In Toronto? Really?!!


Muslim man in Toronto says who cares about Canadian law and he only cares about Sharia law!

He defends having sexual relations with a 9 yr old gilr, yes NINE yr old girl because Islam allowed it and his prophet married one!!!!

He defends punishing and killing of those who isult his prophet!!

All this openly in our own streets!!!

WHAT THE SERIOUS EFF is going on in Canada!?!!!

Wrong forum. is for you!

This is a GTAM forum(that T stands for Toronto in case you didnt know) and inside the Romper Room which is for topcs not necessarily related to bikes. Dont think youre aware of this. Maybe spend less time on 4chan and more time paying attention!

And no i dont need anonymity for being worried about adult males in Toronto defending having sex with 9 yr old girls. We all have sister, daughters, nieces and this is a big deal to me! But if you think this is ok, i hope cops knock on your door very soon!!!
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It's kinda weird that I can't find any mention of this guy post-2012
It's kinda weird that I can't find any mention of this guy post-2012

yeah i looked him up to and tried to see if he was charged with anything but didnt find much either.
I really hope someone is looking into this. people (doesnt matter of what religion) shouldnt go around and promote such barbaric practices in Canada or anywhere really.
attention seeker?
mental health issues?
nothing better to do?
on drugs?

just some possible angles
Every religion has their whackjobs, often coupled with several additional angles from the previous response above. Face it, this is just some crazy on a street corner blurting crap. Lots of those around, many of the Christian sort.

Paying any attention to them, no matter what the religion or "cause", just gives them the attention they so desperately desire. Ignoring them, and if necessary, letting the law deal with them, serves a greater good.

Just ignore idiots like this and they go away, kinda like he did after the attention wore off. He probably had a few visits from either the boys in blue, or some men in black uniforms...and decided he'd better shut up before he found himself in a cell with a guy named Bubba.
What the **** does that have to do with the price of tea in China
I do not think anyone is shocked or surprised that an Abrahamic Religion (all of them) has people that think their imaginary friend supports child molestation. They are all the same, full stop. They all also support and actively participate in genocide, etc. It is what they do, their imaginary friend tells them to do it.

Yet they all say they are different from the others that are exactly the same, funny stuff.
Can't wait for sharia law so I can rape a few ladies if they dress too slutty
I do not think anyone is shocked or surprised that an Abrahamic Religion (all of them) has people that think their imaginary friend supports child molestation. They are all the same, full stop. They all also support and actively participate in genocide, etc. It is what they do, their imaginary friend tells them to do it.

Saywhat? Pretty broad swaths your paintbrush is painting, there....

Go read Deuteronomy (Holy Bible, in case you aren't aware the reference) 21:18-21 and chew on that for a bit. Or remember, the shirt you're wearing is probably a sin according to Leviticus 19:19.

Your off the wall suggestion that all religious people of your chosen scorn are crazies is about as valid as taking the above statements from Christianity (to list but two of the many crazy things in their book) and suggesting that all Christians are equally as crazy. Some are, but that's another story - most are most certainly not.

Religion as a whole is messed up, but that doesn't mean that every person who chooses to follow their chosen flavor is automatically a psycho just because of something in their magic book. Much the same as most Christians choose not to take slaves (Leviticus 25:44-46), gladly eat shellfish and bacon, most of the "abrahamic religion" do not believe or partake in the crazy **** in their book either.
Saywhat? Pretty broad swaths your paintbrush is painting, there....

Go read Deuteronomy (Holy Bible, in case you aren't aware the reference) 21:18-21 and chew on that for a bit. Or remember, the shirt you're wearing is probably a sin according to Leviticus 19:19.

Your off the wall suggestion that all religious people of your chosen scorn are crazies is about as valid as taking the above statements from Christianity (to list but two of the many crazy things in their book) and suggesting that all Christians are equally as crazy. Some are, but that's another story - most are most certainly not.

Religion as a whole is messed up, but that doesn't mean that every person who chooses to follow their chosen flavor is automatically a psycho just because of something in their magic book. Much the same as most Christians choose not to take slaves (Leviticus 25:44-46), gladly eat shellfish and bacon, most of the "abrahamic religion" do not believe or partake in the crazy **** in their book either.

BS, yes they do. It is all the same. They all say it is only the few. They all say the other one is evil because of the few, yet they ignore their own few.

Then they quote certain verses of their books, and ignore the others that tell them the rules for selling their daughters, the ones telling them genocide is righteous if not required. Then they ignore their history, burning innocent women as witches, stoning homosexuals for being different and offending their imaginary friend, enslaving minorities because the book says you can. So on and so forth... or have Christians not burned witches, have your clergy not raped boys and girls, have you Christians not married girls to men by force, have you not stoned homosexuals, have you not "owned" slaves... shocking some still do all of this! Yet some will say that is not us...yet your book demands it--so it is written, so it is done.

I guess some just only believe in the book when it suits them, and not when it doesn't. How does that all work out judgement day?
Muslim man in Toronto says who cares about Canadian law and he only cares about Sharia law!

He defends having sexual relations with a 9 yr old gilr, yes NINE yr old girl because Islam allowed it and his prophet married one!!!!

He defends punishing and killing of those who isult his prophet!!

All this openly in our own streets!!!

WHAT THE SERIOUS EFF is going on in Canada!?!!!

He can defend what he wants as long as he doesn't do it.

If he does it, I'd much rather he do it in Canada than the Middle East so we can jail his *** and restrict his freedoms for the rest of his life.
Im glad to see most people here understand Abrahimic religions beyond what we are allowed to say by the PC police.

Anyone who thinks these religions are good at their cores and its only a few bad apples that are extremists are either wilfully ignorant or havn't read their holy books.

People can interpret religions however they want and thats not on religion. But when the undisputed holy books of these religions clearly and repeatedly call for violence and punishment of those outside of that specific religion, you can no longer say its just a few people. Its in these books andif anyone really doesnt believe this, just google violent verses of Quran or Bible... You wont like what you see because the text itself very clearly orders its followers to spread the word of that specific god and to isolate and eliminate any resistance.

For example, Quran directly tells that me are in charge of women and if they dont follow, their husbands can hit them, strike them.

Now of course most people who identify with these religions are not hitting their wives and killing none religious people but some are. And those who are not, are the people who are not following these "holy" texts and basically make up whatever version of that religion they want. They follow whatever they think makes sense and whatever doesnet gets ignore. Which renders the idea of having an all knowing god telling you what do to, pointless. How can you say this god knows everthing and is omniponent, yet he is wrong on items A,F,G and Y? Either he is the creatoe or isnt.

Using your brain to decide whats good and whats not is what all agnostics, atheists do. They think for themselves and decide whether an action is right or wrong.

To summarize, there religions are inherently violent. Most of their "followers" are not because they make up their own mashup of modern life mentality with old texts and make up their own version of that religion.

But lastly, people who think and promote these barbaric practices should be closely watched because i dont want any 9 year old girl.boy get raped and AFTER, we punish these people. Once the damage is done, its done. Watch them, keep an eye on them and if they act on this nonesuch, jail/deport their *****!
The Christian bible instructs a man to cut off a woman's hand if she intervenes in a fight between 2 men.

Just playing devils advocate.

I guess by your logic the overwhelming majority of Christians follow those rules as well, as well as the other crazy ones from my previous response which you have conveniently ignored.

Am I suggesting that there's not more crazies in one religion vs the other? Am I defending Islam, or suggesting it's not screwed up in many fashions? Nope. Hell nope. Nope x1000. Islam has some big issues, but What I am calling BS on is your suggestions (near "statements", actually) suggesting that the majority are as you suggest. There's a huge well of evidence to the contrary, despite the fact you don't want to acknowledge it. If you look at the stats (I know, scary stuff) broken down to this side of the pond, there are about 5.7 million people that follow Islam in North America, however short of a few crazies here and there (this video case in point), the facts show a blatant lack of evidence backing up your assertations that all of them follow their book letter for letter and condone the activities you suggest as basically a daily occurrence.

Again, facts. If yours were right there would be a nonstop stream of news coverage on the issues. Fox News would be all over it like a fat kid on a bag of M&M's....hell, they'd probably setup a whole new channel specific to coverage of it!

Continue with your preconceived notions not based on fact though. Much like talking science and facts to an Anti-Vaxxer, talking facts is probably a waste of time here.

Im going to guess you were a Harper supporter, all excited about the "Barbaric Cultural Practices" hotline phone number he was going to setup. Much like his entire election platform, all hot air and statements, little or no facts to back them up.
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