June 6th 1944

And that's why you will be eaten if there ever is a war that comes here. Please plump up more. I like my food juicy

I don't think so. Doing what it takes when getting attacked is quite a bit different than doing whatever it takes when attacking. I guess that's why I can actually understand how someone could become a suicide bomber.

For example, right now there is no legitimate threat to Canada, therefore I will enjoy my life here. If someone attacks us and lands troops or fire ICBM's I'll go kick some ass.
This thread was started by the OP as a reminder for all of us to be gratefull for those that have fought in the past and present so that we can live in great country like Canada.

Is it's because of those people that gave theire lives that we have the right to live and express our thoughts in a free society.

If you dont like living in a free country you are more than welcome to leave....no one is forcing you to stay...
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Again, Germany could never have invaded north America, so I fail to see how we live in a free society because of them. They fought for the freedom of Europe and the russians fought for their "freedom".

Consider that Canada and the US don't get involved in WWII; Germany conquers Europe and the war ends. Technology continues marching on (ironically, much of it stemming from developments during the war which may have seen our two countries fall behind in technology had neither been involved) and a couple of decades later, the ability to strike on North America is achieved (as it was)...

Nope, I guess it doesn't affect us at all. /sarcasm

Back on topic; we will remember them.
I must admit the war on Germany was justified.
For those who don't think the Axis won't attack N America, why do you think Japan attacked Pearl Habour?
To be honest I think we would've been speaking German now. Most people who didn't have blue eyes/blonde hair would've been on the hitlist. Hitler wanted a pure Aryan race
I must admit the war on Germany was justified.
For those who don't think the Axis won't attack N America, why do you think Japan attacked Pearl Habour?
To be honest I think we would've been speaking German now. Most people who didn't have blue eyes/blonde hair would've been on the hitlist. Hitler wanted a pure Aryan race

Who was funding Hitler?
so the Taliban who just chopped off a 10 year old kids head are the good side too? Keep those theories coming dreamer

Which country dropped two nuclear bombs? I think they dropped 3 (Spain or somewhere thereabouts)
How many did they kill?
Yet, the same country wants to tell others and convince you why it's bad for x country to have the bomb.
Remember how the Russians were portrayed in movies and the media.
They are going to nuke us.
Yet it was the US that dropped nuclear weapons.
Which country dropped two nuclear bombs? I think they dropped 3 (Spain or somewhere thereabouts)
How many did they kill?
Yet, the same country wants to tell others and convince you why it's bad for x country to have the bomb.
Remember how the Russians were portrayed in movies and the media.
They are going to nuke us.
Yet it was the US that dropped nuclear weapons.

To end the war because Japan wouldn't surrender. The bombs saved millions of lives that would have been lost in a ground invasion. Read up on your history
The US government has killed a lot more innocents than all of your "terrorists" groups put together.

So you are ok with chopping off kids heads,nice.
The numbers aren't the issue.. Radical Islam and targeting of innocents is. Not people caught in the crossfire
To end the war because Japan wouldn't surrender. The bombs saved millions of lives that would have been lost in a ground invasion. Read up on your history

Well to be fair that is what we are taught but it was not that cut and dry.

Japan had practically no ability to wage military war anymore, the B29s bombers were all but untouchable. Even without invasion they would have likely surrendered in the near future as the military dictatorship was hanging by a thread. The Russians entering the pacific war was also a major factor for Japan, no chance in China and the Russians had a grudge--plus the troops in China were all but lost. One MAJOR sticking point was the allies terms for surrender, which were absolute including the emperor (including possible war crime charges)--Terms set out in the Potsdam conference if memory serves me right. Military dictatorship or not that was a (maybe the) show stopper. In the end the terms of surrender were modified to not touch the emperor, because even after the bombs it was a show stopper.... So invasion may not have been required either way and more favourable terms of surrender would have also helped (as they did). The simplified grade school History class saved lives vs invasion argument holds little water in the classic sense since invasion was likely not at all required.

As for saving lives, the strategic fire bombing of cities (including Tokyo) could be argued was more devastating than the two bombs, just took a lot more planes per mission... This would have been require to continue until surrender. So if this was to continue there could have been more lives lost in Japan from this type of bombing.

Also, the US needed to show the soviets that they had the bomb and were willing to use it as a preventative measure. This is the best argument for the saved lives because that bit of sabre rattling likely did prevent a third war in quick order (instead there was just water testing in Berlin, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam--proxy wars). Also why it was important to drop it on real cities (and I am not saying this was right or wrong), also a factor in why they did the two so close together, to get a chance to display both technologies before they surrendered.

Finally, don't poke the bear and not expect the bear to kick your ***. So a bit of payback may have also factored in. It was absolute war and both side knew that, as opposed to cowards cutting off the heads of children.

Back on topic, the soldiers involved in the beach invasions (not just June 6) were some of the bravest men ever.
To end the war because Japan wouldn't surrender. The bombs saved millions of lives that would have been lost in a ground invasion. Read up on your history

They could have dropped 1 bomb a couple miles off the cost into the ocean so the people could see it.
Then simply tell them #2 will be hitting land unless they stop.
INNOCENT Japanese people did NOT attack it was SOLDIERS that flew those planes into Pearl Harbour.
So why bomb the innocent.
They could have dropped 1 bomb a couple miles off the cost into the ocean so the people could see it.
Then simply tell them #2 will be hitting land unless they stop.
INNOCENT Japanese people did NOT attack it was SOLDIERS that flew those planes into Pearl Harbour.
So why bomb the innocent.

Industrial zone. They feed the war machine & manufacturer arms & tanks
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