lol your tactic to answer data is "so what".
Sure, Turbo... so what? In all sincerity - do you really think about this when cruising our roads? I would trade our system for theirs in a heartbeat - heck, I'd pay $2k per year in extra road/drivers license "taxes" if I was allowed to drive on such roads (over here) with freedom of speed. I would presume millions of bikers would too... (now, just to be fair, I don't think unlimited speed is safe at all - 200/300 km/h is truly to dangerous by ANY standards, as speed differentials become way too extreme).
The point is, as I tried to explain a few posts above, vast majority of drivers are not concerned with the fact that 3 more people might die PER BILLION KMs. It really is a very low number. Many European countries do not enforce highway speed limits at all - it's basically permitted to drive 160-180 with rather small penalties if caught (and still, you just won't ever get caught) - yet, nobody fears driving on those roads, casualties are not lined up on the shoulders and most drivers are simply cruising happily at 130-140 with no fear of a ticket... Statistics can paint a HORRIBLY WRONG PICTURE of what actually happens on the roads... And those countries that I have in mind have a much higher casualty rate (>15 per billion), yet you can't ever see it, neither nobody is really afraid. The lane etiquette is better and the road flows quite in a very "civilized way". I have driven on those highways, just in case you say I am speculating... I can guarantee you (if I had funds for this campaign and could buy you a ticket to fly there to ride), that you'd have one of the most memorable experiences of your life (that is of course if you like going faster than 105 km/h). Read ANY accounts from people who have visited Germany and driven the autobahns - upon return to their home countries (US, Canada) they almost feel "imprisoned" the moment they step on the gas.
The point is, as I tried to explain a few posts above, vast majority of drivers are not concerned with the fact that 3 more people might die PER BILLION KMs.
Ask the families of those 3 extra victims per year if they're 'concerned about it'. You're now openly advocating for increased fatality rates just to drive a bit faster. Any credibility you may have had (which wasn't much to begin with) is surely gone at this point.
Slightly more fatalities? Ontario 4.2 vs Germany 7.2 fatalities per billion km driven is "slightly more"? Percentage-wise, Germany's fatality rate is over 71% higher per km driven than Ontario's. In real terms, that is a LOT higher fatality rate.
Canada is 8.2 vs Germany 7.2 .... I'm sure some state in Germany could match the Ont. number.
Germany population 82 mill vs Canada 34 mill
German hwy system k's 12,819 km, Canada 38,000k's Ontario 6800k's
Ask the families of those 3 extra victims per year if they're 'concerned about it'. You're now openly advocating for increased fatality rates just to drive a bit faster. Any credibility you may have had (which wasn't much to begin with) is surely gone at this point.
Slightly more fatalities? Ontario 4.2 vs Germany 7.2 fatalities per billion km driven is "slightly more"? Percentage-wise, Germany's fatality rate is over 71% higher per km driven than Ontario's. In real terms, that is a LOT higher fatality rate.
That's just it. It's not just "3" extra victims but 3 extra victims per billion km driven. That number seems small, but it is still a 71% increase over our present fatality rate, and an increase that would claim an additional 400 or more Ontario traffic fatalities each year over and above what we have now. I wonder how the public would react on hearing that sort of news in the media.
"Any" 400 series highway?![]()
Can't see pic at work!
One poster appears to think that "a few" more deaths are worth it to be able to have Autobahn speeds here. That's what that comment was in response to.Turbo, how can you compare a country with 100 km/h speed limit and UNLIMITED speed? I know you may not have been the one who began that, but this is a clear misrepresentation. Nobody claims that UNLIMITED speed is safe. If a car flying at 250km/h is passing another one at 130, we're talking 120 km/h speed differential.
Do you really think that average travel speeds won't rise with a rise in speed limit? Do you really think that suddenly the "tolerance" for speeding stops will become zero, and that the cops will start issuing tickets at 121 kmph in a 120 kmph speed limity zone? Of course not. The defacto speed limit would rise instantly and there would be plenty enough who would travel at ever increasing speeds. And when they crash, their increasing speed will carry with it an exponential increase in crash forces, crash severity and damage, and injury severity and death.if speed limit was set at 150, do you think most would drive at 170? Of course not... I really cannot make this any simpler - so if ANYTHING that I've just stated makes any remote sense to you (go drive around if you don't believe me), then NO, casualty rates are not going to increase to the completely baseless numbers you have come up here above.
Can't see pic at work!
It's a printout from a GPS tracking program showing someone doing 152 kmh on the 407 at 7:51 am.