all get along and therefore be safe.
I really have to laugh at some of the replies to this thread, like "don't say a thing they are looking to screw you over".. etc.. We didn't have the "road watch" program way back when but we had similar type of complaint processes. for those who aren't awrae here is aTYPICAL conversation in the divison between a Sgt and a Cst.

Sgt hands Cst a sheet of paper says "here is one of those road watch reports handle it"
Cst gets up goes to CPIC machine runs plate, runs driver history. pulls up reverse directory for phone number. Calls house says via voice mail. "We have a report of your bad driving, behave" Call me back.

Fast forward a few days.

Sgt says "did you handle that road watch thing?"
Cst "sure did sarge guy had a clean record I called his house left voice mail threatening him, asked for him to call in. Haven't heard back, but I am sure he is scared straight..hahaha"
Sgt "good job"

Or second scenario when doing CPIC check copper sees a terrible history. He knows what area you ride and approx time of day so for a few days he goes out in that area at that time looking for you and bike. IF you do something bone headed, he nails you. BUT your not his priority.

The officer knows he has nothing to lay a charge with and I can assure you isn't calling you to get you to "confess" so he can come over and charge you. Either way this isn't Perry Mason or Dragnet, the copper has spent all the time he is going to on this he has done what is "required" of him to do. He got complaint he advised you of complaint and he told you your riding was unacceptable.

Kudos to you initially it seemed like you were saying this was just foolish report you never did anything, (and it is true you probably didn't doo 98% of what was alleged), then you reflected and said I might have done somethings that could tick some cager off. You acknowledged some of your riding techniques could upset some people. that is a good to recognize. It could prevent a future road rage. We all do silly things on the roads it is up to us to try to all get along and therefore be safe.

Sooooo.......what division do you work at?
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No longer in that line of work. I left before many on this forum were a wet dream for their old man..lol
Back when the police motorcycle corp were trained by dispatch riders?
I've called in a few out of control drivers, I'm glad to see the cops follow up. Everybody gets to make one dumb move, if you make a few more (or another terrible one), I'll call them in.

I don't want to be the one killed by some douchnozzle passing on blind curves in a lexus because the car in front of him was only going 30 km/h over the speed limit (last guy I called in heading into Haliburton, heading south on 118 he passed 3 cars in the s bend, then 5 more before he got to the lights, he pushed 3 oncoming cars off the road).
heading south on 118 he passed 3 cars in the s bend, then 5 more before he got to the lights, he pushed 3 oncoming cars off the road).

In Soviet Russia, they invented a bus driver who takes care of those :cool:

OP all you had to do was, go to the ministry pay 20 and get a new plate. If you're worried about having your plate run again in the future. And also update the colour of your bike if your that paranoid.

I had a letter sent to me by the feds, about me stunting, i just laughed, and never went to that country road again and thats all they wanted.

In that letter, it said, specifically, we appologize if you wern't the rider, but you have to understand it is our job to follow through and if it wasn't you please tell your friend or rider who was operating the bike at that time to be careful and not do that in "basically their area again", i got the hint, i never back there again, and even with my new bike and everything i went there once but never did anything like that just to have that mutual respect for the community down there.

if cops were like this aswell in traffic stops, no one would run! and most likely people would stop doing things realising they are getting a chance, these days its shoot first n good luck at the trial in court *****!....its almost like the system is built to make you pay or throw you in jail, like the system is built to make people go in jail and only leave those out who are rich.

dosen't sound to far off from the global elitist agenda of getting rid of the poor and middle class leaving only the few wealthy in the system.
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