Job hunting for the summer | Page 2 |

Job hunting for the summer

Want to share some crazy patient stories? My mother in law was a nurse and had a crazy old lady pour a full cup of tea on her. The old lady pretended she needed something picked up off the floor and when she bent over to pick it up for her the lady poured it all over her.

Haha yeah the old people wing was my favourite to work…. The BEST stuff happened up there.

Like this one guy who had a love triangle thing going on. He had three women whos room he visited at night. Each morning he would roll out of one of them (yep wheelchair bound so rolled out) and then his wife who visited once a week.

Then there was this former psyc nurse…. Irony she went crazy in her old age. Use to yell insults and **** to get people to try to help her out. Would try to convince us that she had to return her gown to her daughter which was a hospital gown so complete bs. Go in to clean her room and the yelling would start haha. It was sad and funny at the same time.

The 90 something year old bed ridden woman who decided she wanted out. Somehow managed to jump out of her bed and nearly strangle a nurse. Took two nurses and a security guard to pry her off. Wasn’t allowed to enter her room without a guard by the time she left the place.

That’s a sample of the stories lol.
ya i also tried monster. and i agree with the the fact that its a pain to filter the lists
I wish I could help out, but I'm in no better situation. I'm a recent university graduate; I studied Environmental Science. I also have a diploma in Environmental Technology and a certification in GIS. I've been applying to at least 5 jobs per week since January and I haven't had 1 interview or phone call yet.

5 jobs a week??? Yeah, as a recent grad with no real world experience you will find nothing at that rate of application. I got laid off in January, and between January and April i sent out close to 1500 resume's. 5 in person interviews total, not including a callback i had at my old company (that i didnt even get, wtf did they call me back for?), and about 30 phone interviews. The job market is really tough right now. Tons of experienced people are looking for jobs. You really need to be aggressive if you hope to get anything. I applied to a bunch of jobs that matched my resume exactly, only to get a phonecall and say they went with someone who had more experience but that they would keep my resume on file because it was seriously impressive. I know thats generally a BS line but my accomplishments at my last job were seriously extra-ordinary considering my actual role in the company, and given this job market and actually meeting some of the people i was up against for these jobs, im not surprised at all because they were seriously over-qualified and brought a lot more to the table.

Right now more than ever you really need to treat job hunting as a full time job. No "Oh i will send out a couple resume's today and then go bum around". 9-5, sit down and just mass apply everywhere that sounds interesting. Get on LinkedIn, canada job bank, craigslist, kijiji, etc and apply all day long. You also cant be picky unless you can afford to not work for a while. Looking for a job in your field is fine, but if the bills need to get paid, **** it. You can always search for your "dream job" while working a job that pays the bills.
Reminder guys, it's not about the quantity of resumes you get out there, if the resume and your presentation itself is subpar. Find the jobs you actually want and tailor your resume to that individual job posting. Focus on the qualities they are looking for and most importantly do some research on the company in question, your cover letter should answer how you'd be the ideal candidate to help them fulfill their objectives. (How you can help them, not how they can help you. Nobody cares if you desire "experience".) As crazy as it may sound, managers actually do want to hire motivated employees, after all they do need to work with you.

Allot of companies don't even post their openings, find a company you'd like to work for, identify the right contact and let them know what skillset you can provide and how you can benefit them. Think elevator pitch; thank them for their time, no more than 3-5 mins. (They will appreciate you being courteous with their time.) Most importanly aways be honest with them in inverviews, people that do interviews often quickly pick up on the ********...
Reminder guys, it's not about the quantity of resumes you get out there, if the resume and your presentation itself is subpar. Find the jobs you actually want and tailor your resume to that individual job posting. Focus on the qualities they are looking for and most importantly do some research on the company in question, your cover letter should answer how you'd be the ideal candidate to help them fulfill their objectives. (How you can help them, not how they can help you. Nobody cares if you desire "experience".) As crazy as it may sound, managers actually do want to hire motivated employees, after all they do need to work with you.

Allot of companies don't even post their openings, find a company you'd like to work for, identify the right contact and let them know what skillset you can provide and how you can benefit them. Think elevator pitch; thank them for their time, no more than 3-5 mins. (They will appreciate you being courteous with their time.) Most importanly aways be honest with them in inverviews, people that do interviews often quickly pick up on the ********...

True, but right at the moment I think quantity matters as well. I still keep in contact with other people at my last company and people who arent serious about job hunting still dont have jobs. 2 of my friends in particular were not so serious about finding a new job because they dont really "need" to at the moment. However, a couple weeks ago our severance end-date started coming up fairly quickly, and one of those friends kicked it into high gear and started actively looking for jobs, while the other just decided he can afford to not work for a while if thats what it comes down to, and is still only sending out a few resumes a day. Guess which one is working now?

The job market is incredibly tough right now, Id almost say tougher than in 2008/2009, for 3 reasons. One, people are still getting laid off due to the mass amount of M&A that went on in the last 3 years. Two, now that companies are getting stable and people are less worried about their jobs, really qualified people with nothing to lose are also on the hunt. Three, companies are starting to expand again and theyre paying better, which provides an incentive for those people with steady, stable jobs to apply. Right now, no matter what job, youre up against a lot of people, and within those people a subset of highly qualified people looking to move up into better jobs. So no matter how qualified you are or how good your resume is, chances are someone else is applying who is better qualified. So at 5 resumes a week, chances are you arent going to find that one job posting that everyone overlooked. At 200 resumes a week? Much more likely.

But yes i agree if your resume is ****, youre basically handicapping yourself in an already incredibly competitive job market. I spent 8 hours redoing my single page resume with an english major friend of mine, and slightly tweaked it for every job i was applying to. My resume is seriously impressive and my response rate was still less than 1%. I'm not bragging either, I was just afforded a lot of opportunities at my last company which let me pad out my resume with some transferable skills (which is exactly why I did it without asking for more money or a bonus or anything).

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