is it really that bad to wear a helmet slightly larger than your normal size? | Page 3 |

is it really that bad to wear a helmet slightly larger than your normal size?

Try a Shark branded helmet too. They've got ridges inside the helmet to absorb impact.

As for loose helmets, it'll scramble your brain like the poster said above.

A shark helmet isn't going to provide any better protection than an Arai, especially if it doesn't fit.
If the medium is too tight for your head and the large fit the head but loose at the cheek, change the pad for thicker one. It's what I do and it worked well during my last year crash. Otherwise, try another brand/model.
This is an easy fix.. buy a Ducati and your smaller size head will fit the size bigger helmet.
A shark helmet isn't going to provide any better protection than an Arai, especially if it doesn't fit.

Sorry, I didn't make my message clear enough. I was suggesting that the OP also try out Shark helmets to see if they fit better and feel more comfortable. Different head shapes, different brands.

My point that a loose helmet is bad news bears still stands.
seems like the arai vector 2 fits me best. ok i get that wearing a helmet too large is bad cuz in a crash the helmet can slide off completely (?), but if it's just a little loose, what's the worse that could happen really?

a helmet has three main components: hard outer shell, compressable styrofoam-like layer and liners/padding. the outer shell functions to spread the force of an impact across a large area so that the impact is not concentrated on a small patch. the compressable styrofoamish layer absorbs the impact in an action-reaction manner so that when your head fits snugly inside the helmet, this layer prevents the impact forces from messing up your brain. if your helmet is too big, this layer might not compress as effectively so more of the impact forces may be transferred to your head.
The shark RSI helmets are made for a narrower head. Helmets are made for different shapes of heads, but also a cheap fix is to just change out the pads to get the desired fit as Vince492 mentioned.

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