Just Came Back From A 6-Week Vacation 4,000 km South

Sir, in El Salvador a new President took over, in 9 months he dropped crime by 90% and completely decimated the MS-13 gang. Now El Salvador has the same crime rate per 100k people as France and it's 4 times more safe than Toronto. In Toronto we have a shooting every day, in El Salvador there's gaps of 6 days with no shootings in the entire country. There's more armed robberies a week in Toronto than El Salvador. There's 10x times more car thefts in the GTA than in El Salvador. There's 10x times more police harassment in the GTA than in El Salvador. In 6 weeks I was there I didn't hear a single case of a vehicle being stolen because the owner left the ignition running and his doors unlocked. Try that in the GTA. Teenaged violence is also way higher here in Canada. You also have a higher chance of getting scammed here in Canada. I never heard of a single credit card owners in El Salvador who had their MasterCards compromised or scammed. And I talked to a lot of them.
How about that little thing back in November 21 where gang fights took out 30 people in 2 days? Pres had to deploy military to the streets.

Do they grow Bananas? I'm out.
How about that little thing back in November 21 where gang fights took out 30 people in 2 days? Pres had to deploy military to the streets.

Do they grow Bananas? I'm out.
What you got against bananas? Or are you eluding to some banana republic narrative?
What you got against bananas? Or are you eluding to some banana republic narrative?
The latter. Been to lots of them, haven't met one I need to see again.
The latter. Been to lots of them, haven't met one I need to see again.
Yikes, hopefully it didn't involve any clandestine bananas in pants trick ;)

You should def check out Queensland, AU/Thailand/Vietnam...and fall back in love with that sweet sweet potassium.
Peg...maybe you should change your search criteria to 'murders'.

"Searched "Shooting GTA" and "Shooting El Salvador" (most recent)."

He clearly doesn't know how to pull up the facts, and is interpreting a lack of results as proof that he's right, which isn't even close to reality.
Or he is just having fun with us.

Umm. I know you’re not new here.

And this is Peggy we’re talking about.

So. Yeah. There’s that. 😉
Another tale to keep everyone's attention by the guy that gave us axel stiks.
Oh c'mon man not even my Grandma remembers that. You should feel ashamed of yourself reviving a 18-year-old post at a time when I was barely 20 years old.
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Dude, I'm with you. But, you can't compare San Salvador to Toronto. I was there around 2004 timeframe, I'm sure things have changed. But it's not the same. You can find trouble very easily in Central America. I was in Costa Rica few years ago, and as nice and friendly things are, you're not going to just walk around at night in San Juan or any decently populated place without worry. I can and did walk around in Driftwood, which is the street behind Jane n Finch without too much of a worry.

Toronto is safe and fair, but boring. San Salvador is probably safer than before but not boring at all. There is life there cause everyone is on the street with a smile. They don't run to their bedroom communities and live a shuttered life chasing materials for the most part there. Also, there is a sense of community mostly due to the overall culture and belief system. They still haven't replaced God with materials yet.
Jesus Christ you are kidding me right? Driftwood ave and Jane/Finch? I would never walk there alone at night, or unarmed. You went to San Salvador 4 years ago, before Bukele became president, you should walk there now. I was with my wife and 4 kids walking all over the city until 4 am one time they had a carnival. Nothing happened, not even the drunks had fights, try that in Caribana or a rock festival here in Ontario. El Salvador's crime rate is the same as France's. Check it out.
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I think you need to do better research...

Here is one from El Mundo BTW celebrating 54 years of news reporting in El Salvador

Post on Feb 2, 2022, basically states there was 82 murders in January. It's going in the right direction, but that is almost the entire amount of murders in 1 month for all of 2020 in Toronto.

There is a nice info graphic show the amount of deaths per day in January. No Spanish required!

Here's another source from La Prensa, apparently been around since 1915, posted Today!

2 youth group works where basically forced, or abducted by gang members and murdered and their bodies were dismember
Reported missing Jan 17th and body parts recovered around Jan 19th. Victims didn't have connections to gangs.
Stuff like this doesn't happen in Toronto

Here is another good one La Prensa posted yesterday!

Basically a what they call a detached body, probably decapitated, but some form of dismemberment.

Also La Prensa also posted Today!

Criminals attack someone Wednesday night. They survived

February doesn't look like it's off to a great start.
And out of the 82 murders about 75 of them were of husbands shooting dead their wives. That's a big difference than Toronto murders which are truly crimes of public violence and crime.

Also 82 is for the entire country, not 1 city. Chicago had more than that. Can you show me statistics of armed robberies and car thefts of Toronto compared to all of El Salvador? I noticed that all of you ignore my request. I can guarantee you that Toronto's armed robbery rate is about 3x times that of El Salvador.
Oh c'mon man not even my Grandma remembers that. You should feel ashamed of yourself reviving a 18-year-old post at a time when I was barely 20 years old.
Good to see that your arithmetic has improved over all those years.
And out of the 82 murders about 75 of them were of husbands shooting dead their wives. That's a big difference than Toronto murders which are truly crimes of public violence and crime.

Also 82 is for the entire country, not 1 city. Chicago had more than that. Can you show me statistics of armed robberies and car thefts of Toronto compared to all of El Salvador? I noticed that all of you ignore my request. I can guarantee you that Toronto's armed robbery rate is about 3x times that of El Salvador.
Care to share your references showing husbands killing wives? And how does that even make it less worse??

Ahh nevermind, let the facts speak for themselves

Posted on Feb 4th, states they found 26 bodies in Nuevo Cuscatlan... GUESS what this is just outside San Salvador!!!
Comparable to Stouville to Toronto..
Also mentioned some of them were soccer players, which were missing in Dec 2021!

26 Bodies not enough evidence for you to know the difference between extreme violent crimes??

Wait there is more

Posted today! Feb 6, another soccer related murder, this guy worked as a physiotherapist, was killed Saturday after returning from fishing!

And more!

Feb 4th, these guys were responsible for killing a nurse and a uber driver.

So what do we have for the first few days in February, including the stuff I posted earlier.
Mass graves, dismembered bodies, killing nurse, soccer players, more dismembered bodies all within a couple of weeks, lets just round that up to a month.

Have we even seen anything close to this kind of violence in Toronto for the same time peroid or even the past year!?

But yeah the armed robbery rate in Toronto is the problem, not the amount of dead people in El Salvador... :rolleyes:
Jesus Christ you are kidding me right? Driftwood ave and Jane/Finch? I would never walk there alone at night, or unarmed. You went to San Salvador 4 years ago, before Bukele became president, you should walk there now. I was with my wife and 4 kids walking all over the city until 4 am one time they had a carnival. Nothing happened, not even the drunks had fights, try that in Caribana or a rock festival here in Ontario. El Salvador's crime rate is the same as France's. Check it out.
No I'm not kidding you. I was with you but you seem to be on some weird ass tangent. And you seem to be missing the subtle art of building consensus man.

El Salvador is pretty bad place for most people due to politics/economics/corruption, hence the amount of people wanting to get the fk out of there. There's nothing else more to it. Is that the only facet to it? No, there is humanity and beauty there too, but it comes with a certain amount of risk and you're downplaying that risk.
Just to give another perspective on El Salvador, I have been here for the past couple weeks.

While it definitely has problems, it is a country on the upswing. Not sure I would compare safety to any 1st world country, but it certainly doesn’t feel dangerous. I have wandered around the nice parts of San Salvador at night and never felt an ounce of danger. Saying that, there are parts of San Salvador that I was explicitly told not to go to at anytime of day. It definitely feels safer than Guatemala that I was in beforehand.

All of the locals I have spoken to seem to agree that everything is getting better rapidly, a lot of the highways have brand new pavement, safety is rapidly improving, and they are proud of El Salvador. Almost every conversation includes a request to tell people back home how amazing El Salvador is. The people are truly warm, caring, and lovely. For example, I got hammered at a bar with some locals in Juayua (small colonial town that attracts some tourists), couldn’t get into my hostel at 2am, was invited to sleep at one of the locals’ house. We drank many more of his beers, and he made me breakfast in the morning. Refused to take any money.

As for the president, there isn’t unanimous love for him. People like the changes that are happening in the country, but are wary about his love of Bitcoin and constant antagonizing of the west (check his Twitter). None of the locals I have spoken to use Bitcoin and view it as a gimmick to attract foreigners. Very few Bitcoin signs in San Salvador or Santa Ana (2nd biggest city), lots of Bitcoin signs at the beaches that are full of tourists. Personal opinion, not sure if an influx of cryptobros will be good for the country. I have had way too many conversations with cryptobros here that are thinking of moving because El Salvador doesn’t tax crypto, says F U to the rest of the world, and are the general type that don’t fit into normal society. The money they bring would be positive, but not sure if the personalities would be beneficial for the country.

Example, no idea how this would work in the real world

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