Jeff Beck, Lisa Marie Presley RIPs

The critical thinking thing is huge.

100 experts who’s entire career has been spent on a particular topic and who have no political agenda have a consensus but one random guy with shouty YouTube videos selling obscure crap or health **** that tells you the opposite and you believe him. So this means one of two things:

1. The recognized experts are all wrong and random guy with zero qualifications has somehow figured out something science has missed.
2. You’re a deluded, gullible fool.

Questioning science is absolutely fine and how we change theories to fact through experiment and constant checking. What’s not fine is questioning science in a disingenuous manner where in the face of overwhelming evidence a person still clings to the “well, I still just don’t believe it sorry” and carries on sowing seeds of doubt where they can.

My own feelings are that the current state of social media allows nefarious people to undermine collective efforts to improve things and also allows some people to have a sense of power that they didn’t have before by attempting to influence events and actions in a contrary way. They get their 15 mins of fame by being the figurehead in some ****** Twitter thread about how vaccines make your wang drop off.
If you don't trust the leadership of your country, why would you trust anyone under him?
If you don't trust the leadership of your country, why would you trust anyone under him?

The critical thinking extends to thinking about who is giving you the message, why, and the context surrounding that.

I saw three phases of the pandemic:

1. At the start there was reluctance to believe we were in the position we found ourselves in. Measures were slow and spotty.
2. Panic and realization that this was real and action to mitigate effects was taken by all. People worked together.
3. Some groupthink that “that’s it, I’ve done enough back to normal now”. Despite what data tells us. That undermined progress we made in #2. As a result, deaths in 2022/23 are approaching those from the worst periods of the pandemic. Vaccinations have fallen off as people listen to intellectually challenged dumbasses rather than actual scientists and mask wearing has declined when even that small gesture has a proven markedly beneficial effect on transmission. 1 in 24 people is infected with COVID.

#3 is also because business leaders pushed for a return. Economics dictated our healthcare response rather than the safety of the public. The messaging now really equates to sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and shouting “nyah nyah nothing to see here”.


I’m in a public forward facing environment, stats tell me that every day I am in close contact with 20 COVID + people. Adjusted for the demographic it’s probably higher. I’m still masked.

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