Hahahaha, you guys don't have true locking diffs?? DAMN SON!!! /END THREAD lol

The power windows are a nice feature... but the bluetooth I'm going to install myself in a few weeks! When I do see those new ones, I feel a little jealous I must say... but at the same time, when I pull in somewhere, like got the diff. flud changed a few weeks back, the guy instantaneously says "THIS IS THE ONE YOU WANT!! THAT V6 SUCKS!!!" So it does bring a smile to my face... not being a Jeep guy though, I don't really care. But I feel a bit of that "slap on an Orange t-shirt and head down to Port Dover" mentality that I also do not partake in the bike world.
Maybe yours aren't so kick *** in the snow. I can drift mine around a parking lot like I'm playing a video game... I usually tell people that if you're looking out of the front windshield when your driving a Jeep in the winter time, you're doing it wrong. I'm sure they are probably just as good, or better though.
For example daisoman, if I am going into a parking lot in 4WD and don't put it in 2, the Jeep feels like it's climbing over itself and just chewing tires when turning... because the left and right wheels are forced to travel the exact same speed.