is it really that bad to wear a helmet slightly larger than your normal size? | Page 2 |

is it really that bad to wear a helmet slightly larger than your normal size?

Do your cheeks press up when you put the helmet on?

A good way of checking is that if it's not easy to chew gum in the helmet it's probably the right size. By the way, if it's too loose it's probably going to be noisier too, more room for air to whip up inside the helmet from underneath.
Have you performed the time honored stuff when trying on a helmet do determine fit?

Put the helmet on, grab the chin piece, keep your head firmly straight, try moving the helmet left then right, then up and then down by applying light to medium force to the chin piece.

Does the helmet move around your head, or does your head move with the helmet? If the helmet fits correctly your head should want to move with it when doing this. If it doesn't then move on to another helmet size, or model.

Next, do up the helmet and grab the back of it at the base, and try to pull it off your head. if you are able to lift it substantially or pull it off it's also too big, again move on to another size or model.

Don't underestimate the forces to your helmet in a crash, even far less force, like the wind when riding at speed on the highway, can turn an ill fitting helmet on your head, or flip your visor open when you turn your head.

IMO you are getting good advice from those advocating the goldilocks rule... there is one that will be just right.
pardon my ignorance, but die from what? i know it's worst case scenario. would a person die from the helmet flying off his head upon impact? has this ever happened and documented?

there could be multiple head impacts during a crash

YES...In Florida I saw 3 separate motorcycle deaths in less than 2 hours

my best friend and I went helmet shopping and tried several on...he didn't like the colours....he learned about the correct fit
but later he bought one on line in the colour he liked.....against my it came and he tried it on...It was loose!!!
I asked why is it bigger....he said the ones in the store were snug and he didn't like the feel....I said it was too loose
any way he wanted to ride the next day so we set up a meet time......he never showed.......
in a parking lot he had hit a curb with the bike, fell off, hit the ground...helmet rotated off his head with the strap still done up
he slid and hit his head against another curb.....he was dead at scene, then brought back to life in the ambulance
I spent every afternoon for 3 months, in the hopital reteaching him things, his brain was like a computer that had been reset, he had no character, the things that make us who we are, he hated his family, he didnt remember them, he called a spoon a fork, everythings jumbled
fast forward a year, he is a different person, different interests, I call him my NEW friend

Choose to wear protection wisely....get educated
Have you performed the time honored stuff when trying on a helmet do determine fit?

Put the helmet on, grab the chin piece, keep your head firmly straight, try moving the helmet left then right, then up and then down by applying light to medium force to the chin piece.

Does the helmet move around your head, or does your head move with the helmet? If the helmet fits correctly your head should want to move with it when doing this. If it doesn't then move on to another helmet size, or model.

Next, do up the helmet and grab the back of it at the base, and try to pull it off your head. if you are able to lift it substantially or pull it off it's also too big, again move on to another size or model.

Don't underestimate the forces to your helmet in a crash, even far less force, like the wind when riding at speed on the highway, can turn an ill fitting helmet on your head, or flip your visor open when you turn your head.

IMO you are getting good advice from those advocating the goldilocks rule... there is one that will be just right.

yup i did that with the medium, the helmet slides a little bit from left to right. with the large it slides more. a size small it would probably slide even less but small is not for me because it is so tight no one can ride with it lol
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this but you can actually get thinner cheek pads from Arai. The main priority is to make sure the helmet fits your head properly (snug in the upper region of your head where your brain is) to minimize the impact during a collision.

The newer models such as the RX-Q and the Vector 2 have a 1 or 2mm layer on their cheek pads that are removable if they feel too tight.
Different helmet models fit differently, including within the same brand. Many of the current Arai models have 5mm removable foam layers on their cheek pads so you can adjust the fit of the lining. The Corsair-V, RX-Q and Vector-2 feature this. If you can fit into a medium, chances are that's the helmet you should be going with, and if it's one of those models and your biggest problem is the cheek pads, that feature should do the trick for correcting the fit.

If the helmet is significantly uncomfortable, then that model is not for you. Yeah, maybe it has cool graphics but what would that matter if you're dead?
yup i did that with the medium, the helmet slides a little bit from left to right. with the large it slides more. a size small it would probably slide even less but small is not for me because it is so tight no one can ride with it lol

FYI I fit an Arai XS. :cool:
is this really how they test helmets?

Yes, they put a dummy head inside with load sensors. There are limts to how much acceleration is allowed to be transmitted to the head during the tests. Sudden and severe acceleration is how the damage is done, and a loose helmet allows more of it.
yup i did that with the medium, the helmet slides a little bit from left to right. with the large it slides more. a size small it would probably slide even less but small is not for me because it is so tight no one can ride with it lol

Holy cr** it sounds like you need a size small, not medium! If your head fits inside and it doesn't cause you pain, that is the best size for you.
When I bought my X11 in medium, the cheek pads were so tight that if I opened my mouth, I would be biting my cheeks when I closed it.

Over time, it loosens up/forms to your head. Now it is comfortable for me to ride with on the street. It is even still comfortable while wearing a mouth guard on the track.
Go to the store and put the helmet on. Wear it for 10 minutes. If within that time you get a headache (and if the helmet is too tight or has weird pressure spots you WILL get a headache), then move one size up. Also grab the chin guard and see how far you can turn the helmet around. If the helmet moves side to side in the store by more than 5mm-1cm, by the time it breaks in it'll end up like a salad bowl on your head.

The other posters are right, even within the same manufacturer's line there are variances in size and fit. In my case Shoei seems to fit my head shape best. But in the TZR and RF1000 I am a Medium, while in the RF1100 I am a Large. I tried the RF1100 in Medium, and it felt snug but after about 5 minutes I suddenly had an urge to rip it off my head. :D
Holy cr** it sounds like you need a size small, not medium! If your head fits inside and it doesn't cause you pain, that is the best size for you.

Agreed 100%

When I bought my most recent helmet the medium was a good fit but it didn't really squish my cheeks. When I measured my head I was perfectly in between the two sizes. I couldn't get the small on my head at all and I really tried to force it... but if I could have, that's the once I would have bought.
pardon my ignorance, but die from what? i know it's worst case scenario. would a person die from the helmet flying off his head upon impact? has this ever happened and documented?

Well, your head will accelerate inside the helmet for that extra second-fraction, from the slack of the helmet fitting loosely. This puts more abrupt accel/decel forces through the head by the time it makes contact with the padding & forces the padding to do proportionally more of the job than it was tested & designed to withstand. Often times, the helmet padding and interior structure may not be able to bridge these physics-aspects. This could kill you or leave you with a severe head trauma injury. It's called CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), which you can do a google of.

Consequently, the helmet coming off due to poor sizing is not the only concern!
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yup i did that with the medium, the helmet slides a little bit from left to right. with the large it slides more. a size small it would probably slide even less but small is not for me because it is so tight no one can ride with it lol

sounds like you need a different model that fits better.
On Arai they should have smaller cheek pads that would customize the fit for you.
A loose helmet in a fall, will keep your skull from splitting open.
A proper fitting helmet, will keep your brains from being scrambled, may get a minor concussion, but the foam will play buffer and decelerometer.

I have tested one helmet to its fullest, it works, still alive, all medical staff shook their heads that I was even conscientious, they where expecting me to be an organ donor.
Try a Shark branded helmet too. They've got ridges inside the helmet to absorb impact.

As for loose helmets, it'll scramble your brain like the poster said above.

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