Is this the end for BlackBerry?

They had a flip phone replacement too, I chose not to "resist as it was futile" and took the smartphone.
They had a flip phone replacement too, I chose not to "resist as it was futile" and took the smartphone.
You've been assimilated.

Sent from my SM-A530W using Tapatalk
I still have a Blackberry as a backup phone. I loved the battery life but hated that there were no apps (even spotify) for it. Had the mic not died I'd still be using it though.
I still have a Blackberry as a backup phone. I loved the battery life but hated that there were no apps (even spotify) for it. Had the mic not died I'd still be using it though.

Same. I've got a backberry curve (I think) as a backup and hell I'd use it normally if possible but the lack of apps and tiny little screen make it a pain. Have considered going to the KeyOne (or Two?) once the 6S goes by the wayside. I wish they stuck around. I always liked their form factor and the software they had. I miss my RAZR...
I would buy it if it's a good phone. My Galaxy 10 does just about everything anyone could want though. I'm not sure how much further they can go with smartphones.
I'm on the iPhone 8 now and thinking of going to Android now. Wife finally got on board with WhatsApp so we can keep touch easier when I'm away. Only kept iOS because iMessage allowed it from site with only wifi communications.
I'm on the iPhone 8 now and thinking of going to Android now. Wife finally got on board with WhatsApp so we can keep touch easier when I'm away. Only kept iOS because iMessage allowed it from site with only wifi communications.
For cross-platform communication anywhere in the world it is hard to beat signal right now. Encrypted, you can see when they read the message and as a large bonus, Zuckerberg doesn't get to mine your messages.
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