For those following this thread, there is a bigger message.
it can be cash, dog chow, spare time. There are literally hundreds of ways to do a little good, it doesn't take much to effect change.
Some things I learned in that last year. A lot of schools do not have enough easy reading books for the speech pathologists to help kids with pronounciation, lots for the better readers.
Most schools in "challenge" areas run a breakfast program, those areas are NOT where you think they are.
Cancer in one way or another will effect ALL of us, directly , a friend or a relative.
There are never enough volunteer coaches for minor sport.
Scouting never has enough leaders that can put a tent up
Big brothers/ sisters does good work
So heres a plan, when your asked at CTC/ chapters, Indigo, The grocery store to give to the love reading, lunch, jump start, say NO THANKS. because they avoid thousands in corporate taxes by pooling your money.
But keep track of being asked and direct that money in an amount that will get you a tax reciept. YOU win and THEY win.
For your time you are on your own, but since I became involved in a few things with spare time, one of the biggest needs is time.