January riders??.....

Riding thru a tornado, eh?
I'm not gonna argue

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I don't doubt the person riding and crashing the Ninja made a mistake in being out. Does that mean he is stupid? Do we know why he crashed? if the exact same thing happened in the summer would we call him stupid? (I hear of many crashes in riding season; are they all stupid?)


I'm an avid all weather rider myself and have put on about 2.5k km since November, but riding this past week in this brutal cold that we haven't experienced here in a few years is just plain stupid...

I had snow on my car that didn't melt for 4 days and its parked inside overnight, that means the pavement is going to be frigid even with all the cars driving on it. Its fair to believe he either crashed because of slush/snow or no traction due to cold tires and frigid pavement when probably trying to come to a stop...would the same thing have happened in the summer, hell no.
I JUST got in from riding around today.....ITs great out there

If you have the RIGHT equipment & BALLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was nice out around 3 until the sun went down, made the trek from st Kitts to Hamilton for a little shopping today!

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Not sure why people who don't ride in the winter are coming in here and being rude by calling people stupid for doing it.
In nature, for every action there is equal and opposite reaction, that's why.
Take a look through this thread over on ADV. Some good pics of winter riding. Mind alot of the people over there are not exactly sane....


I know a guy with a hack that rides all winter long. Only mode of transport. Mind he dresses for it, kinda anowmobile gear like.
It was nice out..

Agreed, Saturday was a perfect day for riding. Roads were decent, and the pedestrian trails by the lake were fun!

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I haven't seen anything in the news lately about any motorcycle fatalities. That must mean that winter riders are in fact safer riders than those that only ride during the summer.

Not sure why people who don't ride in the winter are coming in here and being rude by calling people stupid for doing it.

Unfortunately it is human nature to automatically take an aggressive stance to those who we don't fully comprehend, and to those whose actions are outside of our personal comfort area. We see this all the time in the motorcycling community.

Just as cagers will tell us all that we are stupid and have a death wish for riding on two wheels because riding is something they are uncomfortable with as a personal choice, we see those who are uncomfortable riding in the colder weather doing the same to us who ride when its cold out.

What I find ironic is that the same people who would be vocal about how 'stupid' it is to ride in the winter are the people who get most upset when they are being told how 'stupid' it is to ride in general

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I haven't seen anything in the news lately about any motorcycle fatalities. That must mean that winter riders are in fact safer riders than those that only ride during the summer.

or there's like only 5 riders out there compared to the thousands in the summer....
i haven't seen anything in the news lately about any motorcycle fatalities. That must mean that winter riders are in fact safer riders than those that only ride during the summer.

or there's like only 5 riders out there compared to the thousands in the summer....

0% fatality rate vs 1% fatality rate, the 0% wins.
I've been riding at least once a week during all of January. In fact, The first three weeks I would ride almost every other day. Granted I live downtown and just ride to a local gym so I'm not going faster than 50km/h, and I take it super easy on turns.

I didn't ride between the 20th & 25th when we had that freezing cold, but still jumped on the bike on the 25th.
Take a look through this thread over on ADV. Some good pics of winter riding. Mind alot of the people over there are not exactly sane....

Sanity is highly over-rated anyway!

It wasn't too bad out today, 5C and the rain was washing the roads off pretty well here
Road should be good.
Anyways, I'm not going to get into that riding is dangerous in the Winter blah blah. I ride in the winter.

Anyways, for those who haven't known, cold temperatures and heat doesn't do well for gaskets.
My o-rings for my coolant have probably shrunk which resulted a very small slow coolant leak.
DAMN!!! I was seconds away from typing " I'm going to start a February riders thread since this one got so many replies"
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