Is There Any Bike Out There That Can Give You 400+ km's On Tank Of Gas?

1989 Honda VTR250 380 to reserve another 35 -50 till empty.
2009 Yamaha FZ6 fully loaded 3 hard bags (2 side 1 top case) 320 until flashing.
2010 Suzuki 2010 Suzuki GSX650F fully loaded 2 side hard case and pulling Third Wheel trailer 275 until flashing.
All highway 5 - 10 over limit.
I reset my TRIP2 odometer to 0 at every fill-up and just ignore the gas gauge, until I hit 500km; then repeat the process. I usually have 2 litres left in the tank. I do about 70% of highway riding.

That's about 4 litres/100 km for a 475 pound bike. That sucks compared to my new 1.8T Golf (3,100 pounds) where I get 5.1 litres/100km on trips up North, to Detroit and Ottawa at a steady 110km/hr.

Bike mileage sucks generally and there has been very little efficiency progress in recent decades other than switching to fuel injection.
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4.6 L/100km mix of highway and city commute on my 05 dl650 which gives my about 480km range
Bike mileage sucks generally and there has been very little efficiency progress in recent decades other than switching to fuel injection.

Honda 700 series get 79 mpg -3.58l/100km bike sucks but mileage is good. CB500x even better 3.2L/100km (comb) average and it's a fun machine. Both are quite capable of touring.

My Wee is deceptive...I get 180 km before it drops off 5 bars. Kid was always growling on the last trip as that's almost fillup range for him :D
CBF is really nasty's mechanical gauge and will read a 1/4 tank remaining and drop to nothing in 30 km ...:mad:
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Out for 900kms yesterday and filled up twice and still have half a tank left. Started with a fair bit in the tank though. Damn thing is a camel. Massive tank though to be fair.
Out for 900kms yesterday and filled up twice and still have half a tank left. Started with a fair bit in the tank though. Damn thing is a camel. Massive tank though to be fair.

So if your half tank was actually half a tank you averaged 360 km per tank. What model of bike?

seriously, you guys get that many km's out of your bikes!?!?!?!?

'04 SV650s - 270kms until reserve
'06 GSXR 600 - 170kms until reserve
So if your half tank was actually half a tank you averaged 360 km per tank. What model of bike?


I got between 430 and 460 KMs a tank according to the trip computer. It's a KTM SuperAdventure. Gas was down when I started out. Not a fair comparison though as the tank holds only slightly less than the behemoth BMW but I wasn't in frugal mode yesterday, most of the roads I was on were deserted.

Highway droning on cruise control should get me 500kms
While far less than the 400km the OP was asking about, I was recently very impressed with the DRZ's mileage:

I was on my way back from exploring the back trails in Bancroft and decided to test my range on 80kph back roads as I was carrying spare fuel.

The DRZ has a 10l tank. At 190km I hit reserve and kept going. I was intending to run it completely dry but at 250km I was in Woodbridge and worried about running dry on busy roads without a good spot to exit, so I filled up: the tank took 9.3l, so I still had 700ml of fuel in the tank. That was 3.72l/100k, 75.93 Imp MPG, or 63.22 US MPG and I wasn't completely nursing it, there were starts and stops along the way. Would probably be even better if it was a fuel injected bike.

So it looks like my total range on the DRZ is 270km... but better have extra fuel along as that is it.
It's not anywhere close to normal but I filled up my 2015 DL1000 V-Strom at 401.6 km with 18.242 litres. (20 litre tank.)

I spent yesterday riding around backroads in the Bobcaygeon/Fenelon Falls/Coboconk area plus 160 km today commuting to work and back. (Slower than normal.)

seriously, you guys get that many km's out of your bikes!?!?!?!?

Yup ...usually at light touring speeds - 100-120 indicated...I'm at 180 km before it drops a bar ( of 5 ).

450 km on a tank i easy at those speeds and there is always a litre + left. I suspect I can get 500 on a tank.

Up the speeds to 120-130 real.....drops rapidly as I have a lot frontage especially with the bags on.

It's nice NOT to have range anxiety.....the bike will go farther on a tank than I'm willing to without a break.
My Wee is deceptive...I get 180 km before it drops off 5 bars. Kid was always growling on the last trip as that's almost fillup range...

Been there.:rolleyes: Remember first time I cruised south with my son and he was surprised I didn't need gas after 250 km, but rather I filled up at every of his second fill-ups. Also I could ride comfortably all day on a stock bike, while he occasionally needed to find a patch of grass to lie down and nurse his spine back to normal. A stock 1 litre bike can do that to you. Looks and handles awesome but not recommended for adventure touring.
I got you all beat.

2015 R1....17L capacity. Light came on today at 155km!
while he occasionally needed to find a patch of grass to lie down and nurse his spine back to normal

yeah - kid learned with his departed SV650 might look cool butit ain't comfortable.
He can pretty much keep pace now with his Fz8 ( mind you 3rd party seat and Airhawk ). 800 km not a problem..Haven't yet tried for more.
The most I've ever been able to get in 10 years of riding my '06 SV650S is 308 kms. I did about 60 kms with the low fuel light blinking, then solid. I was starting to get desperate looking for a gas station. 17 liter tank and I put over 16 liters into it.
Well, I set a new high water mark with my SV650S last week. Did a 3-day trip with a buddy. Spent almost an entire tank cruising at ~95km/h on secondary roads in 6th gear. Low fuel light didn't come on until 292 kms and ran it to 340 kms before filling with ~15 litres.
I just found out that my reserve has another 70-100kms in it too so I can get over 500kms if I ride conservatively.
I reset my TRIP2 odometer to 0 at every fill-up and just ignore the gas gauge, until I hit 500km; then repeat the process. I usually have 2 litres left in the tank. I do about 70% of highway riding.

That's about 4 litres/100 km for a 475 pound bike. That sucks compared to my new 1.8T Golf (3,100 pounds) where I get 5.1 litres/100km on trips up North, to Detroit and Ottawa at a steady 110km/hr.

Bike mileage sucks generally and there has been very little efficiency progress in recent decades other than switching to fuel injection. does 4/l100 kms suck compared to 5.1?

You're burning 1 less litre every 100 kms when you ride the bike, it's better.

Car = 55 IMP MPG
Bike = 70 IMP MPG

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