Did the SS1000. My all Canadian route was Toronto -> 400N -> Sudbury ->17/417E -> Ottawa -> 416S/401E -> Montreal -> 401W -> Toronto
Wrote a magazine article about it:
WRITTen BY Gene Lee PHoTo WRITTen BY Gene Lee PHoToGRaPHS BY WILL Lau anD kaM nonG 5:48AM – Mile 0: toronto I slide in my credit card
The city-to-city route is almost exactly 1600 kms, so in order to bump the route up to 1000 miles, I got gas in the East Montreal suburb of Repentigny before heading back to TO. Total mileage by Google Maps was something like 1640 kms.
This was not ideal. I got stuck for 30 minutes in rush hour traffic in Montreal, which is just as bad if not worse than Toronto. Still managed the entire thing in 17 hours 53 minutes including a half hour break for lunch and leisurely stops (not F1 pitstops).
Knowing what I know now, what I'd do is modify the route above and instead of going through Montreal, I'd add a dogleg (dogtail?) to the gas station just outside of Espanola, just west of Sudbury.
Input these gas stations into Google Maps:
331 ON-17, McKerrow, ON P0P 1M0 (Esso)
Petro-Canada, 855 Chem. Saint-Féréol, Les Cèdres, Quebec J7T 1E9
And you'll get the route which bypasses Montreal and gets you just a shade over 1000 miles.