January riders??..... | GTAMotorcycle.com

January riders??.....


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Unless we get a thaw I think I'm done - I'd have trouble getting out the driveway still.
i'd like to get out riding for a bit for new years day, all the main roads are dry, but my street is still somewhat snowy and slushy...

see how it goes for tomolo...

happy new year
Too much random slush/black ice for my taste with shoveled driveways sprinkled over top. Plus the commute into Toronto is basically FUBAR at this point, so no real excuse to ride.

When I yanked the battery to trickle charge it (after sitting idle for nearly a month) it only needed a minute to reach 100%. Didn't realize the Burgman has a monster 500w alternator running the show!
Last rode Christmas eve, will try and get out as soon as I can...
i'd like to get out riding for a bit for new years day, all the main roads are dry, but my street is still somewhat snowy and slushy...

see how it goes for tomolo...

happy new year

trouble on my mind I got trouble on my mind

Happy New Year

See you come spring buddy
haha that's always with me

happy new year as well, and hope to see ya then too :)


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Tempting- it's sunny but still below freezing and the stretch to the main road just too dicey :(
and I've got a flyer to get out....
Dont trust the black ice! Or the salt combined with all the aluminum! On the stands she stays lol
Tempting- it's sunny but still below freezing and the stretch to the main road just too dicey :(
and I've got a flyer to get out....

exactly my thoughts as well, maybe hopefully have an indian summer during this winter season..
I went out for a short ride to the coffee shop on December 31st. It was pretty nice actually, except the street car tracks are extra slippery, and my front tire had low tire pressure.
The roads weren't too bad today, rode from Port Dover to St. Catharines after spending new years down there. Cold on the hands but as long as you kept your speed reasonable it was alright. My shield even played nice and didn't insta-fog every time I closed it, so I got some periods of semi warmth on my face (even with just being opened a crack to get rid of the fog it got cold quick)
I went for a ride today to keep alive my tradition of riding on New Year's Day. Weather was quite pleasant. Heated grips worked just fine, dodged areas where ice may have been lurking but overall satisfied.
Need the snow to melt first:) Hoping for lots of snow up north so I can go boarding and no snow in Toronto so I can go out for my little joy rides still.
Bike is still ready to go, but I haven't been out since Christmas Eve. T.O. to Port Dover for Boxing Day, and a 4 hour drive home in the snow. Sure glad I had the cage with snow tires!
This is the first year I haven't sent the bikes into storage, keeping them in my shed at home for a change. Of course this means the weather will be a mess and ruin my plans for a January ride, which is the only month of the year I have not ridden in.
anyone plan to ride today, sun's out and seems pretty decent, i may go out in a few hours or so possibly just in and around the area...
if I could figure out a way to get down the drive way - it's above freezing and roads are fine but icy on the driveway and the Burgman sucks in anything slippy - too heavy. :(
Plus clients coming int - damn lovely sunny day.

Maybe I'll try and scrape a path to the road - good luck

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