Internet troll gets jail time



An “internet troll” in Britain has been sentenced to 18 weeks in jail after posting derogatory statements about dead people. Sean Duffy, 25, was also banned from using social networking sites.
[h=2]Man gets jail for bullying the dead[/h] A recent case of internet bullying, or “trolling,” has resulted in a stay in jail for the perpetrator. Sean Duffy, a 25-year-old Englishman, was sentenced to 18 weeks in jail for his Facebook and YouTube activities, according to The Guardian. Duffy was fond of mocking deceased teenagers. He made vicious comments about four deceased individuals since September 2010. He also uploaded videos on YouTube mocking at least two of the deceased people he targeted.
[h=3]Mocking a suicide victim[/h] One of the instances of “trolling” that put him in the spotlight was when he posted a comment on the Facebook tribute page for Natasha MacBryde. Natasha, 15, committed suicide after being bullied at school and on a social networking site. She was killed when she was struck by a train near her home on Feb. 13, according to the Daily Mail. Duffy posted “I fell asleep on the tracks lolz” on a the page. Several days later, he uploaded a video to YouTube with Natasha’s face superimposed onto the children’s show character “Thomas the Tank Engine” dubbing it “Tasha the Tank Engine.”
[h=3]Duffy’s targets were strangers[/h] Duffy also created a Facebook group mocking Lauren Drew, a 14-year-old girl who died of complications from an epileptic seizure. Other targets included Hayley Bates, a 16-year-old girl killed in a car crash in September 2010. He created a fake account for Bates, including a photo of flowers placed at the site of her fatal accident with the caption “used car for sale, one useless owner,” according to the Daily Mail. He also targeted Jordan Cooper, a 14-year-old boy whose uncle stabbed him to death in February, with a “tribute” page called “Jordan in pieces.”
Last year, Duffy’s attorney said Duffy suffers from Asperger’s syndrome. Duffy was given an ASBO, or Anti-Social Behavioral Order, banning him from using social networking sites like Facebook for five years. He must notify police if he buys a phone that can access the internet. Duffy did not know any of the people he made comments about.
[h=3]Trolling has consequences[/h] Others have gone to jail for trolling. Colm Cross of Manchester, U.K., was given 18 weeks last year for comments on tribute pages for Jade Goody, the deceased reality TV celebrity, and John Paul Massey, a young boy killed by a dog, according to the BBC.
In the U.S., prosecuting “cyber bullying” and “cyber stalking” is slightly more difficult. Civil cases have had some success. Jason Fortuny, the man who conducted the notorious “Craigslist experiment,” which elicited and published responses to a fake Craigslist personal ad, was ordered to pay one of his victims $74,252.56, according to CitizenMediaLaw. The state of Louisiana enacted a law in 2010, according to, a Shreveport, La. CBS affiliate, making cyber-bullying a misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in jail.
Good of them to charge the troll.
I don't mind the occasional troll that doesn't cause anybody any harm but what this Sean Duffy person was doing was very disturbing and highly disrespectful.

I hope his experiences in jail force the troll right out of him...
"in jail after posting derogatory statements"???

Then half the internet would be needed to be put in jail.
Sounds like the internet equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church - taking it a bit too far.
Kid needs help thats for sure, but i still dont see how you can place someone in jail for "disrespectful" internet posting....
So this kid goes to jail for making some sick jokes ??? thats more disturbing that what he wrote.

holy ****, dont fear the ban hammer, now the mods can get you arrested !
So this kid goes to jail for making some sick jokes ??? thats more disturbing that what he wrote.

holy ****, dont fear the ban hammer, now the mods can get you arrested !

Actually, he offended the ethics and/or morals of the justice system in the U.K. (understanding that some of you will argue that any justice system should be devoid of anything so subjective and stick to the cold hard facts, but that's not how the world works, especially a nanny state like the U.K.) - now he pays the price for it.

Appears it doesn't pay to be an e-thug over there.

Hmm, he actually looks like a troll. What has the world come too, when someone calls you a name online, and you can't stomach it so you send them to jail ?. Anyone that trolls, you just gotta remember, they are wasting their time doing it, and if they are, obviously they have nothing important worth doing in their lives.
Anyone who would support this type of punishment for this brain dead and stupid activity needs their heads examined... BIG TIME!
Good of them to charge the troll.
I don't mind the occasional troll that doesn't cause anybody any harm but what this Sean Duffy person was doing was very disturbing and highly disrespectful.

Really??? How about just ignoring the idiot?
The guy obviously has issues and should get some help for them but what the hell was he charged with? Under no circumstances should we be putting people in jail for hurting feelings or being insensitive

I honestly expect nothing less from the UK, that country has been going downhill for a while now. Ironically enough, if you are from a minority group and you riot in the street nothing happens...
The guy obviously has issues and should get some help for them but what the hell was he charged with? Under no circumstances should we be putting people in jail for hurting feelings or being insensitive

I honestly expect nothing less from the UK, that country has been going downhill for a while now. Ironically enough, if you are from a minority group and you riot in the street nothing happens...
Wait a minute? You dont agree with their laws? You are a law abiding citizen or a TERRORIST! GET HIM!
The guy obviously has issues and should get some help for them but what the hell was he charged with? Under no circumstances should we be putting people in jail for hurting feelings or being insensitive

I honestly expect nothing less from the UK, that country has been going downhill for a while now. Ironically enough, if you are from a minority group and you riot in the street nothing happens...

But if your white and rioting in the UK you get the book thrown at you???
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