In Toronto? Really?!!

The Christian bible instructs a man to cut off a woman's hand if she intervenes in a fight between 2 men.

Just playing devils advocate.

I guess by your logic the overwhelming majority of Christians follow those rules as well, as well as the other crazy ones from my previous response which you have conveniently ignored.

Am I suggesting that there's not more crazies in one religion vs the other? Am I defending Islam, or suggesting it's not screwed up in many fashions? Nope. Hell nope. Nope x1000. Islam has some big issues, but What I am calling BS on is your suggestions (near "statements", actually) suggesting that the majority are as you suggest. There's a huge well of evidence to the contrary, despite the fact you don't want to acknowledge it. If you look at the stats (I know, scary stuff) broken down to this side of the pond, there are about 5.7 million people that follow Islam in North America, however short of a few crazies here and there (this video case in point), the facts show a blatant lack of evidence backing up your assertations that all of them follow their book letter for letter and condone the activities you suggest as basically a daily occurrence.

Again, facts. If yours were right there would be a nonstop stream of news coverage on the issues. Fox News would be all over it like a fat kid on a bag of M&M's....hell, they'd probably setup a whole new channel specific to coverage of it!

Continue with your preconceived notions not based on fact though. Much like talking science and facts to an Anti-Vaxxer, talking facts is probably a waste of time here.

Im going to guess you were a Harper supporter, all excited about the "Barbaric Cultural Practices" hotline phone number he was going to setup. Much like his entire election platform, all hot air and statements, little or no facts to back them up.

Clearly you didn't read my post and were more excited about replying to what what you thought i said, rather than what i actually said.

I said these religions are violent but most people who follow them are not because they dont actually follow these books to the text.

Read my comment again.

And no, sorry to go against your presumptions but not only i wasnt a fan of Harper, i created 2-3 threads here in GTAM against what he was doing (Bill C-51, 24, TPP and...)

So you replied to your own presumptions not what i said or who i support.

Again, ill make it as clear as i can. Yes, these religions are violent and intolerant towards any resistance. Most people who identify with these religions are NOT because most of these people have not even read their own holy books in its entirety.

Im an atheist and ive read the Quran in its full text and thats more than i can say about most of my Muslim friends (based on their own admission).

Lastly, they are all crazy ideologies that lead to bloodshed and Christianity has a pretty bloody history. But in our time (which is more relevant IMO), it is Islam that is the most active religion and causes the most damage/killing in the word.
Ban all the religion

Would I rather live in a Christian nation or a Muslim one? Yeah, argument over.
Would I rather live in a Christian nation or a Muslim one? Yeah, argument over.
Id prefer the atheist one. If it had spent the last 2000 years being atheist, itd be ahead of everyone
My hope is that all the religious people will kill each other to prove their religion is superior. Then all the sane people will live happily ever after.
My hope is that all the religious people will kill each other to prove their religion is superior. Then all the sane people will live happily ever after.
As a quote once went, "People don't see the irony in killing each other over what happens when we die"
there are about 5.7 million people that follow Islam in North America, however short of a few crazies here and there (this video case in point), the facts show a blatant lack of evidence backing up your assertations that all of them follow their book letter for letter and condone the activities you suggest as basically a daily occurrence.

There are 7 extremists in this pic. The rest are moderates.

Does anyone find it strange that Atheists fancy themselves as Superlative Biblical Scholars?
PP, not sure if I understand the direction of your replies but just in case you didn't know, the term "Abrahamic religion" is going to, by definition, include all of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Countering criticisms of Abrahamic religions by pointing out the atrocities called out in Leviticus or pointing out Christian pogroms and witch burning is sort of self-defeating.

If you haven't already I urge you guys to study up on Christopher Hitchens' views on the whole of religion. It makes for wonderful viewing (e.g. YT vids) and great reads (e.g. "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything".)
My hope is that all the religious people will kill each other to prove their religion is superior. Then all the sane people will live happily ever after.

yeah, then you get ethnic groups killing each other because they may think differently. Hate extends a lot further than just religion.
You could not be MORE wrong :)

Don't ban it, TAX it. Balanced budgets and infrastructure in the short term, death of religion in the long term (when people get sick of paying the tax).

Everybody wins!

Not going too happen. More than a few churches, especially the Christian fundamentalist ones, already tithe their congregants to the tune of as much as 10% of income or more, payable in installments every week at service. Those churches aren't losing their faithful, and if anything it's those churches that are growing in size relative to the less "rigorous" denominations.
I don't agree with anything I've read so far. Also, why do these religion arguments never get resolved? Need more time?
It's all about control. Whether it's a Priest or an Imam raping a 9 year old girl or buggering a young boy, or killing or mutating people with a different opinion or life style

Really, Not much different than how the drug cartels or organized crime operates.
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