Is this the end for BlackBerry?


Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
Full disclosure - I work for BB but I am speaking my own opinion

As I understand it BB offered a license but it was not taken so we decided to protect what we have created in the past. Apple sues even the likes of Samsung (and other smaller players) for their 'rectangle with round corners' design and no one seems to think they are dying any time soon. As for the innovation aspect, whats the last new innovation Apple, Samsung or another large cell phone player came up with? I think you need to look at QNX and IoT stuff in BlackBerry for innovation. Cell phones are a commodity now, innovation will be limited in the space IMO.

As for the end of BlackBerry, the smart phone used to be the primary $ generator but our portfolio of security related software (BES, WatchDox, Good, Adhoc etc) provides services across all the phone OSes (iOS, Android, Windows, BB10). I don't think BlackBerry will be going away any time soon. The solutions we have just aren't as sexy for the common people compared to when smart phones first came out and most people still, especially in Canada, still just think phones when they think BlackBerry.

Personally I don't think there's a problem with BB going after companies that are infringing patents that they have. All the big companies do it, and it's a huge cash generator for them as well when the judgement goes their way. Why shouldn't they protect what they built? There's enough 'patent trolls' out there that make a living off the shady tactic, that I fully agree with BB (and any other company) going after patent infringement.

As for security, still think it's the best thing out there personally. Although I'm no expert so there may be better. Sure they gave the key to the RCMP, but personally I'd prefer to have that happen even though people will scream bloody murder over privacy infringement...sorry...terrorist...mafia...criminal activity...let the cops / government find any means necessary to bring them down. If it means a little privacy infringement (with the proper court controls and permissions) is ok by me. Why isn't anyone screaming about phone taps, and the like that was pretty much the same thing as this RCMP getting access to their communication devices? No difference. Different tech.

Anyway I like my BB, and look forward to seeing more things coming from them. Me and the 10 others in the country.
As for security, still think it's the best thing out there personally. Although I'm no expert so there may be better. Sure they gave the key to the RCMP, but personally I'd prefer to have that happen even though people will scream bloody murder over privacy infringement...sorry...terrorist...mafia...criminal activity...let the cops / government find any means necessary to bring them down. If it means a little privacy infringement (with the proper court controls and permissions) is ok by me. Why isn't anyone screaming about phone taps, and the like that was pretty much the same thing as this RCMP getting access to their communication devices? No difference. Different tech.

Anyway I like my BB, and look forward to seeing more things coming from them. Me and the 10 others in the country.

It's not just the RCMP that have keys, they've done it for other countries such as the countries in the middle east that don't have the best human rights records
Why are they EOL'ing Blend? use it everyday and will be sadly missed.

Not my area really (I work on the BES team and the PRIV is the first BB phone I have carried in years as I am on the team that manages iOS and Android phones). That said, Blend is related to BB10 and 'the people' have spoken and BB10 didn't get the following required, so I imagine the EOL of Blend is related to moving those development and support resources to items that people might use.

if I was Samsung, now that BB won't be wasting precious time, money, R&D and resources on building phones nobody wants to buy and they can stay focused on software and great security, I'd buy BB outright.

top notch security, great software, coupled with Samsungs killer sexy hardware, big win and a natural fit for samsung.
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if I was Samsung, now that BB won't be wasting precious time, money, R&D and resources on building phones nobody wants to buy and they can stay focused on software and great security, I'd buy BB outright.

top notch security, great software, coupled with Samsungs killer sexy hardware, big win and a natural fit for samsung.

But they have a similar ego problem. Buying BB would requiring acknowledging that BB does some things better than Knox. Apple may be a better fit as they don't have an equivalent service and their profit model relies much more heavily on continual small purchases.
Hey I thought they were gonna be next great thing
Their software division grew by $166 million in last quarter. They're gonna be just fine as a company.

Hardware division? Not so much, but I do think their strategy is on the right track.

Sent from my Passport

Your'e welcome, Enjoy your stock gains after yesterdays financial report. "BlackBerry's stock has now surged more than 40% so far in 2019."

yup, just fine as a now Billion (with a B) dollar software company. Their strategy was indeed on the right track.
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you sir, need to be banned from this thread...
i agree with him.I'm sick of people telling me NOT to call them,text me first.Mine is going to the scrapheap soon.I'll use an old flip phone.
I have to say, I never got into the smartphone loyalty thing. I believe that Blackberry was the first innovator, and basically the company that made smartphones popular. When Apple got into the game, good old American patriotism seemed to take over, with U.S. publications saying they could do no wrong and then then Research in Motion was yesterday, lagging in tech, and a host of bad press. The Canadian media predictably and quite stupidly jumped on the anti-Blackberry bandwagon, with the Globe and Mail consistently trashing the brand. Yet, they were always good phones.

Had it not been for Blackberry, there would be no iPhone and no Samsung phones as we see them today. Blackberry failed to follow market changes, but they did eventually release some newer, better products. Unfortunately the brand had so badly been trashed by then that it was unsalvageable. This latest lawsuit is nothing. Apple and Samsung have been suing people for years. So why would Blackberry be vilified alone? It seems the unfounded, unmerited hate of Blackberry, perhaps because they are a Canadian brand, is never going away. If I could buy a Blackberry that did what my S10 does I would buy it in a minute. Blackberrys are built like tanks and last forever.
the current batch of smartphones are handy for personal use

but for business/work, I've never had anything close the perfection of my BB Bold
I miss the simplicity and rock solid reliability of that old device
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