I'm a Tough Mudder

油井緋色;1871427 said:
Holy **** I forgot about that. I was so into trying to make it through that it wasn't until I finished...I realized...so many fit and hot women compared to the whales you see everyday.
Like you are hoping to see whales getting dirty!
Speaking of fit women, the canfit pro convention just ended and the trade show was on Saturday.. Lots of fit bodies.... Some of them crossfit chicks got some thick thighs. Me like.
Once again ... pictures plz

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油井緋色;1871138 said:
The only thing that will prepare you for this is long d running. I made the stupid mistake of doing mostly strength exercises for the last year. My gf, who's much lighter than me and more cardiovascular focused, could have finished at least 1 hour ahead of my friend and I; both of us were limping due to muscle seizures (if you don't know what this is, take a towel, and twist it really hard, now imagine that on your muscle).

It's true - work on your cardio, people! I was kind of scared that I barely trained in the past couple of months since I started riding, and I found there were a lot of benefits of being a 5'2" girl that is more cardiovascular based than strength-training based. I out-ran a lot of buff guys and I just plain crawled under a lot of the barbed wire and in the tunnels rather than properly leopard-crawling. The only time I properly leopard-crawled was the Electric-Eel obstacle, I didn't get shocked once (but I payed for it in the last obstacle).

I might do this next year if I get more friends into it. I tried the spartan race this year and it was fun! Definitely need to do way more hill runs for training.

Even if you don't get a lot of friends into it, you should do it anyway! Tough Mudder's mantra insisted on the teamwork and camaraderie. I did this solo, and grateful for the help along the way. And I would insist on hill training with a weighted vest.

Can I get a Hoorah!? congrats to everyone who finished! anyone considering it next year...DO IT! tons of fun, camaraderie and fit women!

and fit men! holy abs, batman.
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